Friday, July 29, 2011

Lies of the Libyan War

Lies of the Libyan War


As exposed here on CounterPunch the lies used to justify the NATO war against Libya have surpassed those created to justify the invasion of Iraq. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch both had honest observers on the ground for months following the rebellion in eastern Libya and both have repudiated every major charge used to justify the NATO war on Libya.

According to the Amnesty observer, who is fluent in Arabic, there is not one confirmed instance of rape by the pro-Gadaffi fighters, not even a doctor who knew of one. All the Viagra mass rape stories were fabrications.

Amnesty could not verify a single "African mercenary" fighting for Gaddafi story, and the highly charged international satellite television accounts of African mercenaries raping women that were used to panic much of the eastern Libyan population into fleeing their homes were fabrications.

There were no confirmed accounts of helicopter gun ships attacking civilians and no jet fighters bombing people which completely invalidates any justification for the No-Fly Zone inSecurity Council resolution used as an excuse for NATO to launch its attacks on Libya.

After three months on the ground in rebel controlled territory, the Amnesty investigator could only confirm 110 deaths in Benghazi which included Gadaffi supporters.
Only 110 dead in Benghazi? Wait a minute, we were told thousands had died there, ten thousand even. No, only 110 lost their lives including pro-government people.

No rapes, no African mercenaries, no helicopter gun ships or bombers, and only 110 ten deaths prior to the launch of the NATO bombing campaign, every reason was based on a lie.

Today according to the Libyan Red Crescent Society, over 1,100 civilians have been killed by NATO bombs including over 400 women and children. Over 6,000 Libyan civilians have been injured or wounded by the bombing, many very seriously.

Compared to the war on Iraq, these numbers are tiny, but the reasons for the Libyan war have no merit in any form.
Saddam Hussein was evil, he invaded his neighbors in wars that killed up to a million. He used Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD's) in the form of poison gas on both his neighbors and his own people, killing tens of thousands. He was brutal and corrupt and when American tanks rolled into Iraq the Iraqi people refused to fight for him, simply put their weapons down and went home.

Libya under Col. Gadaffi hasn't invaded their neighbors. Gadaffi never used WMD's on anyone, let alone his own people. As for Gadaffi being brutal, in Libya's neighbor Algeria, the Algerian military fought a counterinsurgency for a decade in the 1990's that witnessed the deaths of some 200,000 Algerians. Now that is brutal and nothing anywhere near this has happened in Libya.

In Egypt and Tunisia, western puppets like Mubarak and Ben Ali had almost no support amongst their people with few if anyone willing to fight and die to defend them.

The majority of the Libyan people are rallying behind the Libyan government and "the leader", Muammar Gadaffi, with over one million people demonstrating in support on July 1 in Tripoli, the capital of Libya. Thousands of Libyan youth are on the front lines fighting the rebels and despite thousands of NATO air strikes authentic journalists on the ground in western Libya report their morale remains high.

In Egypt the popular explosion that resulted in the Army seizing power from Mubarak began in the very poorest neighborhoods in Cairo and other Egyptian cities where the price of basic food items like bread, sugar and cooking oil had skyrocketed and lead to widespread hunger. In many parts of Egypt's poor neighborhoods gasoline/benzene is easier to find then clean drinking water. Medical care and education is only for those with the money to pay for it. Life for the people of Tunisia is not that much better.

In contrast, the Libyan people have the longest life expectancy in the Arab world. The Libyan people have the best, free public health system in the Arab world. The Libyan people have the best, free public education system in the Arab world. Most Libyan families own their own home and most Libyan families own their own automobile. Libya is so much better off then its neighbors every year tens of thousands of Egyptians and Tunisians migrated to Libya to earn money to feed their families, doing the dirty work the Libyan people refused to do.

When it comes to how Gadaffi oversaw a dramatic rise in the standard of living for the Libyan people despite decades of UN inSecurity Council sanctions against the Libyan economy honest observers acknowledge that Gadaffi stands head and shoulders above the kings, sheiks, emirs and various dictators who rule the rest of the Arab world.

