(2) You have to guard your wealth but knowledge guards you. So knowledge is better.
(3) A man of wealth has many enemies while a man of knowledge has many friends. Hence knowledge is better.
(4) Knowledge is better because it increases with distribution, while wealth decreases by that act.
(5) Knowledge is better because a learned man is apt to be generous while a wealthy person is apt to be miserly.
(6) Knowledge is better because it cannot be stolen while wealth can be stolen.
(7) Knowledge is better because time cannot harm knowledge, but wealth rusts in course of time and wears away.
(8) Knowledge is better because it is boundless while wealth is limited and you can keep account of it.
(9) Knowledge is better because it illuminates the mind while wealth is apt to blacken it.
(10) Knowledge is better because knowledge induced the humanity in our Prophet to say to Allah, "We worship Thee as we are Your servant," while wealth engendered in Pharaoh and Nimrod the vanity which made them claim Godhead.
What wisdom! Yet today our people are dispassionate about seeking knowledge. Why? Do they know what Imam Ibn Hazm (RA) - the great Spanish Muslim theologian, jurist and poet - said? "If knowledge had no other merit than to make the ignorant fear and respect you, and scholars love and honor you, this would be good enough reason to seek after it... If ignorance had no other fault than to make the ignorant man jealous of knowledgeable men and jubilant at seeing more people like himself, this by itself would be reason enough to oblige us to feel it... If knowledge and the action of devoting oneself to it had no purpose except to free the man who seeks it from the exhausting anxieties and many worries which afflict the mind, that alone would certainly be enough to drive us to seek knowledge."
very righteous words ideed