Sunday, March 23, 2014

What is REALLY going on with the Malaysia Airline MH370 flight search?

With the recent finding of 'possible flight debris in the Indian Ocean' revealed by Chinese satellites 960mi SW of Perth, which coincided with Austrailian Maritime Safety`s update of visual identification of debris - is nothing but a PR stunt. 

First, these images are from commercial satellites. You have to already think, spy reconnaissance satellites with high-quality resolution imagery have already been to the relevant search areas and scanned it...and the results are - who knows?

If there is indeed underwater debris, once visual confirmation is made of a crash in the ocean, then lets get over there. This would be a great task for the numerous highly qualified underwater treasure hunters out there in the world, with their submersibles it won`t take long. This would also be a great calling for the legendary James Cameron to use his extensive maritime experience in the search of underwater wreckage.

Now, along with many I`ll be surprised if 'they' already don`t know what the debris that's been imaged really is. I mean license plate numbers can be seen from space. Digital Globe, a commercial company that specializes in space imagery with our U.S. federal agencies as customers, who produce high-quality images that are always used to show new prison labor camps in North Korea or military installations in Iran - why aren`t their services being utilized?

On the other side, if MH370 hasn`t crash - where could it have gone? No one is looking west or even north-west. Now the plane didn`t go north most likely as being touted in the media, because people just don`t know or realize it is one of the most heavily radared area in the world. The south - towards Antarctica, possibly no.

No one can imagine the sheer horror the families of the missing flight are in. They deserve the utmost truth but will be whitewashed as in other incidents, a la the TWA Flight 800 tragedy. The families should press heavily on their respected governments and then private investigators because at this point the truth is - complicated.

Lastly, to comprehend the whole chain of events into the MH370 missing flight, one must contend this was a very sophisticated operation, possibly well funded with no advanced publicly reported updates by the U.S. intel community. Interestingly, the Israelis are quiet. They have a lot to loose if this plane is still out there and no one wishes that upon anyone. We would appreciate to hear anything from Israel concerning the flight if any.

Only time will tell in unraveling the truth.

March 23, 2014 0425CST

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