So why did NATO launch this war against Libya?

First of all Gadaffi was on the verge of creating a new banking system in Africa that was going to put the IMF, World Bank and assorted other western banksters out of business in Africa. No more predatory western loans used to cripple African economies, instead a $42 billion dollar African Investment Bank would be supplying major loans at little or even zero interest rates.

LIbya has funded major infrastructure projects across Africa that have begun to link up African economies and break the perpetual dependency on the western countries for imports have been taking place. Here in Eritrea the new road connecting Eritrea and Sudan is just one small example.

What seem to have finally tipped the balance in favor of direct western military intervention was the reported demand by Gadaffi that the USA oil companies who have long been major players in the Libyan petroleum industry were going to have to compensate Libya to the tune of tens of billions of dollars for the damage done to the Libyan economy by the USA instigated "Lockerbie Bombing" sanctions imposed by the UN inSecurity Council throughout the 1990's into early 2000's. This is based on the unearthing of evidence that the CIA paid millions of dollars to witnesses in the Lockerbie Bombing trial to change their stories to implicate Libya which was used as the basis for the very damaging UN sanctions against Libya. The government of the USA lied and damaged Libya so the USA oil companies were going to have to pay up to cover the cost of their governments actions. Not hard to see why Gadaffi had to go isn't it?

Add the fact that Gadaffi had signaled clearly that he saw both Libya's and Africa's future economic development linked more to China and Russia rather than the west and it was just a matter of time before the CIA's contingency plan to overthrow the Libyan government was put on the front burner.

NATO's war against Libya has much more in common with NATO's Kosovo war against Serbia. But one still cannot compare Gadaffi to Saddam or even the much smaller time criminals in the Serbian leadership. The Libyan War lies are worse than Iraq.

Thomas C. Mountain is the only independent western journalist in the Horn of Africa, living and reporting from Eritrea since 2006. He was a member of the 1st US Peace Delegation to Libya in 1987. He can be reached at:

Thursday, July 28, 2011

More Proof as to why the World Wants Gaddafi to Go

Video property of & uploaded by LibyaSOS

1. Libya is Africa's largest exporter of oil, 1.7 million tons a day, which quickly was reduced to 300-400,000 ton due to US-NATO bombing. Libya exports 80% of its oil: 80% of that to several EU lands (32% Italy, 14% Germany, 10% France); 10% China; 5% USA.
2. Gaddafi has been preparing to launch a gold dinar for oil trade with all of Africa's 200 million people and other countries interested. French President Nickola Sarkozi called this, "a threat for financial security of mankind". Much of France's wealth—more than any other colonial-imperialist power—comes from exploiting Africa.
3. Central Bank of Libya is 100% owned by state (since 1956) and is thus outside of multinational corporation control (BIS-Banking International Settlement rules for private interests). The state can finance its own projects and do so without interest rates
4. Gaddafi-Central Bank used $33 billion, without interest rates, to build the Great Man-Made River of 3,750 kilometers with three parallel pipelines running oil, gas and water supplying 70% of the people (4.5 of its 6 million) with clean drinking and irrigation water.
5. The Central Bank also financed Africa's first communication satellite with $300 million of the $377 cost. It started up for all Africa, December 26, 2007, thus saving the 45-African nations an annual fee of $500 million pocketed by Europe for use of its satellites and this means much less cost for telephones and other communication systems.

Guys, most of all, don`t take our words for it and be spoon fed, look it up and spread the truth!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Dhaka's Cholera Wars, Factory of Miracles

Cholera is a silent killer in Bangladesh but one hospital is helping to give hope to millions
a film by: Orlando de Guzman and Andrew Marshall
"The city of Dhaka is surrounded by water, but it is so polluted that very little of it is drinkable. That, plus the very poor sanitation across the city, means that the people of the Bangladeshi capital not only have to scramble daily for clean water supplies but are also regularly in danger of the silent killer that is cholera. In Dhaka's Cholera Wars filmmakers Orlando de Guzman and Andrew Marshall visit the hospital that is bringing hope to the millions vulnerable to cholera in Bangladesh and elsewhere. Here they write about the experience."

