Saturday, March 26, 2011

Jesus Christ: The son of Mary from an Islamic Perspective

(image courtesy of; original artwork from Serbian monastery Hilander, Mt. Athos)

Jesus Christ, known as Isa in Arabic (peace be upon him) was a miraculous figure in history and a figure of controversy as well. Here I present from various sources who documented the story and history of Jesus from the point of view of Islam and the Quran sent down by Allah (God):

The word "Jesus" is the Latinized name given to him after the Council of Nicaea. His name comes from the Old Semitic name "Eeshua" or "Eesa." This is based on the pronunciation of the letter known as "seen" or in Hebrew "sheen." The Jewish pronounce the word for "peace" as "Shalom;" whereas, the Arabic pronunciation would be "Salam." So we see how the name of "Eesa" can also be "Eeshua."


War just never seems to be far away from the U.S., we just love to either create or go into protracted conflicts just for the heck of it sometimes. Its funny how we only "intervene" when it suits our national interests, for the the so-called "American people," a phrase always used by the suits to drum up supports but always forgotten. We are so far away from what good `ol Abe Lincoln had said, "a government of the people, by the people and for the people."

Whenever a conflict brews, stirs or blows up, we always think about our national interests first at the cost of civilians or the so-called "people." What`s happening in the middle-east right now is a godsend for the people to finally take back control for themselves but the powers at be won`t ever let that happen. From the deposed leaders of Tunisia and Egypt, the U.S.-backed strongmen are gone but new U.S.-backed strongmen will "emerge" to take the spotlight and "lead the people." What the population of the countries where revolution for true change is occurring should realize, is that true leadership must come from within the population taking part in the revolution or consensus of the people, it is only that person that truly understands their country, their people, not some outside dissident who spends his time in Europe or the U.S., their family living abroad in the lap of luxury and etc. Just for example, the revolution in Egypt was spearheaded by the younger class but coalesced into the general population. Weeks afterward, you have the expatriates and dissidents come and try to "lead" the revolution in the hopes of becoming president of the Egypt. For a time, the news networks just couldn`t get enough about Mohammed El-Baradei, former head of the IAEA, because this was a man who the West knew, likes and probably had contacts when he was chief of the IAEA for "special" assignments, missions, documents...etc. and was trying to make him the face of the revolution. Another guy, Amr Moussa, head of the Arab League has aspirations to be president of Egypt as well and again known by the West and off course has extensive contacts through our State Dept. diplomatic core and a favorite to land the job by the standards of our government.

I`ve never a time when heads of state can just call for the ouster of other heads of state with a drop of a dime. As if theres no judge or jury, just the executioner. Now routinely in our culture we just call for the immediate ouster of leaders and even assassinate. I`m ashamed of my fellow people, people who are well-educated journalists, commentators, analysts, talk-show hosts, government officials...etc who openly now call for assassinations or "taking-out" of world leaders. Who could of thought it would all come to this? (John Bolton calls for killing Gadhafi)

Just a brain teaser - lets suppose China, largest holder of U.S. debt, decides America is spiraling out of control both economically and politically and calls for the ouster of the president or government because they can`t effectively govern the country and is a risk to the trillions of dollars China holds in U.S. treasury bonds. Does China have a valid reason to hold the president accountable and call for his release or ouster because it threatens China`s "interests?" Put America in China`s shoes in this context and this is whats going on in the world.

