What has become of our government? Its a shame we as lawful citizens of this glorious country where our rights are protected & guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution can`t express and exercise the 1st Amendment - even at the publicly funded Jefferson Memorial.
This video is a must see by everyone who believes in their country and the constitution and must make our voices be heard against the government who are usurping their powers against the Constitution and people into a virtual police state.
RT America television host Adam Kokesh was violently slammed and arrested by police (video and info courtesy of RT News)
"An RT America television host Adam Kokesh was violently slammed and choked by police who arrested the host after he took part in a flash-mob at the publicly-funded Jefferson Memorial.
On May 28 Adam and other activists were arrested seconds after they started silently dancing in what they say was a celebration of the first amendment's champion.
The police officers slammed some of them; others were handcuffed and thrown to the ground in what seems to be a clear violation of their right to free-expression."
A video was captured of Adam Kokesh being body slammed and placed in a chokehold for his dancing crime.
The Rafah border crossing with Egypt is now open and for the first time in 4 years all Gazans are free to travel
1.5 million residents of Gaza finally have a gateway to the outside world after the new interim Egyptian government lifted restrictions of the Rafah border with Gaza after 4 years. Ever since former Egyptian President Mubarak was in charge along with the insistence of Israel, Gaza was in total lock-down except for extreme medical conditions. It was in effect to drive Hamas out of power along with depriving millions of Palestinians from basic humanitarian care. (Speaking of Hamas, its such a shame upon the world powers where they insisted Hamas come into the political fold from the gun into making the group into a legitimate power. What the world powers did not bank on was the fact that the Palestinian people democratically voted Hamas into a legitimate political power. The world powers at be screamed democracy and here was a clear and just example of it; and what did the Palestinians get? They got punished for voting for Hamas).
Back to the border opening, the stringent border has led to numerous underground smuggling tunnels that brought vital supplies from Egypt into Gaza. After all, what are the Gazans supposed to do? - who`ve had a border blockade with Egypt as well as a naval blockade by Israel.
The new Egyptian foreign minster said this past Saturday (5/28/11), "the decision to close the border was shameful." His promise to open the Rafah border permanently with out the Israelis is now coming true. An agreement made 6 years old between former Egyptian President Mubarak, U.S., Israel and the EU will no longer be in effect that gave EU monitors full access to the crossing and allowed Tel Aviv to supervise/monitor security though cameras from afar. Israel watched with Egypt at the checkpoints.
Now the permanent opening of Rafah terrifies Israelis - especially weapons finding their way into hands of Gaza militants and being used against Israel.
However, this new development is a major and huge step in deflating the humanitarian crisis that will immediately and significantly improve Palestinian lives - and improving living standards will lead to a drop among those who join the militant groups. This holds true in any urban western city, where armed-gangs are prevalent mainly among socio-economic disadvantaged areas.
This is Godsend, that the current interim Egyptian government understands the will of the people and basic human rights, and not letting outside voices and puppetmasters dictate policy. Creating a new life, invigorating new spirit and hope into Gazans will affect the atmosphere from militancy/conflict into growth and prosperity.