Watch video:

Monday, July 25, 2011

French Documentary: Massacre in LIbya

"...the public has a right to know and see what NATO`s humanitarian mission is all about..."

video property of & uploaded by 123VivaDjazair

"Michel Collon a well known French investigative Journalist looks into the NATO Bombing in Sorman (Libya) that killed at least 15 civilians many of them children and injured many more. (With English subtitles)
Collon demonstrates what we all suspected, that NATO knew very well that the residence of Khweldi alhamidi wasn't a military objective and that the bombing was designed to scare Libyan officials... a tactic used by Israel.This is a horrific massacre that caused the loss of many members of Alhamidi family and many of his neighbors." -123VivaDjazair

Brave Libyan girl`s message to Presidents Obama & Sarkozy

Video property of & uploaded by 123VivaDjazair

"The Libyan People are screaming but world leaders are deaf to their calls, not only do Libyans
have to endure daily bombardment, the apathy of the politicians, the deaths and destruction,
but they also have to come up face to face with with a cruel international media that is only
serving world banking Mafia and , multinational oil companies. THIS MEDIA BLACKOUT IS A CRIME AGAINST MILLIONS OF LIBYANS who are marching and demonstrating Every day across the country.
Here is the voice of one Libyan girl that will echo most Libyans perceptions about western leaders who are actively siding with terrorist rebels who have displaced tens of thousands of people, killed and tortured civilians on a massive scale. I hope this girl's call will reach the many of you because I feel as if the whole of Libya was talking through her." -123VivaDjazair

Thursday, July 21, 2011

CBSNews: Do we have any clue what we`re doing in Libya?

by: David Rieff
July 21, 2011; 9:13am

60 miles outside of Tripoli, Libyan rebels return fire to Qaddafi forces. (CBS News)
(The New Republic)
Four months after American submarines began launching missiles and U.S. pilots began flying sorties, does anyone, perhaps even including President Obama, really know what we are trying to do in Libya?

It is true that, compared to Afghanistan, a major war whose outcome is generally agreed to hang in the balance, and to Iraq, from which we have not yet completely withdrawn, and even to Somalia and Yemen, where the tempo of our counterinsurgency operations have been steadily increasing, both directly and by proxy, Libya may seem minor. But, if our military operations in that country are hardly the greatest burden our armed forces confront, they are also hardly trivial. Less than a month before he left office, outgoing Secretary of Defense Robert Gates estimated the U.S. would spend $750 million on the Libyan operation, while a Department of Defense document published in May revealed the American contribution to Operation Unified Protector involved 75 aircraft (including drones), flying 70 percent of the reconnaissance missions, 75 of refueling missions, and more than one-quarter of all air sorties. And yet, from March 28, when President Obama announced Operation United Protector’s predecessor, Operation Odyssey Dawn, until now, the fog of incoherent justification for the war has been at least as thick of the proverbial fog of war itself.
Have we gone to war? Well, no, not exactly. We were, Obama said in that first speech, “[committing] resources to stop the killings” of innocent Libyan civilians by Colonel Qaddafi’s forces. If the United States has initiated combat operations, this really amounted not to war-fighting, but to taking “all necessary measures to protect the Libyan people” and to “save lives.” And did our actions mean that the goal of the mission was regime change, Iraq- or Afghanistan-style? Not at all, the president insisted. Taking a predictable swipe at the Bush administration, he said dismissively that we had already gone “down that road in Iraq.” It was an apt metaphor, if, perhaps, unconsciously so, since regime change would have required just that: sending troops down the road, on the ground in Libya. And that, the president argued, would be far more dangerous than what he was ordering the military to do.
This may have sounded like the prudent thing, but what it was—what it is, for nothing has changed at all in this regard over the course of the past four months, even though we have officially recognized the Libyan rebels—is the incoherent, internally self-contradictory thing. We believe Qaddafi must go, and we will not...

