Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I guess President Obama `aint telling us the WHOLE truth on the Afghan War

Is it a surprise, really?

'Obama fools citizens over Afghan war’
Press TV
February 7, 2012

An interview with Paul Martin, political director of Peace Action:

An outstanding political activist says that despite US President Barrack Obama declaring success in the war on Afghanistan, the US government has lost control of the country.

United States Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Davis has warned that the mission in Afghanistan is a failure.

The top US military official has also accused Washington of misleading the American people about its war in the Asian country.

Press TV has conducted an interview with Paul Martin, political director of Peace Action, to further discuss the issue.

The following is a transcription of the interview (click here for interview video).

Press TV: Your take by these latest statements being made by a military man himself, saying that the war has been a failure - your take. And thanks so much for being with us.

Martin: Thanks for having me. It’s not surprising, we’ve known for quite some time, but the Pentagon uses its information services, really, as propaganda to spread the information that they want to spread and to portray things in the light that they want to spread them.

So, when they say things are going successful in Afghanistan, they also said that about Iraq, it’s not surprising that when reporters or others who can have inside information actually find out the facts.

The facts are, such as in Afghanistan, that things aren’t going as well. We do not have control of various parts of Afghanistan. The Afghanistan forces cannot control parts of Afghanistan as our government would like to say, and the strategy is failing.

The only strategy left is a political strategy which means bring the troops out of Afghanistan, and talking to the Taliban and finding some sort of peace process.

Press TV: Of course, Mr. Martin, this has been going on a long time as far as the Afghan war and the Taliban or the militants, actually, getting greater and greater control over the areas. How significant is it, though, that this is a high ranking military official saying this? And at this point in time, during an election year, isn’t it significant?

Martin: Yes, I think so. The Obama administration has been saying that their strategy has been successful and that’s why they’re planning on pulling 33,000 troops out by the end of September.

But it’s clear that the strategy has not been successful and probably part of reasons of pulling the troops out is because this is not a strategy that seems to work.

It is very noteworthy that it’s not only a high ranking military official but it’s a currently serving military official. Colonel Davis is still in the military, he’s actually based in the Pentagon.

So, it’s noteworthy that he took the time to spread this information through various media outlets before finally telling his commanders that he was going to do so.


Must Read:

Truth, lies and Afghanistan: How military leaders have let us down
By Lt. Col. Daniel L. Davis - AFJ

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