Tuesday, December 24, 2013

McDonalds shoves their fast food down our throats, yet tells it`s employees to eat healthy and not eat the food they serve

[we the people are truly the sheep...]

December 24, 2013

--McDonald’s website advises staff NOT to eat fast food
--The same website that told employees to apply for food stamps, pawn their things and find second jobs is at it again
--McResource Line advises employees to not eat deep fried food
--The Golden Arches wants employees to eat salad and vegetables - minus the bacon, cheese and mayonnaise

McDonald's doesn't think its employees should eat the food they serve.

The fast food giant has advised employees to avoid meals with burgers and fries and to eat healthier options like salad and sandwiches.

The advice was dispensed on the now-infamous McResource Line, the employees-only website that has told workers to sell their things and get second jobs to make ends meet.

Good idea, bad idea: McDonald's doesn't think its employees should eat the food they serve
Good idea, bad idea: McDonald's doesn't think its employees should eat the food they serve
The advice is given with graphics depicting the ‘unhealthy choice’ and the ‘healthier choice.’ McDonald’s own food is in the former column.

Despite featuring a vast array of deep fried delicacies, the Golden Arches reminds employees that ‘avoiding items that are deep fried are your best bet.’

The sensible advice also tells McWorkers to ‘limit the extras such as cheese, bacon and mayonnaise.’ Tasty add-ons that are staples of many menu items they serve on a daily basis.
A hamburger, fries and soda are warned against, because ‘eating a diet high in fat puts people at rick for becoming overweight.’

Many locations offer steep food discounts and short breaks to employees, virtually forcing them to eat the unhealthy food, often forcing the hand of workers without the time or means to eat elsewhere.

Solid advice: Don't eat at McDonald's
Solid advice: Don't eat at McDonald's
‘It is hard to eat a healthy diet when you eat at fast-food restaurants often,’ the advice continues. ‘Many foods are cooked with a lot of fat, even if they are not trans fats. Many fast-food restaurants do not offer any lower-fat foods.’

The world’s largest fast food chain wants employees to eat elsewhere.
‘Eat at places that offer a variety of salads, soups, and vegetables,’ the site says.

This advice comes after a series of tips telling employees find second jobs, apply for food stamps and sell their things to weather a financial crisis.

The site also gave advice on how to tip au pairs, doormen, personal trainers and pool boys.
A spokesperson told CNBC that the website has been ‘taken entirely out of context.'

Read more:
McResource Line
Posts on McDonald's employee site bash fast food

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Eyewitness to Hitler Warns Americans: “Keep Your Guns and Buy More Guns”

by Kimberly Paxton
The Daily Sheeple
December 18, 2013

Editor’s Note from Infowars.com: The warning signs are everywhere. History has shown us exactly what happens to the citizenry of nations who are disarmed by their governments. The comparisons between Nazi-controlled Austria and a socialist-controlled America are frightening. But this time it’s different right? It could never happen in the Land of the Free…

Watch the speech, read every word and share with friends, family, and those who don’t know any better.

[The Daily Sheeple] - When Katie Worthman was a little girl in Austria, she witnessed firsthand Adolph Hitler’s rise to power and the Soviet communist occupation that followed. She also witnessed, for decades, the distortions of the media when it came to the reporting of the events.

From her eyewitness perspective, Worthman said that the whole thing didn’t happen overnight, in a brutal attack, like the media portrays it, but rather, it evolved into a dictatorship gradually, over a period of a few years. Hitler didn’t come across as someone evil, to be feared, initially. ”In the beginning, Hitler didn’t look like, or talk like a monster at all. He talked like an American politician.”

Here are some things that occurred in Austria, according to Worthman, that just might look familiar to Americans:
     Hitler was elected with 98% of the vote.
     Hitler destroyed the existing medical system when he brought a national healthcare plan into      being.
     First, people were forced to register their guns to cut down on crime.
     Then they were forced to turn them in or risk capital punishment for keeping them.

Worthman’s eyewitness account is eerily reminiscent of what we can see going on in the United States today.

     “In 1938, the media reported that Hitler rode into Austria with tanks and guns and took us            over. Not true at all,” she says. “The Austrian people elected Hitler by 98% of the vote by   
     means of the ballot box. Now you might ask how could a Christian nation… elect a monster 
     like Hitler. The truth is at the beginning Hitler didn’t look like or talk like a monster at all. He 
     talked like an American politician.<

     “We also had gun registration. All the Austrian people… had guns. But the government said, 
     ‘the guns are very dangerous. Children are playing with guns. Hunting accidents happen    
     and we really have to have total controlled safety. And we had criminals again. And the only 
     way that we can trace the criminal was by the serial number of the gun.’

     “So we dutifully went to the police station and we registered our guns. Not long after they 
     said, ‘No, it didn’t help. The only way that we won’t have accidents and crimes [is] you bring 
     the guns to the police station and then we don’t have any crimes anymore and any 
     accidents. And if you don’t do that: capital punishment.’

     “So that’s what we did. So dictatorship didn’t happen overnight. It took five years. Gradually, 
     little by little to escalate up to a dictatorship.

     “When the people fear the government, that’s tyranny. But when the government fears the 
     people… that’s liberty. Keep your guns. Keep your guns and buy more guns.”