The Media War of Lies Serving Anti-Gaddafi Regime Change

People - wake up and investigate to expose the real truth. It is the that drums the beat for war and is relied upon by everyone for its so-called 'honest" reporting. Media is the main vehicle for psychological warfare that influences everyone`s mindset. Is very dangerous to allow someone to think for you rather thinking for yourself.

(video courtesy of Wolken Zwemmer)

Libyan Rebels Caught Red-Handed with Illegal Weapons

Press conference with Libyan government spokesman Dr. Moussa Ibrahim reveals Libyan rebels were captured along with shipments of weapons from NATO and Qatari Armed forces, in clear violation of UN Resolutions against arming the rebels and Libyan sanctions.

The Qatari government is a puppet government and completely complicit in the illegal activity of arming the so-called rebels in Libya. Remember, France not so long ago had to admit it provided arms to the rebels which are all in clear violation of UN resolutions and sanctions, but its alright when NATO does it...And now with the outright robbing of $30 billion of Libyan`s sovereign money at the recent Libyan Contact group in Turkey, it will be used to "control" the so-called rebels in Benghazi as always money doled to people by the U.S. comes with strings attached.

(video courtesy of WolkenZwemmer)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Susan Lindauer: How Obama Got It (All) Wrong on Libya

Not So Fast Mr. President, How Obama Got it All Wrong on Libya and How to Fix It
by: Susan Lindauer
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

In the U.S. battle with Libya, Americans are witnessing the consequence of gutting U.S. Intelligence during the Iraqi War, when President Bush drove out CIA officers and Assets who criticized his War policy. In my case, I got slapped with the Patriot Act and thrown in prison on a Texas Military Base, while Republican leaders reinvented the entire story of my work on 9/11 and Iraqi Pre-War Intelligence. It was not pretty.
The consequences for intelligence gathering and policymaking are not pretty, either. Last week President Obama demonstrated the most stunning ignorance by declaring that Libya—of all countries— has some link to terrorism. Obama was trying to justify NATO's War against Gadhaffi's government. However his argument exposed whopping gaps in the intelligence base that his Administration has been drawing from.

This time it's not Obama's fault. When Assets got forced out by Bush and Cheney, a lot of deep knowledge got shoved out the door with us.
The good news is that those intelligence gaps can be filled quickly, and we can throw the brakes on this Libyan War at once—just like our French allies are doing at this very moment. Really it's a no-brainer.
Gadhaffi Has No Ties to Terrorism
Forget last week's histrionics. Gadhaffi burst forth in hyperbole rallying hundreds of thousands of Libyan supporters in Green Square, threatening to take his fight with NATO into Europe. But there's no saber behind that rattling. After three months of NATO bombings that have struck Libyan homes, Tripoli's famed Nassar University, the National Museum, businesses, hotels and restaurants, it was Gadhaffi's way of demanding how Europe would like it if the tables were reversed.
Gadhaffi's got no ties to terrorism. Way back in 1995, Gadhaffi became the first leader in the world to report Osama bin Laden to Interpol. Egypt posted the first arrest warrant for Bin Laden in 1996. But Libya was the very first to warn about Bin Laden's agenda. I know for a fact that Osama and Gadhaffi hated each other because Gadhaffi supports...

See New Videos of War Crimes and Victims Families on

Watch RT`s exclusive interview with Saif al-Islam Gaddafi in Tripoli (July 1, 2011) - With the war in Libya at the focal point of international relations, RT's gained access to Colonel Gaddafi's son in NATO-targeted Tripoli. Saif al-Islam thinks his country's wanted for its riches, but says the people won't let Libya fall under foreign control.