The situation in Libya is dire. On one side our President Obama proclaims its U.S. policy for Col. Gadhafi to go but U.N. policy not so. I don`t know if there is any other bigger blunder than coming from our president. Is our nation the U.S. greater than the U.N. or the rest of the world, if so then why do we even have the U.N. in place? They don`t want an "American" face to the mission and will take a back seat it, I mean really? We all know America is going to be calling the shots and dictating what occurs and what the so-called endgame is. Here we had a guy (Col. Gadhafi) who the whole world "courted" to get lucrative billion-dollar contracts and basically propped-up him and his regime. Now all of a sudden, because of a civil war brewing we are going to intervene because civilians are dead and now he`s fallen out of favor and must go. Killing of any civilians is unjustified and heinous but what about other places where its documented cases of genocide occurring, like Uganda, Nigeria, Chad and Sudan. The world did nothing when the injustices in Sudan were happening, no intervention no nothing. Now all of a sudden "its about protecting the people" and you immediately "enforce a no-fly zone" and start strategically bombing the country so you cripple it just like Iraq under Saddam Hussein. Its funny President Obama has voiced there will be no "boots" on the ground in Libya, but little do people on the outside know there are various ground personnel already in Libya calling in precision-guided air strikes on high-value and strategic targets. When the targets are taken ut oand rendered no threat, attention will immediately turn to the leader and eventually Gadhafi will be taken out, either one way or another. You are not going to be conducting this type of mission and leave the leader in place-everybody knows and its only a matter of time. Also there are teams of soldiers already there and on their way to Libya "for support of humanitarian reasons."

Also, the U.S. as well as other nations are clamoring for Gadhafi to get indicted for war crimes and stand trial in the International Criminal Court (ICC - the same court the U.S. does not recognize but on a drop of dime will push for someone to stand trial in) will not happen in my idea as well as not for Zine bel-Abedin nor Mubarak, because they will divulge secrets and implicate world leaders and governments who have been propping them up for the last 30-40 years. This would be a huge disaster with great implications. The U.S. already has a tarnished image around the world because we in fact act like an overgrown bully, stiff-arming other people to have it only our way or its the highway. With already two disastrous wars ongoing and now entering and spearing the Libyan conflict, I don`t how we can sustain this until we say enough is enough-but most people have been coerced into seeing and believing its "really about the people." Yeah really the people are so important all of a sudden, I guess they weren`t too important when the "all you can eat" lucrative billion-dollar contracts were being signed and doled out while the people were still suffering and dying. Only when the cameras are rolling, oh now we have to do something. Its plausible to think as well that getting the free oil we thought we would get from Iraq didn`t pan out, hey next stop, lets get it from Libya.

In the end its the people who suffer both ways from any outcome. The people of Afghanistan and Iraq after more than 10 years of war, are there lives any better than when we "intervened" for the sake of bringing peace and freedom. Just go ask the people, and I mean the real people of the country, not the ones the camera gets who are polished individuals.

Watch RT`s commentary by Keith Harmon Snow on Why Libya being attacked now: Why Libya? `Oil, gold, uranium, weapons test mean long conflict in U.S. plans`

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


images courtesy of Pivotal and Gotham Games and PS2

Possibly one of the greatest games I ever played on my PS2. Its been so long I`ve played the first and second games (CDSI & CDS II: Back to Baghdad). Viewing recent images of the current Libyan war especially with the night-time sky painted with anti-aircraft fire and burnt out tanks reminded me so much about the Iraq war and the Conflict Desert Storm games.

I just love the squad-based nature of game and the fact you can choose any player to play as well as the co-op mode. I played SOCOM and other shooter games but CDS is a game unto its own, from the superb AI, images, vehicles, weapons...etc its just that awesome to play. From several types of grenades, assortments of rifles & machine guns, rocket launchers and sniping-which is only a few of the items in the game making the overall action and playing experience mezmerizing. I recommend this game if you like tactical shooting or if you want to try a new game genre.

I can still remember the sounds of the AK-47 rounds whizzing by, or the sounds of the alarm siren or the Iraqi AI figures cussing us in Arabic. I can still see myself staying up late nights and playing through the early morning working on the various missions and coming up with ways to beat the challenges that arose. The missions were not easy and after several times dying, you would need come up with ways and scenarios to beat the mission. At times I would just be perplexed on many missions and pulling my hair when my squad died when we shouldn`t have or such but it shows to the nature of the game that its unstoppable and unable to take your hands off it.

