Friday, January 6, 2012

Cute right?...Oh by the way, its been bred from 6 different animals

Scientists at the Oregon Primate Centre have created monkeys which each contain a cocktail of cells from other embryos. Scientists say they could help stem cell research - but animal campaigners are horrified.
image: DailyMail

First mixed-embryo monkeys are born in US
YahooNews/ AFP
January 5, 2012

US researchers said Thursday they have created the world's first mixed-embryo monkeys by merging cells from up to six different embryos, in what could be a big advance for medical research.

The breakthrough came when they mixed cells together from very early stage rhesus monkey embryos, in a state known as totipotent, when they are able to give rise to a whole animal as well as the placenta and other life-sustaining tissues.

...The experiment produced three healthy male rhesus monkeys they named Roku, Hex and Chimero, with gene traits from all of the separate embryos used to meld them.

"The cells never fuse, but they stay together and work together to form tissues and organs," said Shoukhrat Mitalipov (Oregon national Primate Research Center, OHSC). "The possibilities for science are enormous."

The research is published online ahead of the release of the January 20 issue of the journal Cell.
(click here to read the full article)

Roku, Hex and Chimero are the world’s first chimeric monkeys – created with genetic material from six ‘parents’. Named after the fire-breathing creature in Greek mythology composed of parts of multiple animals, chimeras are organisms made up of cells from two or more genetically distinct sources.

Named after the fire-breathing creature in Greek mythology composed of parts of multiple animals, chimeras are organisms made up of cells from two or more genetically distinct sources.
Rex and Hoku (DailyMail)

Scientists at the Oregon Primate Centre have created monkeys which each contain a cocktail of cells from other embryos. Scientists say they could help stem cell research - but animal campaigners are horrified.
Scientists at the Oregon Primate Centre have created monkeys which each contain a cocktail of cells from other embryos. Scientists say they could help stem cell research - but animal campaigners are horrified. (DailyMail)

Read '. . . meanwhile, meet the 'chimeric' monkeys made from the cells of SIX different animals article' on DailyMail

Roku and Hex from OHSU News on Vimeo.
Video courtesy of Vimeo, posted: Tue, Jan 3, 2012 2:56pm EST (Eastern Standard Time)


  1. wow so cute...yea well this is the 21st century, breakthroughs in science are going to happen, especially in the field of genetics. many might not agree with their ethics but they all are intended to save human lives down the road