Monday, July 11, 2011

France Says NATO Bombing has Failed

Dr. Franklin P. Lamb
Global Research, France Says NATO Bombing Has Failed:
July 11, 2011

One of the jokes heard at this week’s massive pro-government Friday post prayer rally at Green Square (in most of the other Arab countries Fridays are days of rage against the government du jour, but in Libya Friday prayers are followed by massive pro-Qadaffi rallies, attended two weeks ago by close to 65% of Tripoli’s population) is about how each morning Libya’s leader, following early morning Fajr prayers dons his formal uniform, complete with those huge epaulets, and salutes the small NATO flag he tapes to his bathroom mirror as he moves from place to place dodging NATO drones and assassins.

“Our leader does this”, one young lady informed me first with a wide smile and then growing serious, “because the NATO bombing of Libyan civilians, which the US/NATO axis claims Qaddafi is doing, has caused his popularity to skyrocket among our proud and nationalist tribal people. I am one example of this. Yes, of course we can use some new blood and long overdue reform in our government. Which country cannot? But first we must defeat the NATO invaders and then we can sort out our problems among our tribes including the so-called “NATO Rebels.”
Since the beginning of the NATO operation (3/31/11) the alliance has conducted nearly 15,000 sorties, including close to 6000 bombing missions according to NATO’s media office in Naples, Italy ( The most recent attacks reported on 7/9/11 included 112 sorties and 48 bomb/missile attacks, and that is about average.
The two most active Embassies in Libya these days are the Russian and the Chinese. On 2/25/11, according to the Bulgarian Embassy staff, which was falsely rumored to be currently handling US consular services, whereas it appears no one is doing here in Libya), the US Embassy essentially ordered all EU and NATO Embassies to pack up and join their chartered plane and boats. Libyan officials tell visitors that they were shocked by the fast exodus. “They did not even say goodbye. Suddenly they were on their way to the airport,” one Foreign Ministry advised during a meeting last week.
The Russian and Chinese leadership has grown increasingly critical of NATO’s actions in Libya and are now firmly demanding an immediate and permanent ceasefire. Some cynics here are pointing out that these countries, unlike NATO, know exactly what they are doing and it includes the realization that they have an excellent chance to obtain many billions of dollars in lucrative contracts, which every official interviewed here has sworn, not one Libyan Dinar of which will ever again go to any NATO country, when its aggression is finally repelled. It is partly this realization that it’s “all or nothing” that keeps the US and its potent military asset, NATO, focused on assassinating Colonel Qaddafi and breaking his civilian support base. If Qaddafi lives, NATO loses and so do the current major oil industry contractors who are reportedly becoming depressed seeing reports of all the Russian and Chinese businessmen arriving in Libya.
NATO, Diplomatic, and Congressional sources confirm that the Obama Administration erred badly in thinking that Libya’s regime would collapse “in a few days, not weeks” as Obama assured the American public who has to pony up the estimated $5 billion thru July 31, 2011 costs. Obama’s egregious miscalculation may cost him his presidency if the economy does not.
As one student at Tripoli’s Al Fatah University commented, “What your American government has done in the region to destroy yourselves since 9/11 is amazing to Libyans. Now you are going to fight us? Why? You already had all our oil you wanted at a bargain prices, we stupidly put our sovereign funds in US banks and we did not even bother Israel much. Every day that NATO bombs it kills more Libyan civilians. We sacrificed nearly 1/3 of our population or more than one million of our brothers and sisters expelling the Italians 70 years ago. Doesn’t anyone in your government study history? We are not Bahrainis or Syrians. We are armed and will use our weapons. Among the errors our leadership has made, one of the worst is that it believed the US agreements we made in 2004. The Iranians and North Koreans laugh at us for trusting you and giving up our nuclear and biological weapons programs. Believe me dear, if Qadaffi leaves power you will miss him because the Libyan people will be tougher against your projects than he has been.”
On Sunday 7/10/11 France seemingly allied itself with Russia and China in calling on NATO to immediately stop its counterproductive and counterintuitive bombing, as more countries witness public demonstrations against NATO’s actions in Libya. French Defense Minister Gerard Longuet said in Paris that it was time...

