Sheikh Danish Riyaz, November 14, 2011

A new trend of wearing Stylish Hijaab in Women folk came from the west to the rest of the world & it is better if they don’t wear such a Hijaab then what they wear. Its the duty of every Muslim women to acquire the knowledge of Islaam and today acquiring the knowledge of Islaam is extremely easy with the advent of internet and availability of a large collection of books in English and other languages in the outside market.
For many sisters – hijaab is the head scarf which covers the head and that’s it. For some sisters hijaab is the long skirt and a scarf and that’s it. For some sisters, hijaab is something which should be in the heart and does not necessarily mean to wear it and for most of the sisters, hijaab is a small cloth that covers major part of the hair and it is not required to wear something special below because they say, hijaab is to cover ones hair.
Read this post : Looking for a good looking, beautiful Jilbaab ?
...There are sisters who cover their faces but keep their eyes open but the amount of make up and decoration they do to their eyes and eye brows in unimaginable. No wonder Allaah praises the beauty of hoor in jannah with their eyes as hoorul ‘eyn means the big beautiful eyes. Eyes are the biggest tool for attracting the opposite sex and now we also attract the same sex!...
(click here to view full blog article with related videos, additional information and resources.)
Additional info:
Is it allowed for a Muslim woman to wear pants?Remember Sisters: -
JILBAAB (long cloak/ coat which covers full body) IS AN OBLIGATION.
References: [Al-Ahzaab:33:59, An-Noor: 24:30-31]
References: [Al-Ahzaab:33:59, An-Noor: 24:30-31]
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