Monday, March 5, 2012

Current news on the Syrian Front and Middle East

Whats new? Well reports of more foreign weapons seizures along with actual admissions from the Free Syrian Army and rebels to receiving U.S. and Israeli weapons. Syrian border agents are apprehending fighters and weapons along the border used to create causalities and instability. Note that the most areas of fighting against the Syrian regime are all along the border of Syria, it doesn`t take a rocket scientist to note that weapons and fighter flowing in are used to set up base at the border towns. Just try to think of Libya and where the 'so-called revolution' took place - the east in Benghazi along the coast and accessible by nearby border crossings and water.

Now echoing the mantra of 'protecting civilians' like in Libya `s case, our senator - John McCain publicly called for airstrikes without UN approval. He really must have spent a lot of time in the bog when we was a POW in Vietnam. Really airstrikes in Syria, then what? Leave it to the wolves and NATO to turn it into another Libya? If he cares so much for protecting civilians, then why doesn`t he voice concern for the the people of Bahrain who are getting massacred with no media coverage or the protesters in eastern Saudi Arabia and Yemen?

Speaking of Yemen, look at the hypocrisy in Yemen, Saleh and his cronies were given immunity for crimes against humanity in exchange for transferring power to an un-contested 'democratic' government while the powerful military remains in his family`s hands, so what really has this false 'Arab Spring' accomplished, nothing its just s whitewash and sands over your eyes.


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