Thursday, June 30, 2011

The 'Real Terrorizers' of Libya

DHS Now Warns Al Qaeda May Get Libyan Weapons

Big Sis with her European counterparts now are warning that Al Qaeda may get their hands on Libyan weapons.

Well, If you want to blame someone for arming Al-Qaeda, don`t look too far. On Wednesday, France became the first NATO country that acknowledged to arming the so-called rebels in Eastern Libya.

Le Figaro newspaper said France had parachuted rocket launchers, assault rifles, machine guns and anti-tank missiles into the Western Mountains of Libya in early June. This would in effect be a violation of the embargo placed on Libya by the UN Security Council Libyan Sanctions Committee. But the very imbiguity language of the UN Resolution 1973 makes it easy to distort and open to interpretation to implement.

And exactly who are the rebels huh? Just a group of individuals who so happened to dislike the regime of Col. Gaddhafi and want freedom? The very people who are very well known with the CIA and MI6 for years, not to mention all the world cartels of banks, businesses and entities. The best example is the Libyan rebel commander Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, who participated along with al-Qaeda in killing U.S. soldiers in Iraq. Al-Hasidi insists his fighters “are patriots and good Muslims, not terrorists,” but added that the “members of al-Qaeda are also good Muslims and are fighting against the invader,” The Telegraph reported on March 25.

Susan Lindauer: "Libyan Opposition is Al-Qaeda" :

Friday, June 24, 2011

NATO IS trying to kill Qaddafi

Top U.S. Admiral admits we are trying to kill Qaddafi
Josh Rogin
June 24, 2011
(image courtesy of ForeignPolicy)

The top U.S. admiral involved in the Libya war admitted to a U.S. congressman that NATO forces are trying to kill Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi. The same admiral also said he anticipated the need for ground troops in Libya after Qaddafi falls, according to the lawmaker.
House Armed Services Committee member Mike Turner (R-OH) told The Cable that U.S. AdmiralSamuel Locklear, commander of the NATO Joint Operations Command in Naples, Italy, told him last month that NATO forces are actively targeting and trying to kill Qaddafi, despite the fact that the Obama administration continues to insist...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Recent Russian Plane Crash: More than Meets the Eye

Nuclear experts were onboard the Russian aircraft who helped design Iranian nuclear facility
Russia plane crash
(Wreckage of Tupolev-134 plane, belonging to RusAir airline, is seen on highway near Petrozavodsk Tuesday, June 21, 2011 Photo by AFP)

Five Russian experts were among the 44 killed earlier this week on Monday aboard a Tupolev-134 that broke up and caught fire on landing outside the northern city of Petrozavodsk, who so happened to have assisted in the design of Iran`s atomic facility. How about that huh?

Although no official investigation of foul play has yet to be announced.

The 5 nuclear experts - who included lead designers Sergei Rizhov, Gennadi Benyok, Nicolai Tronov and Russia's top nuclear technological experts, Andrei Tropinov - worked at the Bushehr nuclear facility after the contract for the plant's construction passed from the German Siemens company to Russian hands.

It really shouldn`t be a surprise to anyone, especially with past Iranian nuclear scientists dead or abducted, that anyone in connection with the Iranian nuclear facility is becoming a liability and target. Anyone with the slightest connection is now becoming a target and a scare tactic of not working with the Iranians. Off course there is substantial proof but nevertheless its the case.

According to sources, although past Iranian nuclear scientists have been involved in unexplained accidents and plane crashes, there is still no official suspicion of foul play. Investigators are probing human error and technical malfunction as the causes of the plane crash.

WW III Defined: Much Wider War Unfolding in the Middle East

June 23, 2011

It's time to identify the unfolding Middle East crisis for what it is-- a wider world war. Alex Jones analyzes the more than nine years of expanding middle east conflict since 9/11, with the U.S. now engaging in 5 simultaneous proxy wars including Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Pakistan and Yemen.

Tensions with Syria, Russia, China and other players may further fan the flames in the region, as top globalists, including Bilderberg attendees, have announced their intention to put ground troops in Libya and kick-off a "big war" encompassing much of Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia.

