The Ghost of Saddam Hussein
Hostilities with Iraq are not a thing of the past, says one general, and Saddam may not be as far gone as we think - Haaretz
The US is pumping billions of dollars into regenerating Iraq. But with thousands there still living below the poverty line, many have yet to see any improvement in living standards. As RT's Sebastian Myer reports, some are forced to live in dumping grounds, scavenging through waste just to earn a few dollars - RT News, RTYouTube
by: Michael R. Gordon, NYT, 01/19/2011
An Iraqi archive kept classified until now reveals how Saddam Hussein attempted to win Soviet support before the first American war with Iraq
Tony Benn`s Interview with Saddam Hussein - Feb. 4, 2003
Historic Interview by British Politician Tony Benn with Saddam Hussein. In an attempt to avert the upcomming War Tony Benn asks the questions raised by the UK and the USA. Saddams answers to the questions are VERY intriguing and it is no surpise that this interview was all but buried as the rush to war gathered Momentum. - setfree68
Rarely seen video footage about the history of Saddam and his family - LatifYahia
A story about Ala Bashir, Saddam's personal doctor and surgeon for 22 years, shares his great personal insight into the life of the Iraqi leader and surprising details unknown to the outside world. - JourneymanPictures
The man who iconically brought down the Saddam statue in Firdous Square now says he regrets his actions and explains why he wishes "Saddam remained in power!" The mainstream media used his image and actions as a cornerstone of the Iraq War but never did they broadcast this fact to the general public. - JourneymanPictures
New details have emerged about Saddam Hussein, the former Iraqi president, after the FBI released secret interview notes taken while he was in US custody. According to the FBI, Saddam misled the world into believing Iraq had weapons of mass destruction because he considered Iran - not the US - as the biggest security threat to his country. - AlJazeeraEnglish
Saddam`s Confessions (video)
CBS 60 Minutes special interview with George Pirro, the FBI agent who interrogated Saddam shares his insight and personal perspective to the information gleaned by his encounter with Iraqi leader. Saddam Hussein confesses about not having any WMDs and disliking who he labeled a "fanatic" Osama bin Laden. In his first television interview, George Piro tells Scott Pelley how he won the confidence of Saddam Hussein and got the truth out of him in a seven-month interrogation.
- Part 1
- Part 2
- Part 3
Read Related CBS 60Minutes Story: Interrogator Shares Saddam`s Confessions
Interview with Latif Yahia, the body-double of Uday Hussein (video) - BBC HardTalk
LYNCHING SADDAM by Gabriele Zamparini (Special Section on the Trial of President Saddam Hussein)
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