Sunday, April 14, 2013

Israel gets away with another war crime...what mockery of human rights and international law

Palestinian men gather around a crater caused by an Israeli air strike on the al-Dallu family's home in Gaza City on November 18, 2012. (AFP Photo / Marco Longari)
Palestinian men gather around a crater caused by an Israeli air strike on the al-Dalou family's home in Gaza City on November 18, 2012. (AFP Photo / Marco Longari)
Israel justified the killing of the al-Dalou family of 10 along with 2 neighbors in the Nov 18 airstrike on their 3 story home during 8-day Israeli offensive into Gaza (Operation Pillar of Defense) and decided NOT to investigate the attack as "Israeli forces did not violate the laws of war or commit any criminal acts in the attack." Well thats just nice and dandy ain`t it, you can just go on and kill just about anyone without any hint of repercussion from the international community. When will this wanton aggression stop if ever?

The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) said on Sunday that they were informed of this decision. 'The group stated that the Israeli verdict proved its inquiry was a “smokescreen” to provide “systematic cover for widespread violations of international law.' The PCHR called Israel's decision “a mockery of victims’ rights and international law” and rightfully so. 

The IDF Military Advocate General's (MAG) Corps who issued the decision stated, after examining the claims of alleged violations by the Israeli military during the November offensive on Gaza  “...that there was no basis to open a criminal investigation or to take any additional measures,” the report published on the IDF website reads.

And of course the blame game and flip-flopping on the facts ensued, with Israel’s chief military spokesperson Yoav Mordechai claiming it was the home of a 'known head Hamas rocket unit' as cited by Reuters and only days later saying a member of al-Dalou family was target of the raid. Army spokeswoman Avital Leibovich told AFP on November 27 the father of al-Dalou family was 'affiliated with Hamas` military wing,' "there was no mistake from the IDF."

Then, Leibovich later denied she had identified Muhammad al-Dalou as the target, surprise...surprise. “What I said is that the targets we picked were not innocent civilians,” she told Maan News Agency, refusing to comment on WHO exactly was targeted and whether the person was killed or not.

What deception and utter disregard of human life. And they have the gall to call it 'collateral damage' in the report? Seems like collateral damage is as routine as anything now

“We are calling on the Palestinian leadership to sign and ratify the Rome Statute, become a member of the ICC and ask the prosecutor to open an investigation into Israeli violations of international Human Rights and Humanitarian Law,” the rights advocate concluded.

Just so if you all have forgotten, in November 2012, the eight-day Israeli offensive in Gaza killed about 170 Palestinians, including many women and children, and injured over 1,400 others that is WELL DOCUMENTED by world press organizations unlike our mainstream media here in the US.

The only thing at hand now of any use is for the Palestinian leadership to sign and ratify the Rome Statute, becoming a member of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and asking the prosecutor to open an investigation into Israeli violations of international human rights and humanitarian law that have gone unabated forever now. However, the issue at hand now is if the impotent lame duck Palestinian Authority (PA) headed by Mahmoud Abbass doesn`t refer this to UN ICC and other UN agencies, then he should resign and just give the Palestinian people their dignity and respect they finally deserve.

On the flip side, there is politics with the ICC in the Hague as we saw with Muammar Gaddafi and his 'alleged war crimes' against his people...thats for another time guys to comment on.

Read: Israel not to probe ‘unfortunate’ killing of 10 members of Gaza family (RT NEWS)

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