UFOTV Presents: The Orion Mystery- Archeo-Astronomy and Ancient Advanced Technology (Robert Bauval) -
The Orion Mystery presents startling facts about a star-correlation with the Giza Pyramids in Egypt. Why did the Egyptians align their monuments with such high precision? Why did the ancients put so much emphasis on astronomical alignments? The answers to these questions will shock and amaze you. Included in this presentation is a detailed demonstration of how the Sphinx and Pyramids were designed and positioned to track a 26,000 year celestial cycle called the Precession of the Equinox, a star-correlation that gives us insight that the Sphinx and Pyramids are far older than Archeologists and Egyptologists would allow us to believe. The original uncut interview was filmed for the documentary "The Mysterious Origins of Man - Rewriting Human History" - UFOTVstudios
Beneath the pyramids of Egypt lies a lost underworld of catacombs, hewn chambers and cave tunnels that have remained unexplored for hundreds of years. They are alluded to in ancient texts and Arab legends, but have been left unexplored until today. They have now been rediscovered and investigated for the first time. What exactly does this subterranean realm tell us about the pyramids, their relationship to the stars and the mythical origins of Egyptian civilization? Discover for yourself as we explore the "Lost Caves of Giza." - UFOTVstudios
UFO Presents: Ancient Advanced Technologies - Technologies of the gods
Technologies of the Gods brings convincing evidence that ancient civilizations utilized high-tech engineering methods equal to, if not superior to our own and that these technologies were being applied on a world-wide level. It has long been suspected that the Great Pyramids, Stonehenge, and the Mayan temples could not have been built using the primitive technologies attributed to those peoples by the orthodox academic view which states that primitive civilization in Mesopotamia, Egypt and India emerged from the stone age just over five thousand years ago. In Technologies of the Gods breakthrough researchers, writers and engineers take a look at real evidence - largely ignored by the academic establishment - which shatters the orthodox scenario for the dawn of civilization on Earth - UFOTVstudios
The first images of ancient Egyptian markings in a tiny chamber that have not been seen for 4500 years
(image courtesy of New Scientist)
The Djedi Project, name given to the team of international-Egyptian researchers whose purpose is to send a robotic tunnel explorer into the two “air shafts” that lead from the Queen’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Khufu to gather evidence to determine the purpose of the shafts. (The name of the project - Djedi was named by Zahi Hawass (SCA) after Djedi, the magician who Khufu consulted when planning the layout of his pyramid).
Well the Djedi team has revealed to finding hieroglyphs written in red ink not seen by human eyes since the pyramid was constructed. They also unveiled details about the two copper pins embedded in one of the "secret doors" in the southern shaft.
The hieroglyphs in red ink was used throughout Giza monuments, used mainly by the pyramid workers themselves to signify names of the various groups or 'gangs.' "Red-painted numbers and graffiti are very common around Giza," says Peter Der Manuelian, an Egyptologist at Harvard University and director of the Giza Archives at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. "They are often masons' or work-gangs' marks, denoting numbers, dates or even the names of the gangs."
There also appears to be lines drawn in red ink, most likely by masons in shaping or guiding the pyramid shaft stones. The hieroglyphs hopefully might help egyptologists and investigators understand the purpose of the shafts built in the pyramid.
For the infamous two copper pins embedded in the door to the chamber of the shaft, it appears to be looped from behind after the camera from the robot was able to view it. The back wall of the block door is found to be polished and not rough hewn as the other blocks, possibly signifying a special purpose not yet known.
The Djedi robot is expected to reveal much more in the next months. The next step will be to investigate the chamber's far wall to check whether its another door, as suggested in the 2002 live exploration, or just a solid block of stone. After that, the northern shaft of the Khufu would be explored. The team has committed to completing the work by the end of 2011 and a detailed report on the findings is expected to be published in early 2012.
A close-up view of the red figures on the floor behind the first blocking stone (Image: Djedi Team, courtesy of New Scientist):
A composite image of the chamber floor behind the first blocking stone showing red figures to the right of a mason's line (Image: Djedi Team, courtesy of New Scientist):
A composite image of the rear of the first blocking stone showing the back of the metal pins embedded in the first blocking stone (Image: Djedi Team, courtesy of New Scientist):
On 25 May, New Scientist was first to reveal some exciting findings from an innovative robotic exploration of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. A robot built at Leeds University in the UK, called Djedi, explored a mysterious tunnel thought to lead to a secret chamber in the pyramid - providing stunning pictures of so-far-undeciphered hieroglyphs written in red paint, alongside lines cut into the tunnel walls by stone masons. All are currently being analysed by egyptologists - and many more revelations are expected as Djedi's video streams are interpreted over time.
