Press TV
Jul 3, 2012
Muslim massacre at Srebrenica in 1995, Image credit: Press TV
One of the most brutal incidents in recent history is the massacre at Srebrenica in 1995 by a paramilitary group known as "the Scorpions." We now have a top level witness and reams of official documents that categorically prove that it was NATO ordered, not only the Dutch "stand down" that led to the killings, but recruited, paid and controlled the Scorpions as well.
It was the trial of Ratko Mladic that may be the destruction of the ICC or at least should be. As Timothy Blanchford-Henchly points out in the Serbian SOS, "The Ratko Mladic trial at the farcical International Criminal Court - that travesty of justice and insult to international law which kidnaps people, illegally detains them and does not apply the principles of due process - has been interrupted indefinitely after the prosecution "forgot" to deliver thousands of pages of evidence to the defense."
It was this key evidence and this witness, now safely in Belarus that caused the ICC to stop the trial of Ratko Mladic, the "fall guy" documents show was "set up" by the French DRM in 70 communiqués we now hold.
ICC collapse at Ratco Mladic trial
The International Criminal Court at The Hague suffered a fatal blow when it was discovered in May 2012, during the trial of Ratco Mladic that something was very wrong. On May 16, 2012, the trial of Mladic, accused of heading a group called "the Scorpions," and murdering of up to 6000 Bosnian Muslims suddenly ended. Judges said it was because of "prosecutorial misconduct" in "withholding vital evidence that would have favored the defense. Documents were discovered that categorically proved the most fear mass murderers of recent years were not only not under Mladic's control, they never heard of him.
They were part of NATO.
That evidence is beyond top secret, well beyond and we have it, documents, testimony, evidence withheld by the ICC, the judges, the prosecutors, evidence that should lead to a new direction with new indictments. Problem is, as usual, the ICC targets "low hanging fruit" or takes "orders" and has yet to show the first signs of either independence or effectiveness.
The ICC feels no shame, itself being in a way, fully complicit "after the fact" in covering up the Srebrenica massacres. Currently, the primary goal of the ICC is to seem irrelevant, understandable, I guess.
Documents turned over to the government of Belarus by a Major of the French DRM, their "external intelligence agency." In an article from Pravda this week, we are given a broad picture of events in the Balkans that directly contradict much we have been told and places responsibility for the civil wars in the Balkans on Western powers.
BELGRADE - A French major, serving with their intelligence services, fled to Belarus with the evidence that war crimes committed in Srebrenica in 1995. The documents he presented shows that the “genocide” blamed on Serbians was organized by the American, British and French secret intelligence service, and carried out by a paramilitary group known as the "Scorpions" in order for the alleged genocide have accused the military and civilian officials of the Republic of Serbian (RS) - learned "Pravda."
According to our source, the major French military intelligence DRM has evidence that the wartime commander of the VRS Main Staff, Ratko Mladic was not aware of these activities. From the document, which is the possession of Belarus, the French officer requested and received political asylum on the June 29, 2012 in Minsk.
The documents clearly show that Naser Oric and all the commanders of the Army of Bosnia/Herzegovina (Muslim) in this part of eastern Bosnia were under constant control of the western intelligence services. Oric was the Bosnian Muslim commander in Srebrenica and was convicted by the ICC of war crimes against Serbs but found "not guilty" of broader crimes of ethnic cleansing.
Documents indicate that NATO misreported combat casualties, in this case numbering up to 6000 as civilian victims and credited their deaths to Scorpion units when, in fact, they were killed in combat with the Bosnian Serb army. However, this still doesn't mitigate the 4500 civilians killed; the Scorpions involved, but credit the command of Scorpion units to NATO commander and control.
Reason for coming forward
"Major TD" states that he is coming forward with the documents he secured, because he wishes the families of the victims of Srebrenica to know the full truth about who killed their loved ones and why. T.D. served as a Lieutenant in command of a DRM unit in Bosnia at the time and has direct personal knowledge of the events reported here and has, as we had stated previously, made himself available for testimony and offers his documentation for consideration by the prosecutors at the ICC.
TD states very simply, "I could not live with this burden on my conscience.
What we have are a number of iconic episodes.
1. Serbs were demonstrated to be beasts
2. NATO was seen to be the savior of mankind
3. The Netherlands was blamed for standing aside during a massacre, a nation of cowards
4. The "Scorpions" was a "sexed up" CIA/DRM/MI6 front group that could be used to conveniently victimize potential Serbian war criminals.
In truth, the Balkan wars after the fall of communism were among the most vicious in history. For every Kosovan killed by a Serb, a Serb was killed by a Kosovan. In fact, Kosovo and Albania have long been the home of the most powerful criminal organizations in the world.
They are now full partners with the CIA and NATO though the current president of Kosovo is an accused war criminal himself. In an article from Global Research, "The report, the existence of which has not been previously reported, was widely distributed among all NATO countries, according to former NATO sources interviewed by GlobalPost. And year after year as the nascent democracy of Kosovo struggled to move forward and Thaci rose to political prominence, more detailed allegations and intelligence reports, totaling at least four more between 2000 and 2009, would name Thaci, these sources add...
(click here to read the full article)
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