Despite opposition to the wars in U.S. Congress and throughout the NATO alliance, the Nobel Peace President will continue to try and save face as he escalates deadly conflict on behalf of his masters under a "humanitarian" pretext. The elites have craftily planted the seeds of chaos under the guise of the "Arab Spring" they helped fund and organize, which is now blossoming into an all-out war that could draw in major powers and proxy regimes alike.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Seeds Being Sown for WW III?
June 17, 2011

In this critically important update, Alex warns that the international banking cartel is using Obama and the US military to start World War III. The controllers of the New World Order believe they can achieve their one world government by destabilizing every country in the the Middle East and northern Africa and draw Russia and China into crisis to create a world-wide catastrophe. Once this event occurs, and the world is brought to the brink of total obliteration, the global banking cartel plans to move in with their final phase: a one world government and eugenics agenda.
Alex urges his listeners to get the word out about this point in history. We are right now in the beginning stages of world war three. If this situation escalates, it can result in the worst world war that mankind has ever suffered.

Gen. Hamid Gul: Israel/India running US foreign policy (6/15/2011) -TheAlexJonesChannel:

Thursday, June 16, 2011

U.S. Invasion of Libya Set for October

Aaron Dykes
June 15, 2011

U.S. Invasion of Libya Set for October has received alarming reports from within the ranks of military stationed at Ft. Hood, Texas confirming plans to initiate a full-scale U.S.-led ground invasion in Libya and deploy troops by October.
The source stated that additional Special Forces are headed to Libya in July, with the 1st Calvary Division (heavy armor) and III Corps deploying in late October and early November. Initial numbers are estimated at 12,000 active forces and another 15,000 in support, totaling nearly 30,000 troops.
This information was confirmed by numerous calls and e-mails from other military personnel, some indicating large troop deployment as early as September. Among these supporting sources is a British S.A.S. officer confirming that U.S. Army Rangers are already in Libya. The chatter differs in the details, but the overall convergence is clear– that a full-on war is emerging this fall as Gaddafi continues to evade attempts to remove him from power.

A caller identified as “Specialist H” working for mortuary affairs under USCENTCOM revealed...

(courtesy of

Alex talks with Colonel 6 about reports sent by members of the military to regarding an October ground invasion of Libya

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Real Truth Reporting From the Ground in Libya

'Libyan War Driven by O.I.L.: Oil, Israel & Logistics' - McKinney to RT News

June 15, 2011
As NATO attacks continue in Libya, ex US Congresswoman and former presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney went to the country on a non-governmental fact-finding mission to see what exactly is going on in the war-torn country. ­Cynthia McKinney believes the bombardments of Libyan cities and other measures taken by NATO, causing civilian casualties, represent the idea of “collective punishment”.

Report from Tripoli: More NATO "Humanitarian Intervention": The Bombing of Al-Fateh University, Campus B

Cynthia McKinney

Global Research
June 15, 2011
Since coming to Tripoli to see first hand the consequences of the NATO military operations, it has become clear to me that despite the ongoing silence of the international press on the ground here in Libya, there is clear evidence that civilian targets have been hit and Libyan civilians injured and killed.
This Tuesday morning I was taken from my hotel across the city through its bustling traffic to the Al Fateh University.
On 9 June, Dean Ali Mansur was outside in the parking lot. The sky was blue like Carolina blue. The clouds were white–no chemtrails in sight. Puffy and white. Dean Mansur was visibly upset. It seems that some of the young men at Al Fateh University, Campus B were fighting over girls. He explained to me that Libyans are hot blooded. With a gleam in his eye, he whispered to me that girls are important to young men.
Yes, that was clearly evident today as I approached the campus of Al Fateh University, Campus B, formerly known as Nasser University. Under the trees, throughout the lawn as we approached the campus gates, I could see young men and women talking to each other, talking on cell phones, walking to and fro, assembled, probably talking about the latest campus news–whatever that might be. Today, on the Al Fateh campus, life was teeming. Student life seemed vibrant. This feel and ambiance of this university was not unlike the hundreds of other universities that I have visited in the US and around the world.
Libyan boys and girls are like ours. My son would easily fit into the life of this university....

"NATO bombs civilians!" - Cynthia McKinney Reports from Tripoli
June 14, 2011
Former US congresswoman and presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney told RT she went to Libya because she wanted to know the truth.

