Monday, June 25, 2012

The last laugh...

Do not be deceived by this dunya (this life), the last laugh will be with none other than the Lord of the Arsh and Kursi (Throne and Footstool). The last laugh will be with none other than the Lord of the Arsh and Kursi, because Rasulullah (peace be upon him) said 'You do as you please but remember, you will die the way you lived! You will die just like you lived, and you will be resurrected on the Day of Judgement just like you died."

Just as it is hoped that Allah (SWT)  will honor the individual who gives preference to the akhirah (afterlife) over the dunya (this world), it is feared one who gives preference to the dunya over the akhirah and rejects the teachings of Allah and His prophet (Muhammad, SAW), and neglects his obligation to Allah and His prophet (Muhammad SAW), it is feared that Allah will disgrace him at the time of death. Allah will disgrace him at the time of death! 

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