Monday, June 18, 2012

'...mere shadows & dust to the people we love'

In this world, we are all but mere shadows and dust to the people we devote and give our lives to...yet they will never know the full truth. For that one special person who brings such both joy and melancholy to the heart, all I can do is sit from afar and watch her grow up and be thralled into the throws of a ravenous family & society - RSA

dedicated to Sanakht Korrukaten (an anagram off course for the real person)

1 comment:

  1. awwww...i hope this person realizes how much you love them...i know its a family member so its makes it much harder to swallow...

    i tried working out the anagram of the different names of your family but still hard to crack, good egyptian name spin to it, sanakht was actually a pharaoh i later found out...nice...i`ll still try to crack the name
