Aden Tribune
February 15, 2013
These facts that appeared lately contradict with the facts those are being circulated through the international media, and Mudeer asserts that his sources come from news reports already published in the media, as well as his sources from inside the Vatican itself.
“The most important reason for the resignation of the Pope is a Vatican document of the old Gospel mentioning the name of the Islam’s prophet, Muhammed, was leaked by 3 of the Pope’s associates who concealed their conversion to Islam.” Mudeer said, adding: “The scenarios put forward for the resignation of the Pope are naive and superficial, depending on the story of the Vatican without ratifying or validating.” and went on asking: “Why did not they say these are just attempts to understand his resignation.”
Muneer also mentions that the main reason behind the resignation is the leaked document, and the other cases of illness and the scandals are just minor and are not the real reason, for the former Pope had faced more over what the recent Pope faced but he didn’t resign as he says.
He explained “The Pope does not want to face more scandals, especially if the leaked document is brought out to the people,” adding that: “The Pope does not want the Islamic world to rejoice at his misfortune, since he was the one who cursed the Islam religion in 2006.”
The researcher who runs several campaigns of Dawa (Islam preaching), referred back to the Bernaba Bible, and why did not the Vatican talked about its genuineness or vice versa.
Mudeer challenged the Vatican to refute the conversion of 35 bishops and priests of the senior Vatican statesmen (most of them concealed their conversion for fears for their lives and resigned or sacked from the Vatican), and the Pope has kept silent for more than 6 years, while the Vatican could not even refute these news.
He claims that he has information about the conversion of three senior priests, one of them was the one who leaked the document from the Church, while another has moved to South Africa.
He also claimed that the Pope is still looking for the three converted priests.
Mudeer assured “The existence of the issuance of warrants to arrest the Pope in several countries, like Britain, because of his involvement in covering up sexual assaults by his saints and priests against young children,” explaining that “a series of collapses and scandals and defeats in front of the Islamic Dawa, and the sweep of Islam and Muslim population which exceeded the Catholics made the pope complains and resigns.”
He goes on: “The Vatican launched several Christianizing channels in Arabic to promote miracles of monks and nuns granting healing in the name of the Virgin and Christ, and now the Pope himself is resigning for his illness, I am so surprised!!”
Mudeer challenged the Catholic Church to set a live interview with him to argue with whomever the Vatican chooses to let the world know what’s been hidden.
Related Info:
--Why did the #Pope quit? You need to read & listen to this. It's very shocking
--Read @emudeer`s twitter feed in revealing truth to Pope Benedict`s abrupt resignation
Why did the Pope quit? You need to listen to this. It's very shocking:
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