Now 84, Katie Worthman is warning America, her adopted country, in the hopes that history does not repeat itself. Watch her powerful presentation below. If you don’t want to go buy more ammo after that, then you aren’t paying attention.

Kimberly Paxton, a staff writer for the Daily Sheeple, is based out of upstate New York.
This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in digital form with full attribution to the author and a link to www.TheDailySheeple.com.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Purported claims of video showing second JFK murder gunmen exists...truth or hoax?

Will 'long-hidden footage of second shooter' to be aired this week prove Lee Harvey Oswald did NOT act alone?
-- Texas real-estate developer Stephen Bowen claims to have footage of JFK's assassination
-- He says he footage was taken by a Houston news producer on November 22, 1963
-- The tape reportedly depicts a second shooter hiding in the bushes along the route of JFK's motorcade
-- Bowen is hoping to sell the footage to the highest bidder

November 23, 2013

A Texas real-estate developer is in possession of footage of John F. Kennedy's motorcade from that fateful day in Dallas that he believes supports the theory that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone.

Whether or not the footage is genuine isn't yet known, but if it is, it would represent a dramatic development in a story 50 years in the making.

Following the 50th anniversary of the death of JFK, Stephen Bowen, who is also a principal in small film production company, decided the time was right to sell the footage, which reportedly depicts a second shooter, to the highest bidder.

That fateful day: John F and Jackie Kennedy in the car in which he would be assassinated
That fateful day: John F and Jackie Kennedy in the car in which he would be assassinated
According to The Wrap, Bowen acquired the film from a Houston television news producer, who had held onto it secretly for more than 40 years.

While no one has yet viewed the footage, it's said to show a second shooter hiding in the bushes along the route the presidential motorcade took on 22 November, 1963.

'You can see a guy in the bushes with a gun,' the source told The Wrap.

It also reportedly contains lost and damaged frames from the famous footage made by Abraham Zapruder and sold to Time in 1963.

The 50th anniversary of John F Kennedy's death has reignited the debate about the assassination, with many speculating recently that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone, including Oswald's wife Marina Oswald, and John F Kennedy's nephew, Robert F Kennedy Jr.

Not alone: Many, including John Kerry and Robert F Kennedy Jr, have expressed doubt at the Warren Commission's finding that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Not alone: Many, including John Kerry and Robert F Kennedy Jr, have expressed doubt at the Warren Commission's finding that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Kennedy Jr recently said that his father, Robert Kennedy thought the Warren commission that found Oswald acted alone was a 'shoddy piece of craftsmanship.'

'The evidence at this point I think is very, very convincing that it was not a lone gunman,' said Kennedy Jr.

John Kerry has also spoken about his misgivings on the findings of the Warren commission.
'Regarding possible conspiracies, to this day I have serious doubts that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone,' he said in Parade magazine.

Bowen is represented by The Gersh Agency, which intends to hold private screenings of the footage for interested parties next week in Los Angeles.

If the footage was owned by the Houston producer for more than 40 years, then Bowen must have owned it for a significant portion of the past 10 years.

He has decided now is the time to 'bring it to market.'

Read more:
JFK Assassination: New Motorcade Footage Could Challenge Lone-Gunman Theory

Sunday, November 24, 2013

JFK`s mystery bullet: nurse claims to have seen DIFFERENT bullet than those admitted into evidence...so where did it go

JFK was killed 'by a mystery bullet': Nurse who tried to save President claims she saw a DIFFERENT bullet in his neck to those later shown as evidence
-- Phyllis Hall was 28 when President John F Kennedy was shot in 1963
-- She described being dragged into the operating room in a bid to revive him
-- Mrs Hall, now 78, claims she saw a bullet which, apparently, was bizarrely unmarked despite being lodged in his body
-- She also says it looked nothing like ones later produced in investigations

November 10, 2013

A nurse who was part of desperate attempts to save the life of President John F Kennedy after he was assassinated has claimed he was shot by a 'mystery bullet'.

Phyllis Hall, who was 28 at the time, says she was dragged into the operating room by a secret service agent as medics scrambled to help the president, who was fatally shot in Dallas, Texas on 22 November 1963.

While cradling his head, which had been torn apart by gunshots fired from the famous 'grassy knoll', Mrs Hall says she spotted an unusual bullet, which was promptly removed and never seen again.

Fateful day: President John F Kennedy and First Lady Jackie Kennedy ride in the President's motorcade through Dallas on November 22, 1963
Fateful day: President John F Kennedy and First Lady Jackie Kennedy ride in the President's motorcade through Dallas on November 22, 1963
Claims: Phyllis Hall, pictured right, described a bullet in JFK's neck which she says was never seen again
Claims: Phyllis Hall, pictured right, described a bullet in JFK's neck which she says was never seen again
She described the bullet in an interview with the Sunday Mirror, which she said looked completely undamaged, and bore no resemblance whatsoever to bullets later shown as evidence in investigations into the President's murder.

She said: 'I could see a bullet lodged between his ear and his shoulder. It was pointed at its tip and showed no signs of damage. There was no blunting of the bullet or scarring around the shell from where it had been fired.

'I’d had a great deal of experience working with gunshot wounds but I had never seen anything like this before. It was about one-and-a-half inches long – nothing like the bullets that were later produced.

'It was taken away but never have I seen it presented in evidence or heard what happened to it. It remains a mystery.'

Mrs Hall, who had six years of nursing experience at the time, says she was caught up in the effort to save the President by accident, as she had been visiting a friend who worked on another ward.

