If you have tears to drop,#Bangladesh
By ttorongo
CNN iReport
March 3, 2012 | Dhaka
While I am writing from Bangladesh I am in doubt whether world will ever get to know the grief of a green land Bangladesh, a small but most densely populated country of the world. I am in confusion since my language is not that much attractive but hopefully it will draw the most humanitarian hearts of the people from around the world. I just want to say, Bangladesh is in trouble. Please share your hands to save millions from persecution and killing by the state machinery of a radical secular government.
I have never thought of writing to the world people since I preserve the dignity that my country is my world. Whatever happens, let them inside my home and let the world know about we are happy since we are the highest in number in the UN peace keeping mission. But I am sorry, I have no way but to let you know that we are in trouble. We are in trouble for being burnt in political vendetta of some political groups, very powerful and indeed they are ruling us now.
What happened on last Thursday of February 2013 has never been experienced in the history. At least 50 people have died in police bullet for staging political processions, more than thousands have been bullet ridden and countless have been injured across the country. The country shocked with protests in every corner and straightly put down by the authorities by bullets, the only response to agitating demonstrators.
Why that has been happened to us? It was all about verdict, handed down by a court, not recognized internationally rather criticized by all rights groups including the UN, Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch. That verdict was handed down to Delware Hossain Sayedee, an acclaimed preacher of Islam but, unfortunately, implicated for crimes against humanity during liberation war of Bangladesh in 1971. He has been handed down death sentence by a court set up by Bangladesh’s radical secular government which eventually achieved a critically debated position since its head had been revealed to concoct policy of charging the religious cleric. The head had to resign, but the verdict has been handed down as sketched by the resigned judge, even before hearing the arguments of either the prosecution or the defense.
How have been the charges? This question will haunt the generation to come for years. Just a glimpse into the witnesses would reveal how the justice had been handed down. In a charge the religious scholar has been accused of looting gold and silver from a house but no witness was been produced before the court. In another charge, the Maolana (Islamic term of a religious cleric) has been accused of setting fire on a house of a person during 1971 but the person was, stunning enough, not born at that time, let alone had a house. He is also charged with killing a man but whose wife filed a case during 1972 and of which case the final charge sheet was even framed. Name of Sayedee was not even there but he has been awarded with death of that person. In charge number 10- allegation of killing Bishabali has been placed. According to the allegation, a Razakar fired on Bishabali upon the order of Maolana Sayedee. But no witness has been produced to identify who carried the killing, what was done with the dead body or other relevant issues. On the other hand, Sukhranja Bali, brother of deceased Bishabali, defense witness for Sayedee was abducted from the Tribunal premise. Still the whereabouts of Bishabali is unknown. In these charge number eight and charge number ten, the tribunal has ordered death sentence to Allama Sayedee.
The tribunal’s ‘beyond reasonable doubts’ proved charges are also reasonable to consider and reconsider for a future at least to save a nation from splitting over political grounds. A charge has been brought against him of killing Bisha Bali for which he has been sentenced but whose brother Sukh Ranaja Bali, previously a prosecution witness but turned to into a defense witness for not going against a ‘valo manush Sayedee’ [ a good person Sayedee shouldn’t be blamed on false charges] has been abducted from the court premise. Just go a little bit more, a person Gouranga Shaha has accused Sayedee of raping his three younger sisters of the age of wedding and for which the Maolana has been sentenced. But Gouranga Shaha was born in 1963 and during the year of 1971 he had three younger sisters of the age of wedding and on ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ the Tribunal has accepted the charge.
Don’t be bored to get the stories from the Tribunal before reading one miraculous story of charge framing. Maolana Sayedee has been accused of raping a woman who, later, gave birth to a child. But the court evidences eventually proved that the woman gave birth to a child only within 4 months.
At this point, if you think I am against the trial of war criminals and verdict against crimes against humanity, I would not mind but would humbly request you to consider the point that if one person has not handed down justice what could the history to offer to injustice. It can spark crying if the person is an individual and if that person is an institution it would spark frustration and anguish. The followers of Sayedee have expressed their frustration and anger and many were seen praying. But their anger and frustration have eventually put down by bullets. May the be the future would write the crying and anguish or may the future will forget amid mass propaganda just like the most precious tear drops keep the footprint only inside the heart, not on the cheek.
The situation will continue to haunt many, uncountable at this moment and for many years to come indeed. The missing line is here. Crimes of against were carried during 1971 but were not carried by this person who is now convicted. The anguish of 1971 of Bangladesh has never been redressed but now some individuals are turning into new victims who have much political supports.
Today’s protests were massive so as the government’s violent but government supporting media didn’t publish them much. I have got a confirmed report that supporter of Sayedee was shot dead and later his two eyes were pulled out. This inhuman violence is nothing but simple cruelty and will be continued in a land where international interests are very low but human being, powerless, live there.
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