Dassault Systèmes, a technology partner of the Leeds roboticists, has produced a compelling video fly-through to help people understand precisely where the tunnel was in the pyramid and where the hieroglyphics had been found
3D video report of the Djedi Robot Mission in Giza - Dassault Systèmes. Pictures from inside the Great Pyramid of Khufu in Egypt, gathered by a robot explorer designed by University of Leeds engineers, together with Scoutek, UK and Dassault Systèmes, France, have been published. The findings appear in the latest issue of the Annales du Service Des Antiquities de l'Egypte (ASAE), the official publication of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities. A Dassault Systèmes Passion for Innovation project.
No congress approval for Libyan War means U.S. intervention now illegal
The official 60-day limit of the Wars Power Act of 1973 is over and congressional approval is now required for any continued justification of hostilities and war against Libya. But since no resolution has been made or reached by the U.S., it makes the current hostilities illegal under the Constitution.
However President Obama as well as the suits in Congress seem to not care at all and no alarm in Washington is going off. For something that is clearly stated on the books and made into law, no one seems to care about it with no end in sight of the conflict. Forgetting President Obama on one hand, shame on our "spineless suits" in Congress who don`t care about our Constitution nor our country.
Our President, citing that our involvement in Libya is minimal and in a support role, no Congressional approval is required. In an effort to satisfy those arguing that he needs to seek approval by congress in continuing U.S. hostilities in accordance with the War Powers Act, President Obama wrote a letter to congressional leaders on Friday (5/20/11) suggesting that the role is now so “limited” he does not need to seek congressional approval.
“Since April 4,” the president wrote, “U.S. participation has consisted of: (1) non-kinetic support to the NATO-led operation, including intelligence, logistical support, and search and rescue assistance; (2) aircraft that have assisted in the suppression and destruction of air defenses in support of the no-fly zone; and (3) since April 23, precision strikes by unmanned aerial vehicles against a limited set of clearly defined targets in support of the NATO-led coalition's efforts.”
From the beginning of the U.S. military intervention in Libya, the Obama administration has cited the 1973 War Powers Act as the legal basis of its ability to conduct military activities for 60 days without first seeking a declaration of war from Congress. The military intervention started on March 19; Congress was notified on March 21. Those 60 days expired yesterday.
According to the War Powers Resolution (from David Swanson article, Global Research):
“The constitutional powers of the President as Commander-in-Chief to introduce United States Armed Forces into hostilities, or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, are exercised only pursuant to (1) a declaration of war, (2) specific statutory authorization, or (3) a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces.”
In addition:
“The President in every possible instance shall consult with Congress before introducing United States Armed Forces into hostilities or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, and after every such introduction shall consult regularly with the Congress until United States Armed Forces are no longer engaged in hostilities or have been removed from such situations.”
In the case of Libya, Obama carefully avoided any consultation with Congress but took the time to consult with just about everybody else around the world.
The War Powers Resolution also requires that:
“[T]he President shall submit within 48 hours to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and to the President pro tempore of the Senate a report, in writing, setting forth –
(A) the circumstances necessitating the introduction of United States Armed Forces; (B) the constitutional and legislative authority under which such introduction took place; and (C) the estimated scope and duration of the hostilities or involvement.”
Obama’s report to Congress on Libya fell short of A and B and did not even attempt C.
When it comes to the now-surpassed 60-day-limit, the law is clear:
“Within sixty calendar days after a report is submitted or is required to be submitted pursuant to section 1543 (a)(1) of this title, whichever is earlier, the President shall terminate any use of United States Armed Forces with respect to which such report was submitted (or required to be submitted), unless the Congress
(1) has declared war or has enacted a specific authorization for such use of United States Armed Forces, (2) has extended by law such sixty-day period, or
(3) is physically unable to meet as a result of an armed attack upon the United States.”
The War Powers Act, in allowing 60-day unconstitutional wars is itself, of course, a step back from the Constitution as its authors, most readers, and President Lincoln have understood it. The Constitution devotes Article I to bestowing the vast majority of governmental power on Congress, including here:
“The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States; . . . . To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations; To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water; To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years; To provide and maintain a Navy; To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces; To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions; To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress; To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings; And To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.”