She described the chaos as Mr Kennedy's entourage burst through the doors, and recalled clearly the vacant expression of First Lady Jackie Kennedy.

Mrs Kennedy reportedly gripped the President's right foot as surgeons wages a losing battle to save him.
Jacqueline Kennedy kisses the casket of her husband, President John F. Kennedy, in the rotunda of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, accompanied by their daughter Caroline
Jacqueline Kennedy kisses the casket of her husband, President John F. Kennedy, in the rotunda of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, accompanied by their daughter Caroline

Mrs Hall, now 78, says she offered her condolences after a neurosurgeon pronounced Mr Kennedy dead after a 43-minute struggle by as many as 20 staff. However, she says the shocked First Lady simply stared into the distance.

As her shift didn't finish until the evening, Mrs Hall continued working for hours after the President was declared dead, and didn't even tell her husband what she had witnessed.
However, in recent interviews she revealed that she is 'a big believer in the conspiracy theories' surrounding the Mr Kennedy's death.

The silent killers that are ROTTING our brains, claims neurologist

'Carbohydrates rot the brain': Neurologist slams grains as 'silent brain killers' - and says we should be eating a high-fat diet
-- David Perlmutter, from Florida, believes that even 'good' carbs, such as grains, raise the risk of dementia, depression, epilepsy and headaches
-- Instead, we should eat the way our ancestors ate – with more meat and fat

November 18, 2013

Carbohydrates are rotting our brains and contributing to devastating diseases such as Alzheimer’s, an American neurologist has warned.

David Perlmutter, from Florida, believes that even ‘good’ carbs, such as grains, are severely affecting our brains.

And the staples of our modern diet aren’t only increasing the risk of dementia, but contributing to depression, epilepsy and headaches, he believes.

Instead of munching on wheat, carbs and sugar,which he calls the brain’s silent killers, we should revert back to the way our ancestors ate – with more meat and fat.

As Forbes magazine reports: ‘It’s in the food you eat,’ he writes in his best new book, Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth About Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar – Your Brain’s Silent Killers. ‘The origin of brain disease is in many cases predominantly dietary.’

The solution? Going back to the days when our diet was mainly fat – with this making up 75 per cent of our diet, and carbs just 5 per cent. Protein intake should stay the same as it is, at about 20 per cent.

In fact, human genes, he says, have evolved over thousands of years to deal with a high-fat, low-carb diet – and despite this, we eat almost exactly the opposite. He advocates a grain-free, gluten-free diet.

'This low-fat idea that’s been drummed into our heads and bellies,' Perlmutter says, 'is completely off-base and deeply responsible for most of our modern ills.'

He added: ‘People get a brain disorder and then wonder what the magic bullet cure will be. They want to treat the symptoms rather than the underlying disease problem. In fact, diet and lifestyle play a huge role in the destiny of a person’s health.’

Research has shown that a high-carb diet may increase the risk of dementia. A study published in Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease found that elderly people who ate a high-carb diet were more than three times as likely to develop mild cognitive impairment – which has been linked with a higher risk of dementia.

People whose diets were highest in ‘good’ fats, such as those found in nuts and healthy oils were 42 per cent less likely to get cognitive impairment. Those with a high intake of protein (such as meat and fish) had a reduced risk of 21 per cent.

Lead author Rosebud Roberts, a professor in the department of epidemiology at the Mayo Clinic, said: ‘A high-carbohydrate intake could be bad for you because carbohydrates impact your glucose and insulin metabolism.

'Sugar fuels the brain, so moderate intake is good. However, high levels of sugar may actually prevent the brain from using the sugar - similar to what we see with type 2 diabetes.’

She added that high glucose levels might affect the brain's blood vessels and play a role in the development of beta amyloid plaques, proteins toxic to brain health that are found in the brains of people with Alzheimer's. It’s thought these plaques are a leading cause of the disease.
However Dr Perlmutter's critics argue that diets high in meat and fat have their own risks – such as heart disease.

'Perlmutter uses bits and pieces of the effects of diet on cognitive outcomes — that obese people have a higher risk of cognitive impairment, for example — to construct an ultimately misleading picture of what people should eat for optimal cognitive and overall health,' St. Catherine University professor emerita Julie Miller Jones, told the website FoodNavigator-USA.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

What was REALLY behind Pope Benedict`s abrupt resignation?...you may be surprised

Name of prophet Muhammed behind Pope’s resignation, Muslim researcher says
Aden Tribune
February 15, 2013

Essam MudeerAden Tribune – The researcher on the Vatican and Christianization, Essam Mudeer, revealed through his account on Twitter what he called the mysterious and surprising resignation of the Pope of Rome, which rocked the Catholic community around the world, as the first Pope who resigns after 6 centuries, claiming that the real reason behind the Pope’s resignation was the spread of Islam over Europe besides leaking an old Gospel document containing the name of the prophet of Islam, Muhammed.

These facts that appeared lately contradict with the facts those are being circulated through the international media, and Mudeer asserts that his sources come from news reports already published in the media, as well as his sources from inside the Vatican itself.

“The most important reason for the resignation of the Pope is a Vatican document of the old Gospel mentioning the name of the Islam’s prophet, Muhammed, was leaked by 3 of the Pope’s associates who concealed their conversion to Islam.” Mudeer said, adding: “The scenarios put forward for the resignation of the Pope are naive and superficial, depending on the story of the Vatican without ratifying or validating.” and went on asking: “Why did not they say these are just attempts to understand his resignation.”

