Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Will the mystery of the Great Pyramid`s secret doors finally be revealed in 2012?

[Image: The Great Pyramid of Giza. Credit: Nina/Creative Commons]

One thought with the current Djedi robotic project, (a joint international-Egyptian mission named after the magician whom Khufu consulted when planning the layout of his pyramid), the mission would have been wrapped up by now with finally unlocking the secret behind the mysterious pyramids shaft doors of the Great pyramid of Khufu.

The project began with a exploration of the southern shaft, which ends at the so called "Gantenbrink's door (1993 mission)."

A robot, designed by Rob Richardson at the University of Leeds, was able to climb inside the walls of the shaft while carrying a "micro snake" camera that can see around corners. The Djedi team has revealed to finding hieroglyphs written in red ink not seen by human eyes since the pyramid was constructed. They also unveiled details about the two copper pins embedded in one of the "secret doors" in the southern shaft.

Worked has since stopped on the project at its most promising stage, due to the political uprisings and turmoil in Egypt which ceased all archaeological work across Egypt. But, the prospects of the project resuming is quite well. "As with other missions, we have had to resubmit our application to the SCA [Supreme Council of Antiquities] to be allowed to continue. We are currently waiting for the various committees to formalize the approval," project mission manager Shaun Whitehead, of the exploration company Scoutek UK, told Discovery News.

"Once we're allowed to continue, I have no doubt that we can complete our work in 2012," he added.Whitehead is confident that the robot will reveal much more once the team is allowed to resume their research.

So 2012, here we come, hope the new year brings much joy and answers to the questions we all the seek.

Analysis by Rossella Lorenzi
Fri Dec 9, 2011 02:26 PM ET
Discovery News

Will the mystery over the Great Pyramid's secret doors be solved in 2012?

I dare say yes. After almost two decades of failed attempts, chances are now strong that researchers will reveal next year what lies behind the secret doors at the heart of Egypt's most magnificent pyramid.

New revelations on the enduring mystery were already expected this year, following a robot exploration of the 4,500-year-old pharaonic mausoleum.

But unrest in Egypt froze the project at its most promising stage, after it produced the first ever images behind one of the Great Pyramid's mysterious doors.

Now the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA), once led by the controversial yet charismatic Zahi Hawass, is slowly returning to granting permits for excavations and archaeological research...

(click here to read the full article)

Related info:
[Rubaiat`s Blog] post (05/27/2011) - Hidden Hieroglyphs Revealed by New Robot in Khufu Pyramid Shafts (The first images of ancient Egyptian markings in a tiny chamber that have not been seen for 4500 years!) - [A MUST READ AND VIEW DETAILED INFO AND VIDEOS]

Exclusive video - Hidden Hieroglyphs in the Great Pyramid - Djedi robot mission:

[video courtesy of & uploaded by TVniman (05/30/2011)
credit: Solidworks simulations by Ben WILLCOCKS (UK)

1 comment:

  1. yea it was a given, when the protests started, all egyptological work would come to a halt and came at a time when huge gains were being made in revealing the story behind the secret doors in the pyramid...i loved the 3D dassalt systemes video posted showing the inner layout and results of the djedi mission thus far...i share your enthusiasm in finally getting to the story with the secret doors - who knows it may reveal something great as the inner ramp or nothing at all-just two shafts extending to the sky
