The youth today are so subservient in the sense of expecting everything to be handed down to them on a silver platter within a second. Its a fast life, nothing will come close. In this day and age, society is not advancing...what, wielding modern technology make us superior? If this was the case, why didn`t the dynastic kingdoms of the great Ancient Egypt, Rome or Mongol not last? Certainly they had the best modern technology available in their day, so why didn`t it help their survival? Why did their combined thousands of years of recorded history and kingdoms end? Well, its all due to the tainting of society. once society gets tainted and deluded into the vices of men from their utter ignorance, it surely befits the downfall of that society and people.
Nowadays we are high on cloud nine, with the latest cutting edge technology at our disposal and fingertips, the latest apple products, computers, cars....etc and the list goes on, but why is our society in decline. Sure some may say how advanced you marks the level of success for society but what good is it when people have lost their morals, character and respect for one another. There is rampant eroding of our basic social values. Where can people say they are truly living in a bliss, no they can`t.
Every society in recorded history led the downfall of the empire. History ALWAYS repeats itself, its like a continuum for us humans here on Earth. No matter how much you learn from it, (which we rarely do anyway), history repeats itself. You may be able to alter it but nevertheless with human nature, it does not change for the overall masses. The silent majority within society is slowly rising up to speak out to the injustices of the majority populous who are truly in ignorant bliss. They will do, believe and behave whatever is said to them, shown to them and shoved down their throats with no hesitation upon the consequences.
Do we humans think, we can outlive one another and the Earth? We walk upon the Lord`s Earth with such pride and arrogance like there is no tomorrow. Its amazing to think we humans who are truly so insignificant walk upon this Earth so haughty to another, but we all will surely die and go to the same grave. Its the dirt that finally shuts up the son of Adam. There is nothing as definite as death in this life, but we never give a fleeting concern or attention.
There is no point in fighting and competing with people of this world over this world. Why compete over material things. Because this world is small and our desires are large, nothing can satisfy this desire of human beings. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (peace be upon him) said, 'if the son of Adam had a valley of gold, he would request another one and nothing would please the son of Adam, nothing would shut him up except dirt. Nothing would satisfy this greed except the dirt.' When you go back to the dirt that would close and terminate all of your desires.
This youth who are to be future leaders of this world are just subservient pawns on this game of life, who have no sense of responsibility, self morals or characters. How do you sell yourself out like that, easily just like that? We so painstakingly try to 'fit in' in this society with the current fashion, trends, lifestyles, always submitting to 'other people demands' and never your own, why is that, why do that? We never do anything on our won but to appease others in how we dress, talk, behave and on and on it goes. We truly lost our self identity and character, just became a giant billboard for the wishes and wants of others.
We human are capable for so much good, but yet we delve into our past and inner selves to sow the seeds of destruction of our fellow man and the world. We are always so quick to destroy rather rebuild or cure, why is that? Does this destructive nature coarse through the veins of the son of Adam or hardwired into our DNA?
This present society with its eroding social values and unsocial conduct is becoming the times reminiscent of the Bible when the Lord sent His curse and punishment upon mankind for their debauchery and ways. We don`t look around us, that the earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, natural disasters, killings...etc have all increased vastly but no one connects the dots. Are we that bind we can`t see the signs? Or we are too proud to see them and just ignore them outright?
I pray to the good Lord above to give us HIs mercy and guidance. Without it there is no respite, no shadow of a chance to be successful in the afterlife. We take religion for granted but if the dead could speak, they would be testament to the effects of the afterlife and how we squander our time here in this life. This like which is so temporary, fleeting by, yet we prepare for it, plan for it, and decorate as if no tomorrow.
We treat this life as the ultimate thing and nothing beyond it. Yet we humans claim to know such great knowledge no nothing in reality, essentially nothing, we can`t comprehend it. For all we know, it does not even compare, not a drop in the bucket compared to the good Lord. Yet we deny Him? Deny HIs miracles and favors to you?
We humans are truly below the animals in comprehension, for even they don`t deny the existence of their Lord and praise Him always. We humans through our own actions and consequences sow our own destruction and seal our fate. But there is always time to do good and praise your Lord for you never know when it will be your last.
Believing everybody is dangerous, but believing nobody is even more dangerous. - Abraham Lincoln
Friday, August 3, 2012
Will the modern youth and eroding social values bring about the downfall of man?
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