Muneer also mentions that the main reason behind the resignation is the leaked document, and the other cases of illness and the scandals are just minor and are not the real reason, for the former Pope had faced more over what the recent Pope faced but he didn’t resign as he says.
He explained “The Pope does not want to face more scandals, especially if the leaked document is brought out to the people,” adding that: “The Pope does not want the Islamic world to rejoice at his misfortune, since he was the one who cursed the Islam religion in 2006.”

The researcher who runs several campaigns of Dawa (Islam preaching), referred back to the Bernaba Bible, and why did not the Vatican talked about its genuineness or vice versa.

Mudeer challenged the Vatican to refute the conversion of 35 bishops and priests of the senior Vatican statesmen (most of them concealed their conversion for fears for their lives and resigned or sacked from the Vatican), and the Pope has kept silent for more than 6 years, while the Vatican could not even refute these news.

He claims that he has information about the conversion of three senior priests, one of them was the one who leaked the document from the Church, while another has moved to South Africa.
He also claimed that the Pope is still looking for the three converted priests.

Mudeer assured “The existence of the issuance of warrants to arrest the Pope in several countries, like Britain, because of his involvement in covering up sexual assaults by his saints and priests against young children,” explaining that “a series of collapses and scandals and defeats in front of the Islamic Dawa, and the sweep of Islam and Muslim population which exceeded the Catholics made the pope complains and resigns.”

He goes on: “The Vatican launched several Christianizing channels in Arabic to promote miracles of monks and nuns granting healing in the name of the Virgin and Christ, and now the Pope himself is resigning for his illness, I am so surprised!!”

Mudeer challenged the Catholic Church to set a live interview with him to argue with whomever the Vatican chooses to let the world know what’s been hidden.

Related Info:
--Why did the #Pope quit? You need to read & listen to this. It's very shocking
--Read @emudeer`s twitter feed in revealing truth to Pope Benedict`s abrupt resignation

Why did the Pope quit? You need to listen to this. It's very shocking:


Secret 1500yr old Bible in which 'Jesus predicts coming of Prophet Muhammad' unearthed in Turkey

--Vatican 'wants to see' 1,500-year-old ancient script
--Has been hidden by Turkish state for 12 years
--Handwritten in gold-lettered Aramaic
February 24, 2012

A secret Bible in which Jesus is believed to predict the coming of the Prophet Muhammad to Earth has sparked serious interest from the Vatican.

Pope Benedict XVI is claimed to want to see the 1,500-year-old book, which many say is the Gospel of Barnabas, that has been hidden by the Turkish state for the last 12 years.

The £14million handwritten gold lettered tome, penned in Jesus' native Aramaic language, is said to contain his early teachings and a prediction of the Prophet's coming.

Secret Bible: The 1,500-year-old tome was is said to contain Jesus' early teachings and a prediction of the Prophet's coming
Secret Bible: The 1,500-year-old tome was is said to contain Jesus' early teachings and his prediction of the Prophet's coming
Ancient: The leather-bound text, written on animal hide, was discovered by Turkish police during an anti-smuggling operation in 2000
Ancient: The leather-bound text, written on animal hide, was discovered by Turkish police during an anti-smuggling operation in 2000
The leather-bound text, written on animal hide, was discovered by Turkish police during an anti-smuggling operation in 2000.

It was closely guarded until 2010, when it was finally handed over to the Ankara Ethnography Museum, and will soon be put back on public display following a minor restoration.

A photocopy of a single page from the handwritten ancient manuscript is thought to be worth £1.5million.

Turkish culture and tourism minister Ertugrul Gunay said the book could be an authentic version of the Gospel, which was suppressed by the Christian Church for its strong parallels with the Islamic view of Jesus.

He also said the Vatican had made an official request to see the scripture - a controversial text which Muslims claim is an addition to the original gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John.
In line with Islamic belief, the Gospel treats Jesus as a human being and not a God.

Historic: The £14million handwritten gold lettered tome is penned in Jesus' native Aramaic language
Historic: The £14million handwritten gold lettered tome is penned in Jesus' native Aramaic language
It rejects the ideas of the Holy Trinity and the Crucifixion and reveals that Jesus predicted the coming of the Prophet Muhammad.

In one version of the gospel, he is said to have told a priest: 'How shall the Messiah be called? Muhammad is his blessed name'.

And in another Jesus denied being the Messiah, claiming that he or she would be Ishmaelite, the term used for an Arab.

Despite the interest in the newly re-discovered book, some believe it is a fake and only dates back to the 16th century.

The oldest copies of the book date back to that time, and are written in Spanish and Italian.
Protestant pastor İhsan Özbek said it was unlikely to be authentic.

This is because St Barnabas lived in the first century and was one of the Apostles of Jesus, in contrast to this version which is said to come from the fifth or sixth century.

He told the Today Zaman newspaper: 'The copy in Ankara might have been written by one of the followers of St Barnabas.

'Since there is around 500 years in between St Barnabas and the writing of the Bible copy, Muslims may be disappointed to see that this copy does not include things they would like to see.

'It might have no relation with the content of the Gospel of Barnabas.'

