Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Alas the merriment of this life distorts reality to those who live in ignorance of the past

What ye wonders?...with all the laughter and glitter in this life, not for once reckoning the consequences of thy actions and the passing of souls in ye lives to the delight and merriment of thy world! What sorrow be in store for them and fools they must be to think, this is all the world has to offer? The passing of souls yet to them is one in the same when alive - no difference, no recognition, love nor respect.

Lo! this generation do not ponder the previous generations who have preceeded us, for who perished from the very earth you walk on, boast, be arrogant, live your earthly desires to the fullest. The dead are not remembered anymore, for they are with their Lord and we will follow them soon enough. - RSA

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