by Meera
"The following poem was inspired in the above painting named “Hand in Hand” by Miki, a great artist whose works of art I love. I don’t have children of my own but this is what I’d like to tell them if I had":
Motherly Love
I’m holding your hand
So small in my palm
Don’t you cry my child
I will be always
By your side
I’m holding your hand
So sweet to touch
As harmless as you are
I will protect you
No matter what
Who could love you
More than I
I will hold your hand
Throughout the years
From now
I’ll teach you how to walk
Don’t you worry
I won’t let you fall.
Holding your hand
I see myself in your eyes
Oh baby
Don’t you cry
For you will be always
In my heart.
ahh so sweet, great poem, i`ll be sure to check meera`s website out