Did the birther movement have it right into saying President Obama is ineligible for office because he wasn`t born on U.S. soil and his birth certificates are fake?
I never embraced the birther issue but its always good to question issues of importance and government. As more and more inconsistencies in the story were put out, it made you scratch your head. Then when President Obama released recently his 'long-form' birth certificate, it did not quell the questions as people out of the woodwork came out and said there were major inconsistencies in it as being a forged and photo-shopped.
Read and view the following videos courtesy of Alex Jones Tv, PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com
Jerome Corsi to Release Evidence Proving Obama Certificate a Fraudulent Composite- Alex Jones
During an interview with a Denver radio station this morning, author Jerome Corsi said he was about to release bombshell evidence that proved the alleged Obama birth certificate released last month was a composite of three different birth certificates from other individuals born at the same hospital.
"I'm going to be telling the entire world about this scandal over the next few weeks," Corsi said in a separate interview. "This is going to make Watergate look like a political sideshow by comparison."
As the video below explains, another aspect of the birth certificate pointing to forgery is the fact that the electronic PDF document released by the White House clearly shows evidence of 'kerning' -- where parts of letters overlap each other for a pleasing visual effect -- this is produced by modern computers and was not possible on 1960′s typewriters.
As Corsi explains in the interview, the amateur nature of the botched birth certificate is likely because Obama had to use people within his inner circle to produce the document, he could not hire a professional company to do so because of the danger that someone would blow the whistle.
In a related development, Joseph Farah, the publisher of Corsi's book, Where's the Birth Certificate?, is considering suing Esquire Magazine for putting out a hoax article claiming that he ordered the book be recalled and was refunding customers who had purchased it.
"Obviously if it was intended as a parody, it was not very well executed, and quite honestly I can tell you that I believe there's some very real damage done by this article, and I'm exploring our legal options right now," Farah said. "I think there are potentially some issues like restraint of trade and possibly libel, I think most people looked at that article and believed I actually said those words, that is a real problem for Esquire."
The fact that the establishment is putting out fake reports in an effort to derail the popularity of the book is another indication about how scared the system is of this information getting to a wider audience. This is an obvious ploy to sabotage the book by fooling retailers and disrupting the supply chain.
Like Corsi, Farah says that he is "100 percent certain" that the long form birth certificate released by Obama last month is a "fraudulent, bogus document."
"We feel like Woodward and Bernstein in the early days of Watergate when nobody was reporting the story, and finally the New York Times came along,"Farah told Talking Points Memo
Jerome Corsi: White House Running Scared Over Latest Discovery of Obama`s True Origins
Alex talks with author and investigative journalist Jerome Corsi about the Obama birth certificate fiasco. Corsi is the author of Where's the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President, now available at the Infowars Store. In the book, Corsi assembles evidence that Barack Obama is constitutionally ineligible for the office of the presidency and has spent millions of dollars in legal fees to avoid providing the American people with something as simple as a long-form birth certificate.
He calls for Israel and the future Palestinian state to the pre-1967 borders
(President Obama delivering a speech about US policy on Middle East and North Africa at the State Dept., in Washington 5/19/11. Photo by Reuters)
President Obama on Thursday (5/19/11) made an official but rarely stated US policy that the future Palestinian state should be based on the borders that existed before the 1967 war.
"We believe the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states," Obama said.
This U.S. endorsement of the policy on borders is an unique statement thats been clearly stated in any Middle East speech thus given so far. He has clearly sided to a key demand of the Palestinians and has off course the angered the Israelis.
However, at the same time, President Obama reiterated his unwavering support for Israel's security, and has endorsed major negotiating positions of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, including the contested handover of security responsibilities by Israel when the conditions on the ground will allow it.
President Obama declared the U.S. commitment to Israel's security as "unshakable," and said "every state has the right to self-defense, and Israel must be able to defend itself -- by itself -- against any threat."
