April 6, 2012
A CBS News affiliate in Philadelphia reported on an incident this week, where a local South Jersey resident has been flying the stars and stripes – only there are no the stars representing the 50 states. In their place was the emblazoned image of Barack Obama.
Official U.S. and Obama flag flown in Democratic Party
HQ in Lake County, Florida;
photo credit:EndoftheAmericanDrem
One elderly resident appeared to be visibly shaken for fear she would be branded as a ‘racist’ for showing her disapproval of the Obama Stripes. She explains, “I don’t want to be called a racist because I object to an American flag where the stars are removed – to put a face. I don’t care if it’s a can of peas, it doesn’t belong on my American Flag.”
This has come a month after a similar event took place in Florida, where the Obama Stripes were seen hanging outside of the Lake County Democrat Party office. This apparently sent one Korean war veteran, Don Van Beck’s blood boiling.
WFTV Channel 9 interviewed Van Beck who explained, “I can’t describe how upset I was because you just don’t do that to the American flag,” Van Beck said.
Marine Corps vet John Masterjohn was seeing red, stating, “Joseph Stalin, pictures of Mao, pictures of Adolph Hitler. The pomp, the ceremony – the flags like that”.
Indeed, Masterjohn has a valid point. The soviet-style agitprop art which was the hallmark of Obama’s 2008 election craze, and undoubtedly helped to propell him into a ‘cult of personality’ – seemed to die off in the last and a half. But as the election year rolls forward in 2012, these two incidents may only be scratching the surface of what American can expect in terms of Obama’s iconic-agitprop imagery over the next 8 months.
History shows however, that whenever societies are lured into a cult of personality-led government, a rapid slide into tryanny almost always ensues...
(click here to read the full article) - A MUST READ
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