Monday, June 13, 2011

The President Who Told the Truth - JFK (Part 2)

Read previous blog posts:

Speech of John F Kennedy that cost him his life
(courtesy of M. Gonzalez)

The infamous speech that started it all:

From Misael Gonzalez`s webpage:

Here is a series of videos (8 videos – 10 minutes each) that provides an in-depth analysis of the JFK assassination. The author is Bob Harris from JFKHISTORY.COM, who asks that you look at this objectively, and analytically, and at least temporarily, set aside your preconceptions…

Lets get real

  • The Dollar is dying,
  • Jobs are difficult to find,
  • US government reached debt limit,
  • Prices of basic needs are up,
  • People on high economic standard are buying far lands, storing foods, weapons, etc.
  • Questionable wars are at stake,
  • Gold and Silver are both going up in value, reflecting the weakened dollar currency value…
Does it ring a bell? Have you notice it?
It was foretold way back when the FED started printing money… wait… way before that … by our last pro-constitutional president John F. Kennedy speech…
…and to think the substitute president following him, president Nixon, on August 15th, 1971 ended convertibility between the dollar and gold, officially eliminating the Gold Standard.
Yes, we are heading to Inflation…and you should understand what it means…so you can prepare for it.
- Misael Gonzalez
HIGH QUALITY Footage of JFK Assassination -

NATO Chief Gets Grilled by RT News On Libyan Conflict

NATO Sec. General Anders Rasmussen, a Globalist stooge and recent Bilderberg 2011 attendee, is interviewed by RT News and put on the hot seat to answer tough questions concerning the ongoing war in Libya and other world events from Syria, Russia and missile defense.

Libyan Gold was Globalists` Aim All Along & The Ensuing Media Lies Against Gaddafi

Courtesy of RT News (6/10/2011)

NATO is continuing its barrage of the Libyan capital, with no sign there will be any let-up until Colonel Muammar Gaddafi goes. Western and Arab countries are showing their support for the Libyan opposition by pledging more money. The rebels say they need $3 billion over the next several months to pay salaries and buy supplies. Although the rebels have managed to get financing from their first oil exports to the US, writer and filmmaker Patrick Henningsen believes the oil business coming out of Libya is not the main driver of this NATO operation.

In 2003, Saddam Hussein did an interview with the media where he stated he had no weapons of mass destruction and the US knew this and was propagating a lie to instigate regime change. Nobody believed Saddam, and we were outraged that he could lie about something "everyone knew" so obviously to be true.

Fast forward about 9 years, to what's happening in Libya. Gaddafi is claiming that the United States is lying, using fanatical and overexaggerated media claims, to go to war with Libya. Nobody believes Gaddafi.

The question is: why do we trust CNN, Fox, and all others who previously lied to us?

(Info and following video courtesy of Housekater Claudio)

U.S. Screws Gaddafi and Libya`s Money

(Muammar Gaddafi and one of the US most profitable banks were firm financial friends in 2008)
Courtesy of RT News

Before the hostilities with Libya and Col. Gaddafi, Libya was a top international investor with an impressive portfolio with a top U.S. bank. Today, that fund is virtually empty and little remorse from the American bankers.

Long before the hostilities, everyone wanted to be Col. Gaddafi`s friend and get on the gravy train. According to RT News: Wall Street Journal reported that Goldman Sachs offered Gaddafi the chance of becoming a huge shareholder. But only after losing 98 per cent of Libya’s $1.3 billion sovereign-wealth fund in just a few months.

“They lost a staggering percentage. I do not know how you lose 98 per cent of something. It was a bet on options on European banks and energy companies whose stocks plunged shortly thereafter. But in any case, clearly they saw a goldmine in Gaddafi,” said Russ Backer, an investigative journalist.

When the fund, controlled by Colonel Gaddafi, nearly emptied, Goldman ponied up offers to recoup losses. According to the journal, Libya would get $5 billion worth of Goldman shares – in return for making a $3.7 billion investment in the securities firm. Libya agreed to buy the bank’s debt, but with a promise of a lucrative annual 6 per cent return for 20 years.