Theology professor Ömer Faruk Harman said a scientific scan of the bible may be the only way to reveal how old it really is.

Friday, November 15, 2013

The declining power of the `ol American greenback...should we start panicking?

12 Reasons Why Gold Should Bounce Sharply Higher in 2014 
(Lorimer Wilson)

edited excerpts by Jason Hamlin (goldstockbull.com) from his original article entitled: 12 Reasons Why Gold Will Rebound and Make New Highs in 2014.

#4 – Dollar Losing Status as World Reserve Currency


   The exorbitant privilege of being able to print the world reserve currency is coming 
   to end.

   --“It is perhaps a good time for the befuddled world to start considering building a de-   
   Americanized world,” said a statement by Xinhua, the state news agency of China — which 
   holds some $1.3 trillion in Treasury bonds.

   --“The United States will inevitably lose its reserve currency monopoly,” wrote economists 
   Hélène Rey of the London Business School.

   --Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas of the University of California, Berkeley, and Emmanuel Farhi of 
   Harvard University said. “It can only be a matter of time before the world becomes multipolar.”

   --The IMF echoed this sentiment, stating how “reserves concentration in the government debt 
   of one country introduces idiosyncratic risks to the international monetary system.

   Several nations now have bi-lateral trade agreements that bypass the dollar.

   --China has made arrangements to swap Yuan’s for for local currencies with Japan, Russia, 
   Australia, Iceland, South Korea, Malaysia, Brazil, India and South Africa. The BRICS nations 
   are emerging as a powerful economic force and they are intent on conducting affairs without 
   use of the U.S. dollar.

   --The growing rift with Saudi Arabia threatens the petrodollar.

   --Oil-rich countries that have attempted to sell their oil in currencies other than dollars include 
   Iraq and Libya, both bombed into submission.

   --Iran is now trading oil for gold, bypassing the U.S. petrodollar. This is likely the real reason 
   they are now in the crosshairs of the U.S. military.

   --Syria is seen as a stepping stone to attacking Iran, but widespread opposition from ally 
   countries and citizens alike stopped the recent war momentum.

   --As the influence of the petrol-dollar continue to wane, so too will the power of the U.S. dollar 
   as the world reserve currency. Without the ability to deficit spend and export our inflation, it   
   will come home to roost and the dollar will suffer or even collapse as have other debt-ridden 
   fiat currencies throughout history....

[Click here to read the full article]

Related articles:
--Learn how the 'petro-dollar' got started

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Forget skinny, in Ethiopia - FAT is in

The tribe where big is definitely beautiful: Ethiopian men compete to be the fattest in the village by drinking a gruesome mixture of blood and milk while living in isolation for SIX months
--Men from the Bodi tribe compete to become the fattest during the new year or Ka'el ceremony
--They spend six months guzzling a mixture of blood and milk in a bid to fatten up as fast as they can
--The winning fat man doesn't get a prize but is feted as a hero for life by the rest of the tribe
--Bodi want to retain their traditions but they are threatened by government resettlement plans
October 31, 2013

Slim might be in elsewhere but for Ethiopia's Bodi or Me'en people, bigger is always better. The tribe, which lives in a remote corner of Ethiopia's Omo Valley, is home to an unusual ritual which sees young men gorge on cow's blood and milk in a bid to be crowned the fattest man.
Six months after starting the regime, the men emerge to show off their newly engorged physiques and for a winner to be chosen. The champion fat man is then feted as a hero for the rest of his life.

Now the little known rite is the subject of incredible photos taken by French shutterbug Eric Lafforgue - who spent time with the Bodi while travelling through south-western Ethiopia during the run up to the Bodi New Year or Ka'el ceremony.

Hero: Every child wants to become one of the fat men, according to Lafforgue, who are feted as heroes by the rest of the tribe for their incredible feat
Hero: Every child wants to become one of the fat men, according to Lafforgue, who are feted as heroes by the rest of the tribe for their incredible feat

Competition: On the day of the Ka'el ceremony, the tribe's fat men walk for hours around a sacred tree, watched by other men and helped out by the women
Competition: On the day of the Ka'el ceremony, the tribe's fat men walk for hours around a sacred tree, watched by other men and helped out by the women

Too much! A Bodi man finds that his morning bowl of blood and milk is a little too much and is ill outside his hut - watched by a baffled-looking herd of cows
Too much! A Bodi man finds that his morning bowl of blood and milk is a little too much and is ill outside his hut - watched by a baffled-looking herd of cows

Sadly, the Ka'el ritual and the Bodi's traditional way of life is under threat from the Ethiopian government who plan to resettle 300,000 people from all over the country on their lands.
For now, the tribe continue as they always have, and still celebrate Ka'el in traditional style each June.

The contest begins six months before the ceremony. Every family is allowed to present an unmarried man for the challenge, who, after being chosen, retires to his hut and must not move or have sex for the duration.

Food comes in the form of a cow's blood and milk mixture, served regularly to the men by women from the village. 'The cows are sacred to the Bodi tribe so they are not killed,' explains Lafforgue. 'The blood is taken by making a hole in a vein with a spear or an axe, and after that, they close it with clay.'

Because of the scorching temperatures, the men have to drink the two-litre bowl of blood and milk quickly before it coagulates but as Lafforgue reveals, not everyone can handle drinking so much at speed.

