Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A perfectly good-looking $12 million dollar mansion right...so why it was leveled to the ground?

Here`s the $12 million dollar mansion Tiger Woods ex-wife Elin Nordegren got in the divorce settlement, situated in North Palm Beach, Florida:

Courtesy of Pacific Coast News

Now here`s the same mansion currently demolished and leveled down to the sand:

Courtesy of With Leather

So why was a perfectly $12 million dollar mansion razed to the ground? Was it a conspicuous display of wealth-yea I got so much money that I can break one down and build another 
$12 million dollar mansion? 

Well, actually it turns out that there was a perfectly good reason for demolishing the North Palm Beach, Fla., estate: termites! People magazine reported the 1920s-era mansion wasn`t in code of current hurricane safety codes, and with a termite infestation, it was enough in "blasting it down to the sand".

Elin has already filed plans with the Palm Beach County Department of Planning, Zoning and Building, indicating the new mansion will look a whole lot like the old one, plans for nine bedrooms, two kitchens, two jacuzzis, a pool cabana and a three-bedroom guest house.

source: http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/golf-devil-ball-golf/why-did-tiger-woods-ex-wife-level-12-171330450.html


  1. hahaha, those damn termites and hurricane codes huh, yea if we were filthy rich like that then we would decide to demolish the house and start from new too!

  2. yea dido rach, they got termite exterminators (1800-terminex)everywhere, and c`mon not up to code? wouldn`t it have been cheaper to get it up to code and get those termites out? But again, we`re not filthy rich like them so our opinions don`t count...
