Tuesday, March 11, 2014

STONEHENGE: a resonant harmonic megalith of the ancients?

March 4, 2014

The stones at Stonehenge could have been ‘played’ like a giant xylophone, a study has claimed. Researchers spent months tapping pieces of stone onto 1,000 types of rock and recording the sound they made. Most produced a muted ‘thud’, but bluestones from the Preseli hills in south Wales – where the monoliths are thought to have originated – ‘sing’ when struck.

Singing stones: Bluestones from the Preseli hills in south Wales, from where Stonehenge's monoliths are thought to have originated, have an 'exceptional sonic nature', say researchers from the Royal College of Art
Singing stones: Bluestones from the Preseli hills in south Wales, from where Stonehenge's monoliths are thought to have originated, have an 'exceptional sonic nature', say researchers from the Royal College of Art
Their ‘exceptional sonic nature’ may explain why neolithic man carted the stones 200 miles to Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire more than 4,000 years ago to build Stonehenge.
It may also shed light on their circle formation, with sound resonating among the stones when they were ‘played’.

The startling conclusion was the result of a study by experts at the Royal College of Art rather than by archaeologists. They were even granted access to Stonehenge itself to play the structures like a giant xylophone, where they confirmed the rocks made a range of metallic sounds like bells, gongs and tin drums.

Paul Devereux, who led the study with Jon Wozencroftfrom, said: 'There had to be something special about these rocks. 'Why the hell would you take them from Wales all the way to Salisbury otherwise? 'The one thing that hasn’t been considered until now is that sound may have been an important factor.

'We found it was a noteworthy soundscape, with a significant percentage of the actual rocks making metallic sounds like bells, gongs, tin drums, etc, when tapped with small, handheld "hammerstones". 'We have had percussionists up here who have been able to actually get proper tunes out of the rocks. This is real rock music.'

The research team tested rocks from 1,000 different locations from around the UK to test their sonic abilities. They found that bluestones from the Preseli hills in Pembrokeshire, sounded like no other. English Heritage allowed the team to acoustically test the bluestones at Stonehenge, effectively playing them like a huge instrument.

To the researchers’ surprise, several were found to make distinctive, if muted sounds, with several of the rocks showing evidence of having already been struck. The stones make different pitched noises in different places and different stones make different noises - ranging from a metallic to a wooden sound. The investigators believe that this could have been the prime reason behind the otherwise inexplicable transport of these stones nearly 200 miles from Preseli to Salisbury Plain.

There were plentiful local rocks from which Stonehenge could have been built, yet the bluestones were considered special. Large chunks of rock missing from the stones would also suggest that they have been hit throughout their lifetime.

A spokesman for the project said it was merely a pilot study - the phenomenon of the ‘sound of stone’ was being investigated for virtually the first time with the project. He said: 'The project is a pilot study of raw visual and acoustic elements mainly on and around the Carn Menyn ridge, Mynydd Preseli, south-west Wales, the source area of some of the Stonehenge bluestones, an area still relatively untouched by modern development.

'Sites in the surrounding Pembrokeshire countryside were also briefly visited. 'The project asked: "What might Stone Age eyes and ears have perceived in this landscape, and what aspects made it become important to the builders of Stonehenge?"'

Jon Wozencroft, who led the research, added: 'It was a really magical discovery and refreshing to come across a phenomenon you can’t explain.'

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