Friday, March 9, 2012

Beware of the KONY 2012 movement - Pretext for Africa Invasion

This is a major psyops by the U.S. a pre-text for invasion if you will to soften up public sentiment ans sell it down your throat, especially now since AFRICOM has been set up to effectively subvert and control the African continent, at a critical time like now when the African nations are fractured with disunity and  mistrust, and with essentially the loss of the enigmatic and charismatic Libyan leader Col. Muammer Qaddafi who seeked to unify the African mainland and champion African freedoms, there is no central voice of reason and opposition to the colonial powers usurping the natural riches of motherland Africa. 

“The US is...concerned about Chinese penetration in the region that they are going to gobble all the economical resources and earn influence on the regional governments. So the US maybe want to stop this Chinese advancement in central Africa...” (Eric Margolis, RT)

READ: So why are we in Uganda now? (Oct 2011)


Anonymous - KONY2012 Warning

Uploaded by TheAnonMessage on Mar 8, 2012

Something very malicious is unfolding from this campaign. A Military Intervension of the United States means that the final goal is to attain oil. We cannot allow this to happen. Yes, Kony must die. But only after 20 years, when the United States wants the oil. We must all focus on Operation V and forget this propaganda. They called their video an experiment. It means we're their subjects. So far, their experiement has succeeded: BRAINWASH.

KONY 2012: African Invasion Psyop: Infowars Nightly News
March 9, 2012
Alex explains how the establishment is using the foundation controlled left to promote a US Military invasion of Africa.

Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Mar 9, 2012

System using foundation controlled left to promote invasion of Africa.

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