Tuesday, May 28, 2013


The end reality of loneliness...
this is dedicated to my beloved fallen uncles - Firoz Akhter & Shahidul Molla

The end comes when we no longer talk with ourselves. It is the end of genuine thinking and the beginning of the final loneliness.
-Edward Gibbon

The ever deepening hidden facets to my prodigious 'la familia'

Its just a surprising astonishment that where I consider family being the single most thing that`s supposed to bring warmth to the heart and soul is however in reality one of the most destructive elements a person can be exposed to, that causes you to rot from within. The persistent denial, anger, persecution, back-biting and constant disrespect takes its toll on a person when the whole family wages war on them together. There is no escape, no respite despite keeping up appearances when in reality it is utter futile.

The greatest thing now is the amount of disrespect exacted by everyone upon myself. Respect all throughout history was a thing not attainable but commanded or ordained. From the greatest kings to empires, respect existed in all forms as a guide to society. From the older generations to our parents, respect runs high in esteem. American culture at the core as well values respect. But it is the new immigrant class of people coming to this country that trashes the name of respect. To them, respect is people who have the latest iphones, apple computers, mercedes & bmw cars, flashy and dodgy clothes, squabbling who has more wealth or high-paying jobs, having personalities un-becoming of a gentleman from behavior, to mannerisms and hairstyles not commonly seen or accepted by society in general. To them, the pleasures of this world are respect to them. How vain they must be and think that they don`t see the past lessons of history people have endured.

Now, throughout history we are told of 'family' by the greats like Desmond Tutu who said "You don`t choose your family. They are God`s gift to you, as you are to them" or like a Spanish proverb that states that 'an ounce of blood is worth more than a pound of friendship.' However, these statement only make sense to the few utopian families in existence but not all. I can attest to that personally. What good are they to you when they are of in ignorance bliss.

Sooner or later, the burden will eventually break my will which to this day has been shaky at best considering the life events I`m experiencing at this point. Down the road, only time will tell how the story will unfold. The greats in my family have all long passed away, not having to endure the grueling petulance of life currently in our society. Looking back from afar, it is a great shame what society has become. No one learns the lessons of history, for the mighty empires who stood high and fell. For the mighty advancements we contemplate and currently have, there is no respite from the fact we are more at war with our fellow man and sunk into the pleasures of this world as nothing is beyond it.

It surely is a shame, I as the only person share this view and truly see the light at the end of tunnel and can`t relay my message to my family members. I feel more alone and isolated now than anytime in my life. No one can understand that life right now is just mere smoke and mirrors and play has played into it. It surely is tough being unique and loyal to my core values and beliefs as I will never abandon under any threat until my last dying breath. As is in our religion, as commanded by God to the Prophets to their people - to just deliver the message to the people and ultimately it is up the people and God himself to give them the guidance unto the right path.

'Be in the world, but not of it.' For in the end, you are eternally alone before you are born and eternally alone when you die and meet your Creator...


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The priceless fitting words of Malcolm X...

     "I`m for truth, no matter who tells it; I`m for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I`m a human being first and foremost and as much I`m for whoever or whatever benefits humanity as a whole."  

--Malcom X

The truth...always far from reality

credit: Soltra Daniel
'La verita e visible solo attraverso gli occhi della morte'
[The truth can be glimpsed only through the eyes of death]

-- Inferno (Dan Brown)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The 7 Deadly Sins (Collective sins of Mankind)

Septem peccata mortalia:

S   A   L   I   G   I   A
Superbia -- 'pride'

Avaritia -- 'greed'

Luxuria -- 'lust'

Invidia -- 'envy'

Gula -- 'gluttony'

Ira -- 'wrath'

Acedia -- 'sloth'

-- (Evagrius Ponticus & Pope Gregory I)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

U.S. tells Russia to piss off in supplying Syria with arms

...even though we have been supplying the Syrian rebels and militants to the teeth with brand spanking new weaponry but will throw a fit if Russian supplies 'defensive' weapons to Syria

US officials this Thursday called for Russia not to conduct arm sales to Syria as news reports surfaced that Moscow was ready to sell advanced ground-to-air missiles - the S-300  system to Syria.

