by Danish Riyaz
Posted on June 1, 2012
Islaam has laid responsibilities upon both the genders, but Allaah gave the duty of making the future of the 100% population which includes males and females in the hands of women because Allaah believes that women are capable of doing so even though they are lesser in strength than men. It is this great load of responsibility which changed the prespective and thinking of the world about women when in some places they were doubted whether they are human beings or not, some places they considered women having no soul and some thought they are having the soul of dogs. People used women for the purpose of household work as slaves and they used to buy them and do whatever they wanted to do to them and no one would object because they were sold like properties (like today in many places).
Women have forgotten their role in their society because mosques are no more alive. It was the impact of the talks and actions upon the talks of the people who attended the mosque that they said, before Prophet Muhammad’s teachings we used to consider women as nothing, but after his arrival we knew that they are better than us. It were these talks and practices conducted in that mosque which made them to think so and both men and women used to attend and both men and women used to question and ask for clarification when prophet (may peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to give his talks. Human beings are created in such a way that mentally they need to remind continously and that is what we lack. We always look at the results but we ignore what are the reasons and causes of these results. How many women scholars do we have today in the Muslim world? How many Muslims female jurists do we have in the world? How many Muslim women do you know of who know the sciences of ahaadeeth? The only time we hear women speaking about something then it is about women and that is not acceptable when we look at the life of the female companions of the Prophet (may peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).
This is just a highlight of what our women were and why are they what they are today.
Danish Riyaz
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