Thursday, July 19, 2012

Donning the Hijab is not just Wearing it; Modesty and the female Awrah in Islam

[excerpt] from: Trails | Just as you’re about to change..
Posted July 11, 2012

نصره ازني


Donning the Hijab is not just Wearing it or Don it on your head!
And i totally agree with that!!! 100%
Donning the Hijab is not just by Wearing it! There’s more to it!

Firstly lets get to know what MODESTY in Islam is all about!
The word MODESTY in Islam is not just a mere word that is in the dictionary!
The meaning of MODESTY in Islam is such a huge contexts to discuss about!
But lets just get to know the Basic Foundation that every Muslimah! & also the
Muslimins needs to know about!

The moment when we say the word Modesty or Aurat,
you will think of Hijab! Actions! Religion! Paryer!
how the way you walk, how you laugh.. how you talk..
lhow you think.. lowering your gaze.. and the list goes on.

Modesty does not only base on wearing the Hijab!
Modesty in Islam is more than just wearing a Hijab!
The way you walk is part of Modesty.
The way you laugh is part of Modesty.
The way you talk is part of the Modesty.
The way you dressed up is part of Modesty.
The way you think is also part of Modesty.
Physically, intellectually & spiritually! it is part of Modesty.
That is the Basic Foundation of Modesty that every Muslimah & Muslimins needs to know!

There is no such meaning/point of Donning on the Hijab when you don’t act upon it!
When you wear/don on the Hijab,
You are representing Islam!
You are like a walking banner of Islam!
Hijab Symblolize or should i say one of the Symbolism of Islam!
what is the point of wearing the Hijab when you don’t practice your Solat for all of the 5Waktu’s that you need/have to pray!
Munafeeq it is! isn’t it? (Na’uzubillah! none of us wants to be in that cast during
Yawm Al’Qiyamah!)

i amnot saying that.. when you are wearing the hijab, you should know everything about Islam! the science of Quran…No i am not trying to say that! verily none of us in this world is perfect except Allah!
im just trying to say that.. if you’re a hijabi, please act upon it!
Cover what you;re suppose to cover!
Act like how a proper Muslimah should act like.
Dress like how a proper Muslimah Should dress like. (NO TIGHT FITTING CLOTHES)
Speak like how a proper Muslimah should speak like.
& Don’t ever missed out any of the 5 waktu for Solat!
Recite the Al’Quran regulary! infact you should do it everyday!

“The Seeking of Knowledge is Obligatory For Every Muslim.”
- At-Tirmidhi


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