France Says Time for Rebels, Libyan Govt. to Talk

Tripoli Post
July 11, 2011

French defence minister Gérard Longuet urging talks between rebels, Libyan government (Tripoli Post)

On the same day that Seif al-Islam Al Qathafi told Algerian newspaper El Khabar that the Libyan government was in talks about the Libya conflict with France, France's defence minister Gerard Longuet said it was time for Libya's rebels to negotiate with the Libyan leader Muammar Al Qathafi's government to try and find a solution to the crisis.

In comments signalling growing impatience with progress in the conflict, the French minister said that the rebels should not wait for Al Qathafi's defeat. However, he pointed out that Paris's objective was still that the Libyan leader must eventually leave power.

With the United States saying it stood firm in its belief that Al Qathafi must go, the messages from two leading members of the Western coalition opposing Al Qathafi indicated the strain the alliance is under after more than three months of air strikes that have cost billions of dollars and has thus far failed to produce the swift outcome its backers had expected.

Despite calls from several quarters and would-be mediators, the rebels have refused to hold talks with the regime, saying they were not prepared to do so as long as Al Qathafi remains in power. It is a stance that before now none of NATO's major powers has publicly challenged.

Minister Longuet, whose government has until now been among the most hawkish on Libya, said on French television station BFM TV, "We have ... asked them to speak to each other."

He went on to say: "The position of the TNC (rebel Transitional National Council) is very far from other positions. Now, there will be a need to sit around a table."

The TNC in Benghazi said this month it could not continue with talks now that Al Qathafi was wanted internationally, but Longuet appeared to leave the door open for Al Qathafi to remain in Libya.

Asked if it was possible to hold talks if Al Qathafi had not stepped down, Longuet said: "He will be in another room in his palace with another title."

"We (NATO) will stop the bombardment as soon...

Libyan, French Governments in Talks, Saif al-Islam Says

Tripoli Post
July 7, 2011

Seif al-Islam Al Qathafi (right) during his interview with El Khabar newspaper (Tripoli Post)

Libyan leader Muammar Al Qathafi's son, Seif al-Islam said that his father's government was in talks with the French government. Though there was no immediate comment from Paris about his revelation, on Sunday, France appeared to shift its position on the Libyan uprising, suggesting that there could be no military solution and that Muammar Al Qathafi loyalists and Libyan rebels should begin direct negotiations.

In the first interview he granted to an Arab newspaper since the start of the conflict in Libya in mid-February, speaking from Tripoli, Seif al Islam told Algerian newspaper El Khabar: "The truth is that we are negotiating with France and not with the rebels.

He said that when the French authorities heard that a group from Benghazi were meeting in Cairo to the discuss the Libya crisis, the French authorities told them they supported them, but if they were to make other contacts without their being aware of them, or behind their backs, they would immediately stop their support.

Seif went on to say that the French told the rebels that all negotiations must be made through France, and that they were not involving themselves in the conflict without any considerations, but they have commercial interests in Libya and are interested in the government,

Asked why Libya has not disclosed to the public the documents proving the financing of the French Sarkozy's presidential campaign, Seif said that they would not use all their weapons at once, “We have more surprises, and a weapon that we shall use at the right time ...”

Talking about the averse publicity about Libya in the press, Seif said that before the mediation efforts by the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, the South African President Jacob Zuma and the African Union, there were so many lies against Libya.

Seif said: “They reported that Libya had killed thousands of demonstrators, and said we conducted air strikes on civilian. The world now knows that it was all lies. The Human Rights Watch organisation has acknowledged that the information was false, Amnesty International also said it was false, while the Pentagon made its own investigation and found out it was all false information.”

The Libyan leader's son went on to say...

Monday, July 4, 2011

Report: Ground Invasion of Libya Within 2 Weeks

Paul Joseph Watson
July 4, 2011

A hawkish Jerusalem-based news outlet with reported links to Israeli intelligence that has proven accurate in its forecast of future geopolitical events claims that the war in Libya is approaching a “coup de grace” and that French, British and American troops will land on Libyan soil within the next two weeks to spearhead a full ground invasion.

