Tuesday, December 24, 2013

McDonalds shoves their fast food down our throats, yet tells it`s employees to eat healthy and not eat the food they serve

[we the people are truly the sheep...]

December 24, 2013

--McDonald’s website advises staff NOT to eat fast food
--The same website that told employees to apply for food stamps, pawn their things and find second jobs is at it again
--McResource Line advises employees to not eat deep fried food
--The Golden Arches wants employees to eat salad and vegetables - minus the bacon, cheese and mayonnaise

McDonald's doesn't think its employees should eat the food they serve.

The fast food giant has advised employees to avoid meals with burgers and fries and to eat healthier options like salad and sandwiches.

The advice was dispensed on the now-infamous McResource Line, the employees-only website that has told workers to sell their things and get second jobs to make ends meet.

Good idea, bad idea: McDonald's doesn't think its employees should eat the food they serve
Good idea, bad idea: McDonald's doesn't think its employees should eat the food they serve
The advice is given with graphics depicting the ‘unhealthy choice’ and the ‘healthier choice.’ McDonald’s own food is in the former column.

Despite featuring a vast array of deep fried delicacies, the Golden Arches reminds employees that ‘avoiding items that are deep fried are your best bet.’

The sensible advice also tells McWorkers to ‘limit the extras such as cheese, bacon and mayonnaise.’ Tasty add-ons that are staples of many menu items they serve on a daily basis.
A hamburger, fries and soda are warned against, because ‘eating a diet high in fat puts people at rick for becoming overweight.’

Many locations offer steep food discounts and short breaks to employees, virtually forcing them to eat the unhealthy food, often forcing the hand of workers without the time or means to eat elsewhere.

Solid advice: Don't eat at McDonald's
Solid advice: Don't eat at McDonald's
‘It is hard to eat a healthy diet when you eat at fast-food restaurants often,’ the advice continues. ‘Many foods are cooked with a lot of fat, even if they are not trans fats. Many fast-food restaurants do not offer any lower-fat foods.’

The world’s largest fast food chain wants employees to eat elsewhere.
‘Eat at places that offer a variety of salads, soups, and vegetables,’ the site says.

This advice comes after a series of tips telling employees find second jobs, apply for food stamps and sell their things to weather a financial crisis.

The site also gave advice on how to tip au pairs, doormen, personal trainers and pool boys.
A spokesperson told CNBC that the website has been ‘taken entirely out of context.'

Read more:
McResource Line
Posts on McDonald's employee site bash fast food

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Eyewitness to Hitler Warns Americans: “Keep Your Guns and Buy More Guns”

by Kimberly Paxton
The Daily Sheeple
December 18, 2013

Editor’s Note from Infowars.com: The warning signs are everywhere. History has shown us exactly what happens to the citizenry of nations who are disarmed by their governments. The comparisons between Nazi-controlled Austria and a socialist-controlled America are frightening. But this time it’s different right? It could never happen in the Land of the Free…

Watch the speech, read every word and share with friends, family, and those who don’t know any better.

[The Daily Sheeple] - When Katie Worthman was a little girl in Austria, she witnessed firsthand Adolph Hitler’s rise to power and the Soviet communist occupation that followed. She also witnessed, for decades, the distortions of the media when it came to the reporting of the events.

From her eyewitness perspective, Worthman said that the whole thing didn’t happen overnight, in a brutal attack, like the media portrays it, but rather, it evolved into a dictatorship gradually, over a period of a few years. Hitler didn’t come across as someone evil, to be feared, initially. ”In the beginning, Hitler didn’t look like, or talk like a monster at all. He talked like an American politician.”

Here are some things that occurred in Austria, according to Worthman, that just might look familiar to Americans:
     Hitler was elected with 98% of the vote.
     Hitler destroyed the existing medical system when he brought a national healthcare plan into      being.
     First, people were forced to register their guns to cut down on crime.
     Then they were forced to turn them in or risk capital punishment for keeping them.

Worthman’s eyewitness account is eerily reminiscent of what we can see going on in the United States today.

     “In 1938, the media reported that Hitler rode into Austria with tanks and guns and took us            over. Not true at all,” she says. “The Austrian people elected Hitler by 98% of the vote by   
     means of the ballot box. Now you might ask how could a Christian nation… elect a monster 
     like Hitler. The truth is at the beginning Hitler didn’t look like or talk like a monster at all. He 
     talked like an American politician.<

     “We also had gun registration. All the Austrian people… had guns. But the government said, 
     ‘the guns are very dangerous. Children are playing with guns. Hunting accidents happen    
     and we really have to have total controlled safety. And we had criminals again. And the only 
     way that we can trace the criminal was by the serial number of the gun.’

     “So we dutifully went to the police station and we registered our guns. Not long after they 
     said, ‘No, it didn’t help. The only way that we won’t have accidents and crimes [is] you bring 
     the guns to the police station and then we don’t have any crimes anymore and any 
     accidents. And if you don’t do that: capital punishment.’

     “So that’s what we did. So dictatorship didn’t happen overnight. It took five years. Gradually, 
     little by little to escalate up to a dictatorship.

     “When the people fear the government, that’s tyranny. But when the government fears the 
     people… that’s liberty. Keep your guns. Keep your guns and buy more guns.”

Now 84, Katie Worthman is warning America, her adopted country, in the hopes that history does not repeat itself. Watch her powerful presentation below. If you don’t want to go buy more ammo after that, then you aren’t paying attention.

Kimberly Paxton, a staff writer for the Daily Sheeple, is based out of upstate New York.
This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in digital form with full attribution to the author and a link to www.TheDailySheeple.com.