Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Seems like the old monarchy of Libya may be rearing its ugly head again

Exiled Libyan monarchy shamelessly admit their role in fomenting Libyan war
Libya S.O.S
MAR 7, 2012


First a little history on the old monarchy of Libya:

The great-nephew of the Libyan king ousted by Muammar Qaddafi said(Sept 2011) his countrymen should be allowed to decide if they want the return of the monarchy, offering his family as a “servant of the Libyan people,” he told the Associated Press in an interview.

The prince was working, he said, to ensure that "the future of Libya will be bright, and when I say bright I mean a country with a constitution, with health care system, with freedom of speech and also justice."

Idris had complete control of the army and a good deal of influence over the parliament, which was mainly composed of powerful tribal leaders. In addition Libya, an arid, impoverished country with crop production limited to the narrow coastline, could not flourish without heavy "aid" from Western powers. In time, younger citizens, especially the military, grew tied of the king's conservative policies and extreme dependence on the West.

King Idris, leader of the Sanusi, and his British handlers, credit: Libya SOS
The Libyan monarchy of Idris, which was based in Benghazi, was installed by the United States and British in the 1950’s to oversee their economic and military interests in North Africa. Libya in 1951, under the leadership of King Idris, had amoung the lowest standards of Living in the world. The Idris monarchy was overthrown in a bloodless revolution led by Muammar al-Gaddafi in 1969. This led to the American Wheelus Air Base (The largest American base outside of US at that time) being dismantled and the American and British armed forces stationed in Libya evacuating. The western oil companies were then nationalized...

(click here to read the full article)

Libya S.O.S

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