Israel informed the U.S. about the sale of the missile batteries, claiming Syria has been making payments on a 2010 agreement with Moscow to buy six launchers and 144 operational missiles for $900 million according to the information the Israeli`s provided.

Commenting on the media reports, US Secretary of State John Kerry said earlier in the day that “the missiles are potentially destabilizing with respect to the state of Israel.”

Again, the key word said by Kerry - "...state of Israel," its always about Israel and nothing else it seems in the world.

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said that “the provision of additional weapons to the regime will not hasten a political solution,...including air defense systems that are destabilizing to the region.”

Well here he said 'region' while another said 'Israel' but do get the picture in the end though.

Of course Israel and the U.S. doesn`t want Syria to get the powerful S-300 missile system as it is a 'game changer,' meaning effectively Syria would be 'hands off.' They successfully lobbied Russia when they  persuaded Moscow as to not fulfill a contract with Iran about the similar S-300 missile system - in the event Israel and the U.S. launched airstrikes to maintain air superiority. 

Now the sale of Russian weapons to Syria has always been a source of bilateral tension between Moscow and Washington, with US officials accusing Russia of arming a regime the United States says is killing its own citizens in Syria’s raging civil war

But who is killing who? What is the real status quo in Syria? The Syrian rebels and militants are on record of being Al-Qaeda affiliated and media reports confirmed today that the rebels are defecting to the Islamist group Jabhat al-Nusra. Jabhat al-Nusra is a known Al-Qaeda group and designated as a terrorist organisation by our State Dept. It is the same rebels as evidenced by the UN who used deadly chemicals weapons...but of course the great superpowers of the world don`t care and brush off the news as 'false' and 'skeptical.'

Russia, however, has insisted that the deliveries are legal under international law and that it is not supplying Syria, [...] with offensive weapons which can be used to kill civilians.

As the world powers play around, innocent civilians are caught in the cross hairs so to speak and pay the ultimate price. They want to turn Syria into Libya...how the 'presstitute' media has forgotten Libya? Do they even KNOW or CARE what the current situation is on the ground there? Of course not, their job is done and have their sights on Syria and Iran. We all know the rebels and militants are completely equipped and financed from abroad who are Al-Qaeda affiliated and at the direction of the West,... yet they spin it in such a way that we are made to believe its a 'populous uprising' against a tyrant. Oh how we miscalculate and mistreat history, we never do indeed learn from history...until its too late.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Is there a darker side to Ariel Castro - "the Cleveland man suspected of abducting 3 girls and holding them captive for around a decade" ... linked with the CIA?

Police rescued 3 women who were locked inside Castro's house on Monday, aged 32, 27 and 23, who all went missing from 2002 to 2004 as well as finding a 6-year-old girl who police believe was born in captivity.

"Castro and 2 of his brothers, Onil, 50, and Pedro, 54, were taken into custody on Monday and were expected to be charged within 36 hours of their arrest."

However, in hindsight, there were signs of a darker side to Ariel Castro...

Did Ariel Castro kidnap kids for the CIA?

Ariel Castro said he worked for the CIA. Joe Popow, 45, who..."has known the Castro brothers since childhood said: "Ariel was in my garage probably five or six years ago...said he was in the CIA."

"...it's the way he said it, how serious he said it. I didn't know what he was capable of. That just put me on defense, and I just started stepping away," Popow said.

Who knows, it may or not be true at all.

Now it looks like the 3 girls were held prisoner for 10 years - at 2207 Seymour Avenue, the house owned by Ariel Castro since 1992.

In 2004, the police came to visit the home at 2207 Seymour Avenue but "they left when no one answered the door."

It begs to question now as to how police and the feds investigating the case failed to find the 3 girls who remained undetected at the home just 3 miles from the block where they all went missing.

Now it looks like the 3 girls were held prisoner for 10 years - at 2207 Seymour Avenue, the house owned by Ariel Castro since 1992.

In 2004, the police came to visit the home at 2207 Seymour Avenue but "they left when no one answered the door."