'The fat men drink milk and blood all day long,' he says. 'The first bowl of blood is drunk at sunrise. The place is invaded by flies. The man must drink it quickly before it coagulates but some cannot drink everything and vomit it.'

On the day itself, the men cover their bodies with clay and ashes before emerging from their huts for the walk to the spot where the ceremony will take place.

Thanks to the weight gain, many of them find covering the short distance tougher than the weeks spent fattening up. 'Some fat men are so big that they cannot walk anymore,' explains Lafforgue.

'One asked me if he could use my car to go to the ceremony area. Once in the car, he started to drink milk and blood again because he said he wanted to keep trying to be the fattest until the very last moment.'

The ceremony itself involves spending hours walking in a circle around a sacred tree, watched by the other men and helped by the women who ply them with alcohol and wipe away the sweat.
Once the fattest man has been chosen, the ceremony ends with the slaughter of a cow using a huge sacred stone. Village elders will then inspect the stomach and the blood to see whether the future will be a bright one or not.

After the ceremony, the men's lives return to normal and most lose their enormous bellies after a few weeks of eating sparingly. But a few weeks later, the next generation of competitively fat Bodi men will be chosen and the cycle will begin again.

'Becoming a fat man is the dream of every Bodi kid,' says Lafforgue. 'A few weeks [after the ceremony] he will recover a normal stomach but he will remain a hero for life.'

The winner: The 2013 champion will be considered a hero for the rest of his life   Runner up: This impressively chubby chap didn't quite make the grade
Winner: The 2013 champion is the man on the left, who beat off all comers - including the man on the right. Both will be feted as heroes for the rest of their lives.

Click here to view more images on DailyMail

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The history of the Pomegranate fruit

by: Willow Tohi
Natural News
October 01, 2013

(NaturalNews) A small deciduous tree or large shrub that bears fruit, the Punica granatum, commonly known as the pomegranate, is a superfood with a long and rich history. Native to the East, it can be traced through historical documents as far back as 4000 B.C. The red fruit grows from pretty red flowers and is between a lemon and a grapefruit in size. The white flesh inside the thick skin is full of several hundred seeds.

Pomegranates are grown as both a fruit crop and as ornamental trees or shrubs for parks and gardens. They are tolerant of drought and moderate frost, growing in climates similar to the Mediterranean region, California, or Northern India. There are many genotypes, with the differences ranging from exocarp and aril color, hardness of seed, fruit size, juice content and astringency, and so on. The pomegranate has become increasingly popular in the countries of North America over the last few decades.

The pomegranate is one of the world's most ancient foods

The name pomegranate comes from Medieval Latin meaning "seeded apple." It has been named in many ancient texts from the Book of Exodus in the Torah, the Quran, the Homeric Hymns, and Mesopotamian records, to name a few. The pomegranate originally came from Persia, or modern day Iran, and the western Himalayas. It has been cultivated for millennia in places such as Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Russia, and the Mediterranean region (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomegranate). It migrated as far east as China and Southeast Asia and was found along the Silk Road as a symbol of abundance and posterity. It is also grown extensively in Korea, Japan, and Latin America, having been introduced there by settlers or traders.

Archaeologists have found carbonized pomegranate exocarps in places such as Jericho from the Early Bronze Age (3000 BC), Cyprus, from the Late Bronze Age, and in Egyptian tombs, including King Tut's. Pomegranates were highly valued in Ancient Egypt, and were part of the supply of fruits required in a pharaoh's residence (1600 BC). It was revered enough to have been painted on walls and tombs to symbolize life after death. The pomegranate had many uses, including the fruit as food, the juice as a tonic to kill parasites, the blossom was crushed to make a red dye, and the peel was used to dye leather. (http://www.pomwonderful.com)

Other ancient sightings of the pomegranate include on the pillars of the Solomon's temple in Jerusalem, on the robes of Jewish priests, and in mosaics from ancient Rome (including Pompeii) where it was called the "Phoenician apple." Its twigs were worn on Roman women's headdresses to signify marital status. In Zoroastrian temples, pomegranates were used to symbolize eternal life and were associated with fertility. A symbol of strength in ancient Persia, the army of Xerxes carried spears with pomegranates on the tip (instead of spikes) when they invaded Greece in 480 BC. (http://www.foodreference.com/html/a-pomegranate-history.html). Pomegranates were also depicted on the walls of the royal palace and fortress Alhambra of the Islamic Nasrid Dynasty by the Moors in Spain. They even renamed one of their cities after the fruit. It also has a place of significance in Armenian culture.

More than just a nutritious food source, the pomegranate was an integral part of many cultures.
In many cases, the pomegranate surpassed its status as a highly celebrated source of food, and became part of the lore and legends of a culture. It was celebrated by the Buddha, and was considered one of the three blessed fruits, often being represented in Buddhist art. It was also depicted on the Temple of the Founder of Zen, to honor Bodhidharma.

Another example is how prominently the pomegranate was featured in Greek myths (approximately 500 BC). Most of us remember how Hades tempted Persephone with a pomegranate, and when she partook, it bound her to him as pomegranates symbolize the indissolubility of marriage. This is how Greek legend explains the seasons: when Persephone is in the Underworld with her husband, it is winter; when she rejoins her mother every year, we have spring.