“Goldman knew it was about to head into a nosedive and there they were selling Libyans a piece of junk, which was themselves,” stated Greg Palast, an investigative journalis

Libyan sovereign-wealth fund officials are reportedly accusing Goldman of misrepresenting investment deals and making trades without proper authorization. But others proudly admit playing fast and loose with Gaddafi’s money. American real estate and reality-show tycoon Donald Trump boasts that he lied to and deceived the Libyan leader in the past.

“I rented him a piece of land. He paid me more for one night than the land was worth for a year or two years, and then I didn't let him use the land. That's what we should be doing. I don't want to use the word 'screwed', but I screwed him,”boasted Donald Trump.

Now, critics say, the Libyan people stand to get screwed by Wall Street as the already are by NATO forces.

“Trump’s comments were very interesting in terms of the attitude that American executives and American officials have towards other countries. They are there to be screwed and Trump said it publicly, advocating it as a policy and having done it personally,” explained Danny Schechter, a journalist.

Goldman Sachs is currently being investigated for playing a major role in the 2008 financial crisis – a crisis that cost millions of Americans their jobs, homes and life savings. While a military conflict currently divides the US and Libya, uniting citizens of both countries is the financial gain Wall Street has made at their expense.

Israel Soldiers Reveal Army Brutalities

A number of Israeli soldiers have revealed the brutalities they witnessed during the army's attacks on Palestinian territories.

Press TV interviewed Richard Morris, a playwright in London, on his latest work based on the testimonials of former Israeli soldiers on Breaking The Silence website.

Breaking the Silence is an organization of veteran combatants who have served in the Israeli military since the start of the Second Intifada and have taken it upon themselves to expose the Israeli public & the world to the reality of everyday life in the Occupied Territories.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

NATO Forces-'Boots on the Ground' in Libya Revealed

Al-Jazeera Footage Captures` "Western Troops on the Ground" in Libya

(courtesy of AlJazeeraEnglish, 5/29/11)
Its been revealed by a report by AlJazeera showing footage of armed westerners on the ground in Libya and cited as the “first apparent confirmation foreign special forces are playing an active role in the Libyan conflict,” and yet US, British and French special forces were already on the ground nearly three months ago, weeks before the initial UN resolution was passed. Should this be surprise to anyone now? Off course there were 'boots on the ground' in Libya who liaising with the rebels and directing air-strikes onto targets.

Images taken by Al-Jazeera showed a group of six 'westerners' talking to Libyan rebels west of the town of Misrata, confirming that NATO forces are engaged directly in the warfare. All the lip service from “humanitarian aid,” to the 'saving of civilians from Gadafi' is a brilliant ploy against ordinary people into believing this is right and just.

“A group of six westerners are clearly visible in a report by al-Jazeera from Dafniya, described as the westernmost point of the rebel lines west of the town of Misrata. Five of them were armed and wearing sand-coloured clothes, peaked caps, and cotton Arab scarves,” reports the Guardian, trying to 'blend in and look Arab'.

The original UN resolution was agreed to impose a “no fly zone” over Libya, which really was a opening to bomb LIbya and remove Gadafi. The resolution also specifically forbade aiding rebel fighters in any way. “It does not authorize member states to support rebels, defend armed insurgent groups, remove Qaddafi fro power, or take steps to prevent Qaddafi’s use of mercenaries.”

However, that’s exactly what NATO forces are now doing right now in Libya, breaking their own legal justification for involvement in Libya, and in the process arming and supporting Al-Qaeda terrorists.

Update (June 1, 2011)
Richard Norton-Taylor and Chris Stephen
London Guardian
June 1, 2011
Former SAS soldiers and other western employees of private security companies are helping Nato identify targets in the Libyan port city of Misrata, the scene of heavy fighting between Muammar Gaddafi’s forces and rebels, well-placed sources have told the Guardian.
Special forces veterans are passing details of the locations and movements of Gaddafi’s forces to the Naples headquarters of Lieutenant General Charles Bouchard, Canadian commander of Nato forces, the sources said.
The targets are then verified by spy planes and US Predator drones. “One piece of human intelligence is not enough,” a source said.
The former soldiers are there with the blessing of Britain, France and other NATO countries, which have supplied them with communications equipment. They are likely to be providing information for the pilots of British and French attack helicopters, who are expected to start firing at targets in and around Misrata this week...