About the game from the manufacturers:

Conflict Desert Storm
Conflict: Desert Storm lets you take charge of the best known and most feared special operations forces in the world: the elite British SAS or the US Delta Force squads. You're the best trained, best equipped and best organised Special Forces in the world. The area that has been assigned to you is yours for the taking. Seek, locate and destroy enemy targets and personnel. Create havoc and confusion throughout the enemy's lines of communication and supply. What lies before you is an opportunity in a soldier's lifetime. Take your equipment, take your training and use it well. Features included squad-based combat (both alone or co-operatively with friends), 15 missions, and scripted events.
Watch the trailer: CDS 1 trailer
Watch the intro: CDS Intro

Conflict Desert Storm II: Back to Baghdad
Part 2 in the series, Back to Baghdad is a squad-based shooter that picks up right where the first Desert Storm left off. John Bradley, Paul Foley, Mick Connors, and David Jones are back once again to team up and once again take on Saddam's henchmen. Whether it's protecting friendly choppers from enemy fire, the burning oil fields, Iraq's chemical weapons program, or secret superguns, there was apparently enough unfinished business left to serve as the basis for a second game. For the sequel, the developers improved on the team-mate AI and game UI, but the biggest attraction is once again the split-screen co-operative multiplayer for two

Conflict Desert Storm II: Back To Baghdad takes you deep into the combat zone, during the 1991 Desert Storm operation! All-new weapons and vehicles, plus the option to raise your troops' skills and turn them into an unbeatable fighting force!

Only strategy and skill will ensure your survival through frantic firefights, gut-wrenching vehicular combat, and gripping stealth operations. "The Mother of All Battles" is on your console in Gotham Games' Conflict: Desert Storm II - Back to Baghdad. The troops are in position, so lock and load, and get ready to GO LOUD!
Watch the trailer: CDS II trailer
Watch the intro: CDS II Intro

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Major Signs of the Day of Judgement

(image courtesy of Quran&ModernSci.blogspot)

This is the Day of Reckoning - Powerful Speech HD

And When This Is Taking Place, The Mother Whose Got A Child, She On That Day Will Remember That She Had A Child, Why? Because The Sound Of The Horn, The Sound Of The Horn Is So Terrifying That You Will See Mankind Will Be On A Drunken State But In Reality Will Not Be Drunken, The Hadith Of Abu Hurairah RA Comes To Mind, He Says The Shaytan And His Army Will Begin To Run And They Will Begin To Hide, They Will Begin To Run And They Will Begin To Hide, The Quran Says: On That Day There Is No Refuge, He Will Look Above The People And What Will They See? They Will See The Sky Will Look Like The Black Filth Of Oil, It Will Crack Piece By Piece, The Earth Beneath Them, It Will Crack Piece By Piece, The Ocean Will Be On Fire That Day And They Will Explode From Their Places, Allahu Akbar Picture This In Your Mind, That The Ocean, They Will Be On Fire And They Will Explode From Their Places, The Stars Will Lose Their Shine And They Will Come Crushing Down, And There Will Be Darkness Everywhere And When There Is Darkness Everywhere, Nothing Will Remain, Every Single Thing In The Universe Will Come To An End. The Hadith Of Abu Huraira Says: That The Angel Of Death It Will Say To Allah, O Allah, All Those That Are In The Heaven And All Those Are In The Dunya They Have Come To An End Except For Thos Who You Wish To Remain Alive O Allah, Allah Will Say, Who Remains? And The Angel Will Say: O Allah, Jibrail Remains, Mikail Remains, Israfil Remains And The Angel That Are Carrying Your Throne, They Remain, Allah The Almighty Will Say: Let Death Come To Jibrail, Let Death Come To Mikail, Let Death Come To Israfil And Let Death Come To All Those Angel Who Are Carrying My Throne, Then Allah Will Say: Who Remains? Ya Allah Knows Who Remains, Allah Will Say To The Angel Of Death, Who Remains? And The Angel Will Say, O Allah: I Remain, You Remain, No One Else Remains And Then Allah Will Say, I Created You For A Purpose, You Have Fulfilled Your Purpose, You Also Die And He Will Die. And The Allah The Almighty, He Will Roll Up All The Heavens In His Hand, He Will Roll Up All The World In His Hand And Allah Will Raise His Voice And Allah Will Say: I Am The Almighty Allah, I Am The Almighty Allah, For Whom Is The Devine Rule Today, For Whom Is The Power Today, For Whom Is The Kingdom Today, I Am The King Of All Kings, Where Are Your Dictators? Where Are Your Oppressors? No One Will Answer, Allah Himself Will Answer And Allah Will Say: Power Is For Allah, Might Is For Allah, The One The Only, The Irresistible.

