Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Wildebeest takes on 18ft killer crocodile ... who wins?

Survival of the fiercest: Wildebeest takes on 18ft killer crocodile... and there can be only one winner

July 10, 2012

As regular as the seasons themselves, herds of wildebeest make an annual migration across east Africa - following rainfall and the growth of new grass.

Exploiting this predictability, each year predators lay in wait until the migrating beasts come into their killing zone.

Day or night, death can come to the young, sick or simply unlucky members of the herd - swiftly from a single cheetah, or without mercy from a pride of lions or pack of hyenas.

Unsteady on his feet: The young wildebeest, already separated from the rest of the herd, is an easy target for the ever-watchful killers beneath the surface of the Mara River in Kenya
Unsteady on his feet: The young wildebeest, already separated from the rest of the herd, is an easy target for the ever-watchful killers beneath the surface of the Mara River in Kenya
Under attack: An 18ft Nile crocodile has targeted the young beast and is using its teeth to injure its prey, as well as its weight and strength to drag it beneath the surface
Under attack: An 18ft Nile crocodile has targeted the young beast and is using its teeth to injure its prey, as well as its weight and strength to drag it beneath the surface

Croc v wildebeest  Croc v wildebeest
Dance of death: The wildebeest tries to out-manoeuvre his attacker but has already been badly injured. At one point the crocodile's massive jaw span seems to be taking in the wildebeest's body

For this young male, the end came not on the plains but in one of Kenya's heaving rivers - delivered by one of nature's apex killing machines.

Like all in his herd, the doomed wildebeest was taking his chances crossing the Mara River in the Masai Mara reserve in Kenya.

Unfortunately for him, he walked straight into the path of an 18ft Nile crocodile - a species of predator so efficient that it has barely changed throughout evolution.

Dragged below: Exhausted and outweighed, the wildebeest eventually succumbs to the relentless onslaught
Dragged below: Exhausted and outweighed, the wildebeest eventually succumbs to the relentless onslaught
Horrific end: As more crocodiles join in the fight, the wildebeest is drowned and torn to pieces
Horrific end: As more crocodiles join in the fight, the wildebeest is drowned and torn to pieces 
The crocodile used its huge weight and strength to attack the beast as it was already caught off balance by the rushing water and uneven footing.

Its enormous jaw span virtually took in the entire wildebeest's body as the victim attempted in vain to escape the attack.

As more crocodiles joined in on the kill, the fight became hopeless...

(click here to read the full article and images)

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