Thursday, June 14, 2012

Another military 'coup' in Egypt, parliament sacked, chaos in Cairo as democracy goes out the window

'Egypt just experienced the smoothest military coup in history'

Egypt mubarak military coup 2011 9 26
Photographer: Mohammed Abed Copyright/Source: AFP/Getty Images (Feb 2011)
Some cry 'coup' as Egypt's highest court annuls parliament, military extends power
by Mohamed Fadel Fahmy and Josh Levs,
June 14, 2012

Cairo (CNN) -- Egypt's highest court declared the parliament invalid Thursday, and the country's interim military rulers promptly declared full legislative authority, triggering a new level of chaos and confusion in the country's leadership.

The Supreme Constitutional Court found that all articles making up the law that regulated parliamentary elections are invalid, said Showee Elsayed, a constitutional lawyer.

The ruling means that parliament must be dissolved, state TV reported.

Parliament has been in session for just over four months. It is dominated by Islamists, a group long viewed with suspicion by the military.

The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, in control of the country since Mubarak's ouster, said that it now has full legislative power and will announce a 100-person assembly that will write the country's new constitution by Friday.

The Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's largest Islamist party, said SCAF leaders were taking matters into their own hands "against any true democracy they spoke of."

The court also ruled that former Prime Minister Ahmed Shafik. the last prime minister to serve under ousted President Hosni Mubarak, may run in a presidential election runoff this weekend...

(click here to read the full article)

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