"Provisions must also be robust enough to prevent a resurgence of terrorism; to stop the infiltration of weapons; and to provide effective border security," Obama continued, touching on the major concerns of Israel in facing a new Palestinian neighbor. "The full and phased withdrawal of Israeli military forces should be coordinated with the assumption of Palestinian security responsibility in a sovereign, non-militarized state. And the duration of this transition period must be agreed, and the effectiveness of security arrangements must be demonstrated."
"The status quo is unsustainable, and Israel too must act boldly to advance a lasting peace," Obama said, adding that "the dream of a Jewish and democratic state cannot be fulfilled with permanent occupation."
As again, these are just words and nothing set into stone. Off course there will be some deviations from the exact 1967 borders due to vast swaths of lands Israel used to build settlements and will have to be negotiated and swapped as President Obama suggested. Only time will tell what will actually occur on the ground but it is true that change is inevitable and the status quo has to change - not later shoved in the back burner but now.
Read and watch CNN and Haaretz`s coverage on President Obama`s Middle East policy on 5/19/11
Twenty years of negotiations with Israel have yielded no concrete steps to peace and freedom for both sides of the aisle. The region is still the volatile mix it has been since the 1967 war. It has come a time now where the status quo can`t remain the way it is and that 'change', is needed not in the foreseeable future but now. The current 'Arab Spring' throughout the Middle East has re-invigorated the people into understanding their basic rights and not bowing down to the 'hegemony' shoved down upon them from the global powers at be.
It is especially the younger youth of the population who are the instruments of change and people now are starting to realize that. The younger youth now are ever more smart and have so much at their disposal uncovering the truth of how the world is functioning and how their rights are being trampled and slowly siphoned away.
The world powers advocate direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians which we all say is the correct way to go but has to be fair on both sides of the table, whether it have pre conditions or not. The world powers surely advocate peace, an independent state living side by side but yet take no direct concrete steps to further the peace process. Its always just words and have been just words. And off course, our glorious U.S. government which advocates peace and a two state solution is just merely words. It was only during President Clinton`s time did a chance of real peace come but at a great price to the Palestinians. President Obama, in which we all thought a real chance for peace would occur is all a farce, he and his administration has no definite drive to push Israel or further the peace process. They have no clear path as to what the peace process should be I think, I mean after all President Obama`s Middle East envoy and middleman George Mitchell recently quit. He has achieved nothing, but was that a surprise? How does Israel come to the bargaining table with no end in building settlements, which is basically stealing legitimate Palestinian land like a all you want buffet with a time limit. They are grabbing land whatever they can as fast and soon as they can and in the end envisions these areas to be 'annexed' and negotiated in land swaps - like that will ever take place.
So what do the Palestinian Authority and PLO do now, go to the international community for unilateral recognition where the international community also recognizes that the status quo has to change on the ground. With America`s former henchmen in Egypt and Tunisia gone, it should give a good boost to the Palestinian government and people. I mean don`t get me wrong, Israel has every right to peace and security like any other sovereign country but must respect basic human rights and international will that the occupied Palestinian people deserve their own sovereign country and basic rights like any other people in the world.
The time is now, not to be shoved in the backburner where the world powers can just waste and keep buying time to delay any further steps towards an independent Palestinian state.
RT talks to British investigative journalist Tony Gosling about the intensification of the bombardment of Libya, NATO war crimes, and why the ICC is pursuing Gaddafi while leaving proven war criminals Bush and Blair alone.
An insight into Osama bin Laden`s life through the eyes of the people who knew him and met him.
(Description and videos courtesy of Aljazeera)
The death of bin Laden ends a ten-year manhunt for the world's most wanted man.
Before his death, the last known sighting of bin Laden by anyone other than his very close entourage was in late 2001 - as he prepared to flee his stronghold in Afghanistan. However, in subsequent years he issued several video and audio messages.
