Thursday, April 14, 2011

Conflict in LIbya: What is this War Really About?

Is this really about the 'people' in Libya as the world powers claim or something more we all are just not focusing on?

Forward from InfoWars posting Ellen Brown`s article:

Note: As Ellen Brown writes in the following article, the war against Libya is not about Gaddafi’s treatment of protesters – it is about banking. Gaddafi refuses to play by the rules banksters impose on most of the rest of the world. Obama’s illegal war is also a continuation of the PNAC era plan to destroy Arab culture and force Muslims back into the stone age. Like Iraq before Bush Senior’s illegal invasion, Libya has an excellent health care system – thanks to its oil riches – and a remarkable civilian infrastructure for an African nation. Globalists and the neocon faction hate this and plan to turn Libya into a social and economic basket case like they did to Iraq, killing 1.5 million Iraqis in the process. The humanitarian chant we hear day in and day out in the corporate media is merely a thinly disguised pretense and cover for mass murder and destruction. –Kurt Nimmo

...What's the real meaning of Operation Odyssey Dawn, the U.S. code name for this latest act of western military aggression against a small Muslim country? Why is Libya's leader, Col. Muammar Gaddafi, suddenly being used to deflect world attention from the uprisings to US-NATO support of "democracy" in Libya and the "rescue" of its people?"...The Obama Administration and its British and French allies are frantically attempting to construct a viable puppet opposition to the Libyan government while they attack loyalist regions following the March 17 UN Security Council decision to establish a no-fly zone over Libya..."Washington did not succeed in toppling the Gaddafi government [in the 1980s-90s] but Libya did indeed go through 'regime change.' The regime itself shifted its domestic and international policies. It moved steadily to the right. In the last decade, it has adopted a variety of neoliberal reforms, embraced and collaborated with the Bush administration’s so-called war on terror, increasingly exported Libyan resources to invest in Italian corporations and banks, while becoming politically friendly with Italy's right-wing government of Silvio Berlusconi, and opened Libyan oil business to BP...The well being of Libya's people measures 0.755, the highest in Africa and a bit higher that of the much wealthier oil kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which measures 0.752. Annual per capita income is about $15,000. Over the past 30 years, Libya has steadily increased its welfare programs and standards of living to graduate into the UN's "High Human Development” category, another first in Africa. Urban areas are fairly modern. Education and healthcare are free. Agriculture is subsidized. For lower income families the government subsidizes food, electricity, water, and transportation....Col. Gaddafi is the perfect target, having been demonized by the West for decades as an authoritarian, and at times displaying character traits suggesting megalomania and instability. The American people were indoctrinated to hate him many years ago, so U.S. public opinion was already prepared for regime change. It was the same with Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in 2003, or Yugoslav President Slobodan Miloseviç in 1999, among many others. Demonize first, exaggerate second, attack third...Then on April 3, longtime analyst Michel Chossudovsky wrote on the Global Research website:

"There are various factions within the Libyan opposition: Royalists, defectors from the Gaddafi regime including the Minister of Justice and more recently the Foreign Minister, Moussa Moussa, members of the Libyan Armed Forces, the National Front for the Salvation of Libya (NFSL) and the National Conference for the Libyan Opposition (NCLO) which acts as an umbrella organization.
"Rarely acknowledged by the Western media, the Libya Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG - Al-Jamaa al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi Libya), is an integral part of the Libyan Opposition. The LIGF, which is aligned with al-Qaeda, is in the frontline of the armed insurrection."
Chossudovsky, an Emeritus Professor of Economics at Ottawa University, and director of Montreal's Centre for Research on Globalization, notes that the paramilitary LIFG was founded in Afghanistan by veteran Libyan Mujahedeens of the Soviet-Afghan war.... There are contradictory reports as to whether the LIFG is part of Al Qaeda or is acting as an independent jihadist entity. One report suggests that in 2007 the LIFG became 'a subsidiary of al Qaeda, later assuming the name of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM).'"
During its lifetime, "The LIFG was supported not only by the CIA and The British Secret Intelligence Service but also by factions within Libya's intelligence agency, led by former intelligence head and Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa, who defected to the United Kingdom in late March 2011." The full article is at
...US-NATO did not launch a war against Libya as a humanitarian gesture. If/when it removes the Gaddafi family from leadership and installs a replacement the allied military coalition will exercise decisive influence for many years to come, especially in oil concessions, privatizations and building contracts that enhance multinational corporations, air and military bases, a solid vote in the UN and other world organizations, and more.
Now did Gaddafi`s vision and plan of a Gold Dinar currency invite the U.S. and NATO to attack Libya? Possibly; lets remember Saddam announced Iraqi oil would be traded in euros instead of dollars and then the 2003 invasion occurred. Its not in the realm of possibility or imagination that the U.S. would of course would feel threatened, let alone the world bankers who really pull the strings and would rest power away from them. They just want a world that relies and relies only on the U.S. dollar for everything. Essentially there is nothing federal about the 'federal reserve' which really is a group of private bankers that 'loan money' to Uncle Sam and inevitably always in debt to them. Check the video by RT News concerning Gaddafi`s initiative on a gold-backed dinar currency that would trounce the dollar:

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