Now It's Time For Muhammad SAW, He Will Open The Gates Of Jannah For People Who Will Enter Jannah And People Will Enter In The Thousands, In The Millions And The Others They Will Be In The Fire Of Hell, I Pray To The Almighty Allah That Allah Makes Us From Those People Who Receive Their Records In Our Right Hand As I Pray To The Almighty Allah That Allah Forgives Me, Why? Justice Has Not Been Done To this Title.

Lecturer: Muhammad Abdul Jabbar


Iraq, The Gulf Wars and The Saddam Legacy

(image courtesy of Haaretz)

The Ghost of Saddam Hussein

Hostilities with Iraq are not a thing of the past, says one general, and Saddam may not be as far gone as we think - Haaretz

The US is pumping billions of dollars into regenerating Iraq. But with thousands there still living below the poverty line, many have yet to see any improvement in living standards. As RT's Sebastian Myer reports, some are forced to live in dumping grounds, scavenging through waste just to earn a few dollars - RT News, RTYouTube

by: Michael R. Gordon, NYT, 01/19/2011
An Iraqi archive kept classified until now reveals how Saddam Hussein attempted to win Soviet support before the first American war with Iraq

Tony Benn`s Interview with Saddam Hussein - Feb. 4, 2003
Historic Interview by British Politician Tony Benn with Saddam Hussein. In an attempt to avert the upcomming War Tony Benn asks the questions raised by the UK and the USA. Saddams answers to the questions are VERY intriguing and it is no surpise that this interview was all but buried as the rush to war gathered Momentum. - setfree68

Rarely seen video footage about the history of Saddam and his family - LatifYahia

A story about Ala Bashir, Saddam's personal doctor and surgeon for 22 years, shares his great personal insight into the life of the Iraqi leader and surprising details unknown to the outside world. - JourneymanPictures

The man who iconically brought down the Saddam statue in Firdous Square now says he regrets his actions and explains why he wishes "Saddam remained in power!" The mainstream media used his image and actions as a cornerstone of the Iraq War but never did they broadcast this fact to the general public. - JourneymanPictures

New details have emerged about Saddam Hussein, the former Iraqi president, after the FBI released secret interview notes taken while he was in US custody. According to the FBI, Saddam misled the world into believing Iraq had weapons of mass destruction because he considered Iran - not the US - as the biggest security threat to his country. - AlJazeeraEnglish

Saddam`s Confessions (video)
CBS 60 Minutes special interview with George Pirro, the FBI agent who interrogated Saddam shares his insight and personal perspective to the information gleaned by his encounter with Iraqi leader. Saddam Hussein confesses about not having any WMDs and disliking who he labeled a "fanatic" Osama bin Laden. In his first television interview, George Piro tells Scott Pelley how he won the confidence of Saddam Hussein and got the truth out of him in a seven-month interrogation.
- Part 1
- Part 2
Read Related CBS 60Minutes Story: Interrogator Shares Saddam`s Confessions

LYNCHING SADDAM by Gabriele Zamparini (Special Section on the Trial of President Saddam Hussein)

Moon Has a Liquid Core, Suggests Apollo Era Seismic Sensors

(image courtesy of

More than 40 years after Apollo astronauts left seismic sensors on the lunar surface, the data being emitted from them compiled with contemporary seismological techniques helped to determine that the moon now is believed to have a solid iron-rich inner core and a fluid, primarily liquid-iron outer core. The new research seems to show the moon could have had its own magnetic field, an evolved lunar dynamo. The lunar core contains light elements like sulfur, which in fact our Earth also contains in a layer around our own core shedding more truth that the moon and Earth in fact my be related. The research was published on the online edition of journal Science.