- [ Pearls Of Wisdom ] -
Subhanallah, remember my Imaam saying, when we buy houses, or move into our new homes for the 1st time, we decorate it with soooo much junk, new sofa, sofa being bigger than the actual room! 3D TV's costing over 1k, decorating the house as if, "we are going to live here forever", and we all know this is not possible however much we like the house we live in, our (temp) HOME is the grave. He remiinded us that why we dont "decorate" our graves like this? Make it a place of bliss and comfort, decorate it with whatever you wish coz [sic] you will spend your life there (not in the grave but for some time you will) then inshaa'Allah decorate your jannah with Many Palaces and Many Trees. (Palaces made out of Gold, Silver, Diamonds and Rubies, Trees soo big that if you travel for 100years on a hourse you still will be under the shade of the same tree! SUBHANALLAH!)
We should all take into account this naseeha as we all love decorating our homes, but why not decorate our akhirah also?
Plant a tree each time you say Subhanallah, or Get a palace for praying all the 12 Sunnah rakah's in one day :)
Its that Simple! Subhanallah!
May Allah Give us the tawfeeek to focus on our akhirah than this temp dunya! Ameen !
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