It begs to question now as to how police and the feds investigating the case failed to find the 3 girls who remained undetected at the home just 3 miles from the block where they all went missing.

Juan Perez, 27 says that three years ago he and his sister heard a woman's scream that 'gave them goosebumps' that went on for 10 seconds, they called the police but the police took no action.

Israel Lugo, 39, lives three houses down from Ariel Castro's house and "said in 2011 he heard what he thought was a girl banging on a window". He says 'the cops came but they never did anything'.

Nina Samoylicz, a neighbour of Ariel Castro, says she saw three naked young girls crawling in the backyard of his house on all fours with dog leashes around their necks and three men controlling them, but the police never responded to her call and also failed to respond to calls from two other neighbors.

Now, back in 2004, a man named Marc Dutroux was convicted of raping and murdering a string of young girls - 2 of who starved to death in his cellar - he said 'he was part of a widespread pedophile ring that included policemen and elite members of Belgian society.'

Dutroux says he abducted girls with police help and  insisted that he was not a "lone predator" but part of a wider pedophile ring. Belgian police were apparently told the whereabouts of one of the victims of  Marc Dutroux one year before she was found dead, as described in Belgian court papers. It seems that throughout the Dutroux trial there have were allegations of police collusion but remained at that.

Is there a connection...maybe? Will we ever get the full truth? No, never...but there is ALWAYS more to a story than meets the eye. Only time will tell...

UN 'has evidence' the Syrian rebels NOT government troops used chemical weapons

Syria: Carla Del Ponte shock, "rebels have used chemical weapons"
May 5, 2013

(AGI) - Rome, May 5 - The source and authoritative: Carla del Ponte, the former prosecutor of the Swiss magistrate International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia from 1999 to 2007, states that the United Nations has the evidence - so far - to use "chemical weapons", starting from lethal "sarin gas" in Syria were insurgents and not men loyal to the regime of Bashar al Assad. Then to cross the impassable limit (the "red line") has mentioned more 'times Barack Obama, threatening reaction if using chemical weapons had been Assad, would have been the opposition forces.

He said the microphones of the RSI (Swiss Italian Radio dela) Del Ponte, a member of the UN Commission investigating the war crimes committed in Syria.

"According to the testimonies we collected the rebels have used chemical weapons, using sarin gas" , Del Ponte said adding, however, 'that "the investigation is far from being concluded."

"Our investigations will have to be further examined, tested and proven through new witnesses but as far as we could determine, at the moment are only opponents of the regime to have used the gas (sarin) sarin" said Carla Del Ponte, according to which only the investigation, still in progress, will determine if the Damascus government has or not, used such weapons.

Del Ponte said that the evidence has been collected by "investigators", UN, "on the spot in the neighboring countries, which have questioned the various victims of hospitals and physicians." The former Swiss prosecutor says he, "last seen in a report last week that there are concrete suspicions, if not yet conclusive evidence, and that 'was used sarin gas, for how victims were treated," and, "and this usage 'was made by the opponents of the rebels ... and not by the authorities' government." Del Ponte pointing the finger but 'not on anti-Assad Syrians but against the fringes Qaedist stressing that, "the fact is not surprising because' in the opponents have infiltrated foreign fighters."


The UN commission of inquiry on Syria, and 'only' an alibi for the community 'international', for its inaction.

This is the bitter complaint of Del Ponte, who believes that in order not to drop into the void crimes - from all parties - in more than two years of conflict, you need the 'community' International and Security Council (UN) decide that the permanent court (the International Criminal Court in The Hague, ed) take on these cases. "

Del Ponte 'then convinced that in order to silence the weapons serve an agreement between, "the United States and Russia (Assad's main ally on the Security Council)." "If (Washington and Moscow), they will agree we could have peace, unfortunately not 'happened yet but a little hope there'," said Del Ponte.

-- UN notes 'concrete suspicions' that Syrian rebels used chemical weapons - RT News
-- See for Yourself: Syrian Government Likely Did Not Use Chemical Weapons - Washington   