RussiaToday | February 24, 2010
"On 9/11, the world watched as two airplanes crashed into the twin towers of the world trade center, both of which collapsed shortly after. This much we know for sure, but for some, the cause of the collapse is still not so clear. Michael T Donly is a part of a group that says the two planes that hit the WTC twin towers could not have destroyed them."
RussiaToday | February 11, 2010
New picture releases are shedding light on September 11th, some say they prove that the assault on America proves a homegrown attack. The new photos are provided by US national institute of standards and technology. There are over 2,000 new photos that have been made public. Manny Badillo says that you see an explosion from the inside, not what it has seemed to be, he says there has never been a building taken down by a plane.
RussiaToday | March 02, 2010
The question isn't who or why anymore so much as how. How could 200 thousand tonnes of steel have dropped to the ground in under 11 seconds because of a fire? Over a thousand engineers and architects say it simlpy couldn't, not the way it happened on September 11, and now they want a new investigation. Tim King has been following this issue in quite some time.
911TruthVideos | May 28, 2009
Richard Gage, member of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, is interviewed on KMPH Fox 26 in Fresno, California, about the events of September 11, 2001. He has been an architect for over twenty years, and is experienced in steel structures. He, as well as 700 other architects and engineers, calls for a more thorough investigation into the collapses of the World Trade Center Buildings.
RussiaToday | February 15, 2010
The US government does not want to have public 9/11 trials in a civilian court. Officials are doing their best to bring Khalid Sheik Mohammed to military tribunal. Manny Badillo had an uncle who was murdered by the 9/11 terrorist attack and now works for we are change. Badillo believes that the trial should be public because he says it is the only way to get the evidence out there for the public to see.
foghaze | July 04, 2007
"Rare Pentagon 9-11 Surveilence Camera Video of Impact. Does not seem to indicate a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon. Doesn't show much of anything. Why won't they show us a 757 hitting the Pentagon?": This video was made by nufffrespects
NanoThermite911 | March 03, 2009
"Who's Lying? NIST and conspirators eager to cover-up their crimes or the FDNY?
Smoking Gun Proof :
Peer Reviewed Primary Article confirms Thermite was Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe
Primary Article Source :
Marvin Bush sat on the Board of Directors for Stratasec/Securacom which ran electronic security at the World Trade Center during the 9 month elevator renovation that was done on the buildings by Ace Elevator Co. elevator-usat_x.htm =ace_elevator_1
During this time it was not only conceivable but also reported that there were strange noisy workers inside the buildings operating on the empty maintenance floors. Look up William Rodriguez, Ben Fountain, and Scott Forbes if you need witnesses to this as well as the power down and evacuation drills being conducted the weekend before 9/11.
Rudy Giuliani's FEMA Command Bunker covers the "reconstruction" in WTC 7 and Barry Jennings is our Star Witness for what happened there.
Through the elevator shafts access can be gained to 4 foot crawl spaces between floors where explosives could have been planted without workers in the buildings realizing it or seeing what was going on. They also shifted tennants around often enough that they could hide the work from the occupancy (which was an all time low)"
Smoking Gun Proof :
Peer Reviewed Primary Article confirms Thermite was Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe
Primary Article Source :
Marvin Bush sat on the Board of Directors for Stratasec/Securacom which ran electronic security at the World Trade Center during the 9 month elevator renovation that was done on the buildings by Ace Elevator Co.
During this time it was not only conceivable but also reported that there were strange noisy workers inside the buildings operating on the empty maintenance floors. Look up William Rodriguez, Ben Fountain, and Scott Forbes if you need witnesses to this as well as the power down and evacuation drills being conducted the weekend before 9/11.
Rudy Giuliani's FEMA Command Bunker covers the "reconstruction" in WTC 7 and Barry Jennings is our Star Witness for what happened there.
Through the elevator shafts access can be gained to 4 foot crawl spaces between floors where explosives could have been planted without workers in the buildings realizing it or seeing what was going on. They also shifted tennants around often enough that they could hide the work from the occupancy (which was an all time low)"