Pomegranates have been a central part of many religions. Over the centuries, pomegranates were featured on Jewish money, furnishings, and religious objects. Around 600 AD Islam's Muhammad had high regard for the pomegranate, considering it to be nutritious for both physical and emotional health. Legend has it that each pomegranate contains one aril descended directly from paradise (http://www.foodreference.com/html/a-pomegranate-history.html). By 1500 AD, the pomegranate had also become an important symbol in Christianity, representing Jesus' resurrection. It was also used to symbolize The Virgin Mary because "both are filled with sweetness," and like a pomegranate she is said "to have within her many benefits for humankind, all revealed in Christ." (EDITOR'S NOTE: NOT SURE IF WE SHOULD LEAVE THIS PART ABOUT JESUS AND MARY, WHAT DO YOU THINK?) In India, the pomegranate has been a Hindu symbol of prosperity and fertility for centuries and is thought to bring good health. The pomegranate is featured prominently in Hindu art, being found on several avatars of Ganesha. (http://www.pomwonderful.com/about/pomegranate-history-legend/asia/)

As the pomegranate made its way to Europe, it had become more of a symbol than a food, and was portrayed regularly in art, literature, religion, and mythology. Eventually the western cultures come to value the pomegranate for its medicinal properties, and it was featured in heraldry, being found on the heraldic crests of many medical institutions including the British Medical Association (http://www.pomwonderful.com/about/pomegranate-history-legend/europe/). As it spread throughout Europe, the pomegranate came to appear on several coats of arms and symbolize noble birth.

The pomegranate made it to the new world via Spanish missionaries. When Cortez conquered the Aztecs in the 1500s, pomegranate trees were planted in Mexico, then made their way north to missions in California and Texas. It spread across the south but did not do well in the northern climates. In 1771, Thomas Jefferson planted pomegranates at Monticello, his plantation in Virginia. Around the year 2000, pomegranate popularity began to grow again as this sweet, juicy, succulent fruit was rediscovered. It's availability around the United States increased as a result.

Pomegranates are one of the most popular superfoods readily available today

The pomegranate became popular in the Middle Eastern civilizations 6000 years ago largely because its dense nutrition and juice provided sustenance for long journeys. The superfood status of the pomegranate has only grown in modern times as nutritional research has come to decipher and understand the true power of the pomegranate's phytonutrients. India's Ayurvedic medicine has used pomegranates as a source for traditional remedies for thousands of years. For example, the bark of the tree and the fruit rind is used to stem diarrhea, dysentery, bladder problems, mouth ulcers, and intestinal parasites while the seeds and juice are considered a tonic for the heart. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomegranate)

The seeds in their casings, or arils, are the most desired part of the pomegranate, and they are consumed raw. Pomegranate juice can be sweet or sour depending on the variety, but most are moderate with some astringent notes due to the acidic tannins. Pomegranates are rich in vitamin C, pantothenic acid, potassium, flavonoids, and other natural phenols such as ellagitannins, a powerful antioxidant. The pomegranate also has unsaturated oils, fiber, and many additional micronutrients, if you eat the seeds. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomegranate)

Some miscellaneous uses of pomegranates many may not know include that it is often used as a bonsai tree and that pomegranate juice is sweetened and thickened to make grenadine syrup for cocktails.

Throughout most of recorded history, our ancestors have had high regard for the pomegranate. Its immune boosting phytonutrients have shown to be an effective tool in preventing degenerative and inflammatory ailments such as cancer, heart disease, and arthritis (http://www.naturalnews.com/031068_pomegranate_superfood.html). Current research underway includes studies on how pomegranate components affect diseases such as diabetes, cancer, rhinovirus, the common cold, coronary artery disease, kidney disease, and brain injury.

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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Women - Are They HUMANS or ANIMAL? Shocking question even in the 21st century...

The status of women in Islam - compared to the status of women in other civilizations and religions...shocking revelations by the very men and institutions we hold sacred and learned

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New study says life on Earth has another good 1.75 billion years to go...unless we humans screw it up beforehand

How Much Longer Can Earth Support Life?
[Life on Earth has another good 1.75 billion years to go, study says]
by Wynne Parry 
Sep. 18, 2013 

Earth could continue to host life for at least another 1.75 billion years, as long as nuclear holocaust, an errant asteroid or some other disaster doesn't intervene, a new study calculates.

But even without such dramatic doomsday scenarios, astronomical forces will eventually render the planet uninhabitable. Somewhere between 1.75 billion and 3.25 billion years from now, Earth will travel out of the solar system's habitable zone and into the "hot zone," new research indicates.

These zones are defined by water. In the habitable zone, a planet (whether in this solar system or an alien one) is just the right distance from its star to have liquid water. Closer to the sun, in the "hot zone," the Earth's oceans would evaporate. Of course, conditions for complex life — including humans — would become untenable before the planet entered the hot zone.

But the researchers' main concern was the search for life on other planets, not predicting a timeline for the end of life on this one.

The evolution of complex life on Earth suggests the process requires a lot of time.

Simple cells first appeared on Earth nearly 4 billion years ago. "We had insects 400 million years ago, dinosaurs 300 million years ago and flowering plants 130 million years ago," lead researcher Andrew Rushby of the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom said in a statement." Anatomically modern humans have only been around for the last 200,000 years — so you can see it takes a really long time for intelligent life to develop."

