This was John Kerry’s first congressional appearance as Secretary of State, with the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday
Kerry chided the lawmakers “let’s put this behind us,” as there have been zero arrests and zero accountability on the Benghazi cover up — but...whistleblowers are now starting to come forward and with House Oversight Chairman Issa, the House Oversight Committee will start to get some answers to exactly what happened in Benghazi. Of course the current administration and State Dept would like to the use "the current" events around the globe to steer attention away from this matter, as Chairman Issa said, its not going to happen.
View the video and transcript between Kerry and Congressman Rohrabacher:
Posted on April 18, 2013
[Video courtesy of RepDanaRohrabacher April 17, 2013]
REP. DANA ROHRABACHER (R-CA): Mr. Secretary, we think that there was a coverup of some kind of wrongdoing that led this administration to lie to the American people about the nature of the attack immediately after the attack and for a week after that attack. We need to have these questions answered. We need to talk to the people who are on the scene. Can you give us a commitment now that for this administration you will be coming up with the request, the honest request of this investigative committee as to who was evacuated and how to talk to them so we can get a straight answer and an understanding of what happened in Benghazi?
SECRETARY OF STATE JOHN KERRY: Well, before I became Secretary, Congressman, I believe I got the answers to who was evacuated and had a pretty good sense of what happened there. But now that I am the Secretary and I am responsible to you and the Congress, I can promise you that if you're not getting something that you have evidence of or you think you ought to be getting, we'll work with you. And I will appoint somebody to work directly with you starting tomorrow, with you, Mr. Chairman, to have a review of anything you don't think you've gotten that you're supposed to get. Let's get this done with, folks.
KERRY: Let's figure out what it is that's missing, if it's legitimate or if it isn't. I don't think anybody lied to anybody. And let's find out exactly, together, what happened, because we need -- we got a lot more important things to move on to and get done. (House Foreign Affairs Committee, April 17, 2013)
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