by Abu 'Abdir-Rahman Mohammad Navaid Aziz
Hasan al-Basree, may Allah have mercy upon him, had some wise words concerning the dunya when he said:
"So beware of this land (the dunya) that is falling down and is misleading
and deceiving, being decorated by its deceit and having eluded (others) by
its delusion, and having killed its people with its hopes. It looks forward
with anticipation towards the one who proposes to it for marriage. Hence it
becomes like the unveiled bride - all the eyes are looking towards it, and the
souls are in love with it, and the hearts are captivated by it."
[Related by Abu Nu'aym in al-Hilyah (2/135-136)]
The Prophetﷺ (peace be upon him), being attached to it and living in its luxuries but rather he sacrificed it all with full certainty in that which will come after is better and everlasting. Thus, he said:
"The dunya is cursed. Cursed is all that is in it except for the remembrance
of Allah, and that which resembles it, a scholar, and a student (of
knowledge)." [Related by Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah, and Bayhaqi. The wording is taken
from Shaykh al-Albaanee's Sahîh at-Targhîb wat-Tarhîb (1/34)
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