Rushby and his colleagues developed a new tool to help evaluate the amount of time available for the evolution of life on other planets: a model that predicts the time a planet would spend in its habitable zone. In the research, published Wednesday in the journal Astrobiology, they applied the model to Earth and eight other planets currently in the habitable zone, including Mars.

They calculated that Earth's habitable-zone lifetime is as long as 7.79 billion years. (Earth is estimated to be about 4.5 billion years old.) Meanwhile, the other planets had habitable-zone lifetimes ranging from 1 billion years to 54.72 billion years.

"If we ever needed to move to another planet, Mars is probably our best bet," Rushby said in a statement. "It's very close and will remain in the habitable zone until the end of the sun's lifetime — 6 billion years from now."

While other models have been developed for Earth, they are not suitable for other planets, he added.

Original article published on LiveScience.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Ashton Kutcher got it right: telling America`s youth success comes from hard work

Ashton Kutcher shocks America's youth by telling them success comes from hard work
by: J. D. Heyes
Natural News
September 18, 2013

(NaturalNews) So much of what passes for intelligentsia in Hollywood is little more than left-wing, progressive blather, but every now and then a star tells it like it really is - and it's as refreshing as a cool breeze on a hot summer day.

Ashton Kutcher provided that cool breeze recently when he told America's youth what so many politicians and entertainers alike know but won't say, because they're afraid of either losing a vote or a fan: That there is no free lunch, and you get ahead by working hard.

From The Hill, Congress' daily newspaper:

Kutcher received the "Ultimate Choice Award" - the evening's top honor - at the awards show, which airs on Nickelodeon and is geared toward younger people.

In his acceptance speech, the "Two and A Half Men" star said teenagers should build their own lives and find opportunities.

'Opportunity looks a lot like hard work'

"I believe that opportunity looks a lot like work," Kutcher said in his acceptance speech.

"When I was 13, I had my first job with Dad carrying shingles to the roof, and then I got a job washing dishes at a restaurant, and then I got a job in a grocery store deli, and then I got a job in a factory sweeping Cheerio dust off the ground," he continued.

"And I never had a job in my life that I was better than. I was always just lucky to have a job. And every job I had was a stepping stone to my next job, and I never quit my job until I had my next job. And so opportunities look a lot like work," he said. "The sexiest thing in the entire world is being really smart, and being thoughtful and being generous. Everything else is crap. I promise you."

The speech went viral on YouTube, garnering literally millions of views [watch it here: http://www.youtube.com]. And it was widely praised by political conservatives and other Americans not used to hearing such sage - and honest - words of wisdom come out of Hollywood.

"Remarkable speech," tweeted U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.

"Good to see his Iowa roots shining through all that Hollywood glitter!" former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin wrote on her Facebook page. "On our trips to Iowa our family has always admired the strong work ethic and dedication to freedom that those who live there in the heartland hold dear. As they say - you can take the boy out of Iowa, but you can't take Iowa out of the boy."

She went onto to call describe his speech as "heartfelt."

More high praise

On his radio show, Rush Limbaugh praised Kutcher for giving "a traditional, uplifting, motivational and inspirational speech."

"This is a message that young kids today are not hearing except maybe in their homes from their parents, but they're not hearing this. They're not hearing this from Obama. They're not hearing this from presidential or political leadership," he said.

Glen Beck, on his radio program, also praised Kutcher and his message.

"It's a fairly safe to say that viewers don't tune in to the Teen Choice Awards in hopes of hearing an incredibly insightful advice about the hard work of hard work perseverance and dreaming because that's exactly what they got there," he said.

And former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee added on his personal blog: "A lot of kids who think learning isn't cool desperately needed to hear that. These are messages that teachers try in vain to tell kids. Will they finally listen if it comes from Ashton Kutcher? Hard to say. But that video has gone viral and is being watched thousands of times on the Internet. So, good job, Ashton."

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Remember Global Warming?...well now its more like 'Global Cooling' thanks to new data

Global warming computer models collapse
Arctic ice sheets rapidly expand as planet plunges into global cooling

Mike Adams
Natural News
September 10, 2013

(NaturalNews) For years, we’ve all heard that global warming is threatening our planet. But now, in a stunning turnaround, world scientists are warning that an era of global cooling seems to be upon us, complete with extraordinary expansions of ocean ice being recorded in just the past year.


For example, in 2007, the BBC reported that the Arctic would be “ice-free” by the summer of 2013. Here’s exactly how that fear mongering was published by the BBC:

   Scientists in the US have presented one of the most dramatic forecasts yet for the   
   disappearance of Arctic sea ice. Their latest modelling studies indicate northern polar   
   waters could be ice-free in summers within just 5-6 years. Professor Wieslaw Maslowski 
   told an American Geophysical Union meeting that previous projections had 
   underestimated the processes now driving ice loss.

That BBC global warming fear mongering article is still available at:

Here’s the screen shot:
image courtesy of Natural News and BBC

Massive expansion of ice proves global warming alarmists wrong

Now the summer of 2013 is over, and you can’t argue with the satellite imagery of ice. Those images, shown below, reveal over one million square miles of new ice being formed in just the last year. That’s an increase of 60 percent over the previous year, reports the Daily Mail.

Here’s the satellite imagery they published, showing the expansion of ice:

image courtesy of DailyMail

As you can see from the image, the coverage of ice in the August, 2013 image (on the right) is vastly increased over the August, 2012 image (on the left).

[click here to read the FULL article at Natural News]