In a piece entitled, US and NATO prepare final assault on Qaddafi, DebkaFile cites military sources for its contention that NATO powers are finalizing plans for a “large-scale, all-out military bid to kill or oust” Colonel Gaddafi.

“The coming coup de grace, expected in the next couple of weeks, is the hottest topic of discussion in the corridors of power and high-level military and intelligence get-togethers in London, Paris, Brussels, Moscow, Oslo, The Hague and Rome. It is expected to start in a couple of weeks with French and British troop landings on Libyan soil, to be followed in its last stages of by American forces,” states the report.

In military terms, “coup de grace” is a synonym for ‘death blow’, and Debka views France’s announcement that it is providing weapons to anti-Gaddafi rebels as...

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Costs of War on Terror Revealed

U.S. wars leave 225,000 dead with costs up to $4 trillion according to study

Estimated cost of post-9/11 wars: 225,000 lives; up to $4 trillion
by: Deborah Baum
June 29, 2011

The cost of wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan are estimated at 225,000 lives and up to $4 trillion in U.S. spending, in a new report by scholars with the Eisenhower Research Project at Brown University’s Watson Institute for International Studies. The group’s “Costs of War” project has released new figures for a range of human and economic costs associated with the U.S. military response to the 9/11 attacks.
PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — Nearly 10 years after the declaration of the War on Terror, the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan have killed at least 225,000 people, including men and women in uniform, contractors, and civilians. The wars will cost Americans between $3.2 and $4 trillion, including medical care and disability for current and future war veterans, according to a new report by the Eisenhower Research Project based at Brown University’s Watson Institute for International Studies. If the wars continue,...
Among the group’s main findings:
  • The U.S. wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan will cost between $3.2 and $4 trillion, including medical care and disability for current and future war veterans. This figure does not include substantial probable future interest on war-related debt.
  • More than 31,000 people in uniform and military contractors have died, including the Iraqi and Afghan security forces and other military forces allied with the United States.
  • By a very conservative estimate, 137,000 civilians have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan by all parties to these conflicts.
  • The wars have created more than 7.8 million refugees among Iraqis, Afghans, and Pakistanis.
  • Pentagon bills account for half of the budgetary costs incurred and are a fraction of the full economic cost of the wars.
  • Because the war has been financed almost entirely by borrowing, $185 billion in interest has already been paid on war spending, and another $1 trillion could accrue in interest alone through 2020.
  • Federal obligations to care for past and future veterans of these wars will likely total between $600-$950 billion. This number is not included in most analyses of the costs of war and will not peak until mid-century.
(Click here to read full article)

Draining Tripoli of Oil May Signal End for Qaddafi

Rebels cutting-off the oil pipeline to Tripoli may lead to a final decisive end phase to the Libyan conflict

Tripoli pipeline attack 'endgame' for Qaddafi
June 29, 2011

Sources inside Libya have confirmed a Reuters news agency report last week that rebels had severed the pipeline that connects the Awbari oilfield in southern Libya to the Az-Zawiya refinery outside Tripoli.
A spokesman from the Benghazi-based rebel Interim National Council is quoted as saying that the aim is to "drain Tripoli".
There are also suggestions that anti-Gaddafi forces have managed to cut the gas pipeline used for power generation in Tripoli.
The Az-Zawiya refinery is still working, which suggests there is a store of crude oil to supply the Libyan capital. However, it is thought only to be producing at one-third capacity at present.

John Hamilton, contributing editor for African Energy, believes this could represent the start of the endgame for Colonel Gaddafi and his supporters.
"If you take the view that the rebels can't defeat Gaddafi militarily by invading Tripoli, and that Nato can't defeat him from the air, then the only option is to...

Related info:
Rebel stranglehold will ‘drain’ Tripoli of fuel, leading the Libyan conflict closer to resolution - African-Energy