How did Bin Laden develop his political agenda? And how did this Saudi-born son of a rich construction magnate - who joined guerrillas in Afghanistan fighting the Soviet Union - emerge to become one of the most feared men in the world? Ahmad Zaidan, Al Jazeera Arabic's Islamabad correspondent, interviews a range of people including Taliban commandos, former Mujahideen leaders, Pakistani officials, and journalists who all relate their memories of and insights into the al-Qaeda leader. He speaks to people who are able to debunk some of the myths and describe some of the characteristics of the man who was Osama bin Laden - a man denounced by enemies as a religious fanatic and a terrorist and praised by supporters as a leader fighting Western aggression and subservient Arab regimes. To really show the man he really was and not some stories or fables about him from people in suits thousands of miles away that never met the man or knew his name or identity.
RT's Kevin Owen talks to Anthony Wile, founder and chief editor of political website thedailybell.com, who does not think the death of Osama Bin Laden has brought any change to the safety of the world. Wile believes that the US is using the conflicts in the Arab world to consolidate power and weaken those nation states that have been 'resistant to globalist governance'
(image courtesy of currentweek)
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has recently come out saying the popular social-media network Facebook is a huge treasure trove of info that is essentially a spying machine and tool for the U.S. government. I mean come on, its one of the most global comprehensive database on personal information just ripe for the picking by major government agencies, especially in the intelligence community. It shouldn`t be a surprise to think the intelligence community doesn`t already have access to facebook with or without facebook directly knowing. With technology becoming more and more electronic and information being compartmentalized, it is now becoming more accessible to people who are able to access it.
Facebook being one of the most or possibly the greatest social-media service currently till another comes, does have it`s drawbacks. People just don`t realize that with a huge treasure trove of personal info just out there in web space, people in the intelligence would would want immediate access to it to track people, profile them, create bio`s on them...and Julian Assange would know. If the government was truthful to the American people then WikiLeaks wouldn`t have to exist to expose the secrets they hide from us. Nothing is transparent and our beloved President Obama who campaigned and championed the fact of government transparency has obviously failed on that task, as well as others too like closing down Guantanamo Bay and the resolution to the 2 current wars!
View also: RT News America interview with CNet correspondent Declean McCullagh concerning Assange`s facebook 'spying machine' claim (5/4/11). In an exclusive interview with RT, Wikileaks founder Jullian Assange recently called Facebook the "most appalling spying machine that has ever been invented." According to Assange, Facebook exists as "the world's most comprehensive database about people...all sitting within the United States." Further, US intelligence has an interface to access that data at any time, he says. Is he right? CNet correspondent Declean McCullagh thinks he probably is, though no evidence has so far been able to support his argument. If he is right, who will be able to access this information and under what conditions? - RT America
Benazir Bhutto - On the Death of Osama Bin Laden (11/07) Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh (Urdu: احمد عمر سعید شیخ) (sometimes known as Omar Sheikh, Sheikh Omar[1], Sheik Syed[2], or by the alias "Mustafa Muhammad Ahmad"[3]) (b. December 23, 1973) is a British-born militant of Pakistani descent with alleged links to various Islamic-based organisations, including Jaish-e-Mohammed, Al-Qaeda, Harkat-ul-Mujahideen and Taliban. Pakistani President, Pervez Musharraf, in his book 'In the Line of Fire' stated that Sheikh was originally recruited by British intelligence agency, MI6, while studying at the London School of Economics. He alleges Omar Sheikh was sent to the Balkans by MI6 to engage in jihadi operations. Musharraf later went on to state "At some point, he probably became a rogue or double agent". In an interview given to David Frost in November 2007, Benazir Bhutto states that Osama bin Laden was killed by Omar Sheikh. Omar Chatriwala, a journalist for Al Jazeera English, claims that he chose not to pursue the story at the time because it was an apparent slip of the tongue. A month before Frost interview, in Oct 2007, Bhutto stated in an interview that she would cooperate with the American military in targeting Osama bin Laden. So which one is correct? Did Benazir have a 'slip of the tongue' during the Nov. 2007 interview? Or did she perhaps just give lip service in the AP article to gain support from the U.S.?