Sunday, July 1, 2012

The vast emptiness of being alone...

Never have I felt this alone, this vast emptiness, this distant, a cast off with mortal danger at every turn from the very people you give your heart out to. It is a shame, the very same people instigate, mitigate, slander & plot against you for your downfall when in fact you pray for all their well-being. It is the selfish nature of man to always receive and receive but never to give one iota. Truly as the great Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, we are certainly the ghuraba (the strangers) to the disbelievers, so we must distance our selves from the rest.

As Ibrahim al-Nakha`i said, “Those who were destroyed before you were destroyed due to three traits – excess in speech, excess in food, and excess in sleep.”

Ya Wadud! ~ Oh Beloved, make the veils on my heart to vanish, hear my cry and open my heart with Your Light. Oh You Who loves those whose hearts are broken for Your sake ~ You are Allah, Our Lord. (RSA)

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