In 1960, Pope John Paul XXIII opened and read the prophecy but in apparent defiance to Our Lady`s instructions, he did not reveal it, citing it did not relate to his time. It has also been said, the Pope fainted when he read the third prophecy, according to eyewitnesses, as it states the Pope would betray the flock and turn his sheep over to the slaughter devised by Lucifer himself. John XXIII fainted because he thought he would be the Pope who would open the door to Satan and that he would the long awaited antipope.
It has been said subsequent Popes also read the prophecy and likewise chose not to make it public. The complete texts of the third prophecy supposedly is out there but again there is controversey to its authenticity and accuracy. Many Fatima supporters say the vatican did not disclose all the whole prophecy or may have altered the message. On March 10, 2000, the Pope visited Fatima and said he would finally reveal the third prophecy, that it in fact in was a foretelling of the 1981 assasination attempt on him by Mehmet Ali. This view brought on more controversy and the Vatican quickly downplayed the prophecies.
Well, as I was reading William Cooper`s book Behold a Pale Horse, he wrote about the Fatima prophecy that I thought to share with everyone. He disclosed information that shed light about the true account of prophecy as well as what the Vatican knows about it. From Cooper`s book, he says:
"The events of Fatima in the early part of the century were scrutinized. On the suspicion that it was alien manipulation, an intelleigence operation was put into motion to penetrate the secrecy surrounding the events. The U.S. utilized its Vatican moles and soon obtained the entire Vatican study which included the prophecy. This prophecy stated that if man did not turn from evil and place himself at the feet of Christ, the planet would self-destruct and the events described in the book of Revelations would indeed come to pass. The prophecy demanded that Russia be consecrated to the Sacred Heart. It stated that a child would be born who would unite the world with a plan for world peace and a false religion. The people would discern that he was evil and was indeed the Anti-Christ. WWIII would begin in the Middle East with an invasion of Israel by a United Arab nation using conventional weapons, which would eliminate in a nuclear holocaust, Most of the life on this planet wouls suffer horribly and die as a result. The return of Christ would occur shortly thereafter."